Science & Technology
Culture & Art
Science & Technology
Culture & Art
There's nothing quite like a funny content when you're feeling down. It can brighten up your day and make you forget about your troubles. Whether it's a hilarious video, a funny meme or just a funny story, laughter is the best medicine. So next time you're feeling low, make sure to check out some funny contents on the internet. It might just be the pick-me-up you need.
Is the US a nation of psychopaths who have chosen to elect a president who aligns with their own disturbed and deranged mind-set? From their celebration of lawlessness in the Old West to their obsession with personal ownership of lethal weapons as a personal right, the average American exhibits many of the key traits of the psychopath...
Silver Spring, MD – The General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists has issued an emergency memo to members worldwide, pleading with them not to emulate the “attention-hungry House Democrats” by …
Using tiny satellite tracking harnesses, the Cat Tracker Project has enrolled more than 500 cats in a program that will outfit them with Global Positioning System devices. The Boston Globe “Is Okie lost–again?” I was pretty excited to be chosen to test drive CatTrack, the state-of-the-art global positioning system for cats. It would…
Today, we look at a simple bit of bad code. The badness is not that they're using Oracle, though that's always bad. But it's how they're writing this PL/SQL stored function: FUNCTION CONVERT_STRING_TO_DATE --Public (p_date_string IN Varchar2, p_date_format IN Varchar2 DEFAULT c_date_format) Return Date AS BEGIN If p_date_string Is Null Then Return Null; Else Return To_Date(p_date_string, p_date_format); End If; END; -- FUNCTION CONVERT_STRING_DATE