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Scientists recently discovered the "Gibellula attenboroughii" fungus, which infects cave-dwelling spiders across Ireland and Northern Ireland.
A 69-million-year-old skull fossil of Vegavis iaai, a prehistoric bird from the Cretaceous Period, suggests modern birds co-existed with dinosaurs.
"The aroma and flavor are incredible. I’m emotional," tweeted Seamus Blackley about his baking experiment with the ancient Egyptian yeast.
Commonly known as the Siberian unicorn, Elasmotherium sibiricum was a prehistoric rhinoceros that roamed the grasslands of Eurasia until 39,000 years ago.
On February 14, 1990, the NASA space probe Voyager 1 took a photo of Earth from over 3 billion miles away that's known as the "Pale Blue Dot."
"The fact that we can't [determine whether it's wolf or dog] might suggest that it's from a population that was ancestral to both — to dogs and wolves."
Scientists tracking the movement of Earth's magnetic north pole have discovered a dramatic shift in its location away from Canada and toward Siberia.
A team of young scientists in California has taken the first known photos of the Mount Lyell shrew, an elusive species that lives in the Sierra Nevadas.
Soil samples in western Antarctica revealed roots, pollen, and spores, providing evidence of a prehistoric rainforest from the Cretaceous era.
The head of the wolf features perfectly-preserved shaggy hair, soft-tissue, and a still-snarling mouth. Researchers hope to analyze its DNA.
Scientists identified "Bathynomus vaderi," which can weigh up to two pounds, while studying sea bugs sold in Vietnamese markets as delicacies.
A melting ice patch on Beartooth Plateau in the Rocky Mountains revealed a prehistoric forest containing more than 30 dead whitebark pine trees.
Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann synthesized lysergic acid diethylamide in 1938 — then had the first intentional acid trip on April 19, 1943 while bicycling home.
University of Oxford researcher Tim Coulson claimed that octopuses are the animals most likely to build civilizations if humans disappear.
Fossils of the "alien plant" Othniophyton elongatum found in Utah revealed that the prehistoric species isn't part of any known modern or extinct family.
Researchers created a replica of the Nebra Sky Disk using a "hot forging" process, illustrating how advanced Early Bronze Age smithing techniques were.
A recent study found that feeding cows seaweed supplements reduced their methane emissions by nearly 40 percent without harming the animals.
A Stanford professor known for his controversial 1971 experiment that examined people's relationship with authority, Philip Zimbardo died on October 14, 2024 at the age of 91.
Research into basalt samples from the far side of the Moon reveal volcanic eruptions 2.8 billion years ago.
Consisting of a billion polyps stretching across 111 feet, the newly-discovered largest coral on Earth is big enough to be seen from space.
The Texas coastline was home to one of the most biodiverse assortment of animals on Earth, which included rhinoceros and prehistoric dogs.
The Tasmanian tiger has been extinct for decades, but one company believes it's close to bringing the lost species back to life.
The mouths of leatherback sea turtles are lined with spikes called papillae that prevent any prey they've partially swallowed from escaping.
Thomas Kwan, a doctor in England, disguised himself as a nurse and injected his mother's partner, Patrick O'Hara, with poison disguised as a COVID booster.
New research and 120 hours of video footage show that octopuses hunt alongside various fish — and punch those that don't cooperate.
Scientists identified the 46,000-year-old specimen as a horned lark species, which they believe could be an ancestor of modern larks.
Dr. Newman, a demographer at University College London, found clerical errors and pension fraud behind the longevity claims of blue zones.
A camper in Quebec was playing with Google Maps when he found a potential meteorite impact crater near Magpie, Quebec.
A Cheetos bag discarded in Carlsbad Caverns spread mold across the Big Room, wreaking havoc on the cave's ecological system.
In the 1960s, a NASA-funded experiment led to an intimate relationship between researcher Margaret Howe Lovatt and a dolphin named Peter.
The study found that the brain creates at least three copies of a single memory by storing them in different neuron groups.
A new study found that humpback whales make tools to catch their prey, putting them on an elite list of tool users in the animal kingdom.
In 1977, astronomers captured a mysterious space signal that went unexplained for 50 years. Now, researchers believe they know its origin.
From evil science experiments to serial killers to the paranormal, see history's creepiest photos — and learn their haunting backstories.
A team of scientists worked together to reconstruct the face of a teenager using a 9,000-year-old skull found in Greece.
A new analysis of videos of chimpanzees recorded between the 1960s and mid-2000s reveals that the great apes may be capable of human speech.
Taken by the most powerful X-ray telescope ever built, these images of galaxies and nebulae in our universe are stunningly beautiful.
The body of a spade-toothed whale, the rarest whale in the world, washed up in New Zealand, offering scientists a chance to examine it.
Scans of a pit on the moon from 2010 showed the entrance to a tunnel under the moon's surface that could provide shelter to future humans.
In 2013, fossil collector Nick Chase discovered the most complete fossil found in the U.K. in a century, and it's now been dubbed Comptonatus chasei.