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Science & Technology
Culture & Art
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Sigh, it’s December 4 and I’m just now writing this. That tells you what my month was like. Yes, I’ll get some affiliate links in here, maybe probably will be added in later. Week 1 We’ll start off with this fun little rock telling me to smile. Someone in my neighborhood is painting rocks and […]
This is very weird to write with you off at college. It just makes it seem so much more surreal to write this post with you far away. In many ways it feels like you are already “a full-grown adult,” and then there are times where it is so very clear you are not. Mainly […]
I’m starting this on November 1, that tells you what the month was like. In my head I started this several times. I don’t know why I never actually typed it up. (there are affiliate links in here) Week 1 Huh, I went to add in the collage I very much remember creating only to […]
September is busy. I don’t know why I thought life would calm down once the kids were in college. Can anyone tell me why I thought that would happen? I clearly was delusional. (there are affiliate links) Week 1 This is going to be all out of order in my telling. I’ll start ith the […]
I’m back to teaching Sunday School and in my current class, we have an extended time for crafts AND a bigger craft budget so I get to plan bigger and more fun crafts for our Bible lessons. We’re almost done with our study of the Divided Israel, and we learned about Hezekiah last week. One […]
Ummmm I made the picture and then wrote nothing, oh boy, here goes (there are probably affiliate links in here) Week 1 Apparently I lied and I didn’t have this one put together. I’ll plead being partially sick most of this week (I’m writing on June 22). We finished off The Artist’s Stars & Stripes […]