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10,000 Birds
What is your favorite bird species? Resplendent Quetzal … and Eurasian Roller What is your name, and where do you live? Gabor Orban – during the last 20 years I…
Alan Goldsmith is an accountant and a fairly keen birder. He has been on multiple trips – mostly around Europe- and has a particular interest in the ecology of…
Which bird species do you think is the biggest attraction to visitors of your lodge (please only name one species)? Pel’s Fishing Owl What is the name of your…
There are two species of pittas on Halmahera. One is the North Moluccan Pitta, Erythropitta rufiventris. It is one of the 14 species in the genus Erythropitta…
This week has seen the first big push in the spring migration here at Gibraltar. It’s not been easy for the birds, strong winds and rain having interrupted the…
Lesser Adjutant, Parit Jawa, West Malaysia, 2018 Brahminy Kite, Singapore, 2014 Great Egret, Singapore, 2014 Photos by Lawrence Chia…
Marakele National Park has some of the most stunning scenery in South Africa. It is also very contrasting, with thorny scrub in some areas and steep rocky hills…
This post was originally published on May 12, 2020. It is republished in our new “From the Archives” series, by which we want to draw attention to our vast back…
While the scientific name of the Snowy Owl, Bubo scandiacus suggests that the species has a specific connection to Scandinavia, it really has a circumpolar…
Federal public lands in the U.S. provide excellent birding, particularly in National Wildlife Refuges and National Parks. A less heralded category is National…
The French ornithologist Jean Delacour, writing in The Waterfowl of the World Vol I, describes the Lesser Whitefront as being a “very much prettier bird than…
One of my birding buddies gets a birthday wish, when we see our first Black-capped Vireo.
We all have them: binoculars. Here are the most common mistakes. Too cheap – I started my birdwatching career with an old, 8x pair of binoculars.
The short answer: absolutely. Birds get lost all the time. Their built-in GPS may still be a mystery to us, but it isn’t infallible. Long distance migrants like…
Everyone loves Clam Pass Beach in Naples, Florida. Wander there during low tide on a sunny day, and see who is hanging around the beach.
A memoir is a very special type of book, the stories of a life told with a particular goal or from a specific point of view. A good memoir gives insight into…
What is your favorite bird species? I have 2 favorites here in Florida, the Red-cockaded Woodpecker for being rare, unique in their behaviors…
For over 16 years, I had called Geneva, Switzerland home, yet I never once thought of it as a birding destination. Geneva, to me, was a city of diplomacy…
Down here, in Gibraltar and its hinterland, spring migration is now in full swing. Short-toed Snake Eagles (Circaetus gallicus) are among the stars right now…
Which bird species do you think is the biggest attraction to visitors of your lodge (please only name one species)? The absolute superstar is, undoubtedly…
After missing a Rufous-bellied Woodpecker three times in January, I finally saw it in February. eBird is impressed, calling it a beautiful woodpecker.
Snow Bunting, Jökulsarlon, Iceland, January 22, 2025 Common Eider, near Höfn, Iceland, January 24, 2025 Greylag Goose, Jökulsarlon, Iceland, January 22…
This post was originally published on December 25, 2022. It is republished in our “From the Archives” series, by which we want to draw attention to our vast…
Urban birding is not without its challenges. For those of us foolish enough to go for a Big Year in a city the road is long and winding. That may be a bit over…
It sometimes seems as if every bird species in the world has at least one location where it is easy to see, however difficult it might be elsewhere.
We are are fast approaching my favourite time of the year. In January I look for the first snowdrops to appear, in February it’s the first daffodils to bloom in…
At some point or other, we have all felt the desperate need to infuriate a birder. But what to say? Here are twelve statements almost guaranteed to annoy a…
Hummingbirds are wonderful to see in the field. But their irridescence produces unique challenges for photographers.
The islands of the Lesser Antilles are famous for shorelines bordered by white sand and lapped gently at by vivid turquoise water. Further inland (not much…
This is an interesting question, and while ChatGPT or All About Birds will give you a fairly straightforward answer, the reality seems more complicated.
What is your favorite bird species? Swallow-tailed Kite – they’re so graceful and in our area they’re migratory, we often see the first ones for my son’s…
Which bird species do you think is the biggest attraction to visitors of your lodge? It’s hard to choose just one, as we boast the highest density of birds…
As we all know, butterflies like warmth and sunshine, so I didn’t expect to find many during my recent visit to Mallorca. I did manage to see nine species…
I don’t think the Sulawesi Pitta and I will ever become close friends. Sorry to say that. Here is why. Given that there are a few papers out on the economic…
During our time of living in Pretoria in South Africa, we occasionally made trips to Cape Town and the surrounding regions. As none of us enjoyed overly long…
After an entirely fruitless first night looking for owls, we were much more successful on the second night, getting good views of two of our three target…
I was on Tenerife, Canary Islands, last week and I took the opportunity to stay a couple of days longer to revisit some old haunts. As with most volcanic…
This post was originally published on September 22, 2015. It is republished in our new “From the Archives” series, by which we want to draw attention to our…
Short-toed Tree Creeper (Certhia brachydactyla), January 9, 2025, Cantalejo-Segovia – Spain (VultourNaturaleza Hides) Common Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita)…
I am aware that videos have gotten very much out of fashion. Humans have recently mastered still photography despite the massive technological obstacles.