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10,000 Birds
It is hard not to be sexist when you only see a female Fire-breasted Flowerpecker. eBird rubs it in, talking about the “brilliantly red patch like a bloodstain…
Which bird species do you think is the biggest attraction to visitors of your lodge (please only name one species)? White-bearded Manakin What is the name of…
Rufous-bellied Woodpecker, Pujiang Town, Shanghai, January 04, 2025 Eurasian Wryneck, Nanhui, Shanghai, April 08, 2021 Speckled Piculet, Botanical Garden…
The days are getting noticeably longer now. The sun sets after 630pm and the Upper Rock Nature Reserve is looking lush and green, thanks to the autumn rains.
So, a Big Year in Rotterdam… which birds will we be able to see? As the city has the largest port in the world (in area, in freight volume there are now many…
This post was originally published on February 09, 2019. It is republished in our new “From the Archives” series, by which we want to draw attention to our vast…
In Germany, the last wild living Ural Owl was shot in 1926, though there has been a reintroduction program in Bavaria that started in the 2000s.
Birdwatching is all about timing. Sometimes you get it right, but sometimes you don’t. Last week my companion Andrew and I set off for the Suffolk coast in the…
I first remember being introduced to the field of island biogeography in a dark, empty lecture hall at Oregon State University in an advanced biology course.
Birds one should have seen but hasn’t are often called nemeses. But what do we call a bird we have seen, but can’t photograph well? How about “photonemeses”.
As animal numbers plummet, we face difficult conversations with children about what it means to lose a species. The creative team of Tony Piedra and Mackenzie…
For human beings, watching large flocks of birds migrate is an awe-inspiring spectacle. But, should a bird stay or should it go? Whether they migrate or not…
In the Pronojiwo area of East Java, there is an unassuming hide at the edge of a village. It hosts two species of kingfishers. One is the Blue-eared Kingfisher…
What is your favorite bird species? Ahh, I have so many! Being here on Bonaire in the Dutch Caribbean, we have many beautiful birds…
Which bird species do you think is the biggest attraction to visitors of your lodge (please only name one species)? Swallow-tailed Cotinga What is the name of…
Sulawesi has two species of hornbills. Both are more or less endemic to Sulawesi (give or take a few islands nearby), and both are listed as Vulnerable.
I’m sitting on the edge of the Doñana wetland in south-west Spain. The sea mists have driven into the coast but it’s mild. As the day wakes up…
Grandala, Balangshan, Sichuan, China, June 08, 2023 Eurasian Tree Sparrow, Lake Kussharo, Hokkaido, Japan, February 18 , 2024 Snow Bunting, Wuerqihan…
I visited Vilanculos once with my family, mainly to do the things most people do when visiting this site – enjoying the coast, eating great fish and snorkelling.
What kinds of posts do we have on 10,000 Birds, and when are they published? Probably not a question many of you will ask a lot, but we will answer it anyway.
This post was originally published on September 25, 2010. It is republished in our new “From the Archives” series, by which we want to draw attention to our…
The weather forecast was grim, and the reality was even worse: New Year’s Day 2025 was horrible, starting with gale-force winds, then giving way…
The Snow Bunting seems to have quite a fanbase, as demonstrated by a 12-page newsletter dedicated to the species. Another scientific paper makes a similar…
Birding grows in the Mexican state of Michoacán.
The most unpromising landscapes – see the picture above – can hold the most interesting birds: larks. Like us humans, larks hail from Africa and like us…
Another rather northern question, but why don’t ducks’ feet – with their thin webs – freeze to the ice? Obviously, like everything else these days: because of…
For the winter months, we switch from snow and cold to sunshine and palm trees. The locals call us Canadian Snowbirds, as we settle into our rental condo in…
Responsible and Respectful Birding/Bird Photography in 2025: I was not planning to write a post on this topic, but a few days ago I found myself thumbing…
What is your favorite bird species? This is a lovely question and one that I have been asked many times before by guests on tour. “I love all the birds of the…
In about five weeks, a group of thickly-clad birders carrying scopes, cameras, and binoculars will gather on the shore of Lake Michigan, at North Point Marina…
Apologies for this week’s late posting. I woke up in the middle of the night with a Blackbird (Turdus merula) persistently singing from a tree outside.
Almost every year, Shanghai seems to have one or several Verditer Flycatchers. This year, one made the mistake of visiting a relatively accessible park with a…
Which bird species do you think is the biggest attraction to visitors of your lodge (please only name one species)? Tui (Prosthemderma novaeseelandiae).
This post was originally published on May 25, 2013. It is republished in our new “From the Archives” series, by which we want to draw attention to our vast back…
New Year’s resolutions are my Achilles’ heel: I have no vices to quit. I don’t drink much on Tuesdays, I don’t smoke, and I recycle. For the coming year…
Ask any British birdwatcher to name their least favourite birds and the chances are high that the Common Pheasant, Phasianus colchicus, will top the list.
Serious birders may have an obsessive interest in birds, but as we all know one thing they don’t like are birds which, they believe, aren’t properly wild.
The migration of North America’s Monarch Butterflies (Danaus Plexippus Plexippus) is one of the wonders of the natural world. Unlike our feathered friends’…
Welcome to the very first posting of the 10,000 Birds blog. As thrilled as you undoubtedly are, I am even more so. This is my first web log and my first attempt…
It is not true that voting is not allowed in China. I asked about 10 Chinese birders about the best Chinese provinces for birding and did not run into any…