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Why Smart Leaders Run Their Organizations With Dignity | Digital Tonto

In "Seeing Around Corners," Columbia Business School’s Rita McGrath emphasizes how important it is for leaders to get more visibility at the edges. When you’re at the center, you are insulated in ways you’re not aware of and there are going to be things that you don’t see. A striking example of these blind spots occured when Portuguese colonists first came across manioc in South America. They were perplexed by the elaborate, multi-day process the indigenous people followed to prepare it. Some steps, like boiling the raw tuber to eliminate its bitterness and prevent digestive issues, appeared practical. Others seemed superstitious. What the Portuguese didn’t realize was that they were seeing survivors—those who had inherited generations of hard-won knowledge about manioc’s dangers. As it turns out, manioc, if not properly processed, has low levels of cyanide, which accumulate over time and cause chronic poisoning. Those who ignored these traditions had died out. When the Portuguese streamlined the process to gain efficiency, they slowly poisoned entire populations, which is a great metaphor for what happens when leaders fail to treat people with dignity. Just like the Portuguese ignored generations of knowledge, leaders who dismiss long-standing institutional wisdom often pay a heavy price. They cut themselves off from crucial channels of information. Eventually that catches up to you. Linus's law states, “given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow.” But the opposite is also true. Without enough eyeballs, all dangers are potentially lethal. That’s why it's so important to treat people with dignity. When you empower those around you, they are that much more capable of delivering the performance you need to compete.