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Science & Technology
Culture & Art
Interested to know what is really happening in the job market and what the world of work will look like in the future? Watch this fantastic discussion panel moderated by David Southwick MP between Andrew Bassat (CEO and co founder of Seek) and Morris Miselowski (business futurist and strategist). I found their optimisim and insights helpful in guiding what you can be doing to best position yourself for work now and into the future.
It's like playing the card game Snap. You have less than 6 seconds and whoever can match the job advertisement the quickest gets an interview. Yes, this means you have to be one of the first to apply and also the wording in your resume and your experience MUST match the job advertisement very closely, if not exactly. AI-enabled systems scan applications quickly and work out if you are a good fit. Get in touch if you want more information on how you should be applying for jobs in 2018.
Rethinking your career during Corona? Read this article. What isn't different about changing careers now is the need to be curious, experimental and open to risk. It speaks to how important it is to be able to have thinking time, even though others might perceive this as unproductive. In my years helping people to change careers I have found having someone you are accountable to and someone who supports you on the journey key, it is so easy to fall back into 'what you have always done' never min
This is a great nifty tool, especially for those reconsidering their careers, wanting to know their options or just want to know the skills they might have built up over their career. The Skills Match tool can assist you to identify your skills, then presents you with new job ideas that your skills may be transferable into. Check it out and let's discuss your plan moving forward!
"I feel like I was kicked out!" Sadly, this is what a client told me this week when describing how they felt after their position was made redundant. Making roles redundant during Covid is made even harder as you know your staff are going to have to deal with finding a new role in very uncertain times and the emotional impact can be greater. How are you showing empathy and appreciation for departed employees? You and your staff should not be made to feel like tossed out rubbish. I am happy to sh
This is a great initiative, Jobs For Australia, is a not for profit that aims to match jobseekers with employment opportunities, while working to help businesses redeploy or hire workers. It is also calling on talent acquisition and HR professionals impacted by COVID-19 to lend their skills and experience to help jobseekers and employers through the crisis.
Sometimes when deciding to start your own business it comes more down to whether you are more suited to being an employee or being self- employed. If you enjoy complete autonomy, find it hard to belong, are not suited to playing politics, feel tortured by performance reviews or don't want to toe the line all the time then maybe self-employment is for you. Self-employment may also be the best option for you if your work skills are not 'typical' of what might be expected in a work place, for exam
LinkedIn is offering fantastic resources that can help you adapt to working virtually and searching for jobs in today's Covid market. Check out their AI interviewing tool, resources for working remotely including time management when working from home, executive presence on video calls and their up to date job search resources including digital networking strategies and video interviewing tips. Be in touch so I can share all the links with you.
I'm working with some very talented people at the moment, who are open to great opportunities. Look through the list below as I would be happy to connect you with people seeking roles in these areas: - Account Manager/ Relationship Manager - Director of HR - General Manager - CEO - CFO - Organisational Behaviour / Change Manager - Business Manager - PM Coordinator - Senior Marketing Manager (brand) - Financial Controller - Marketing or Sales administration - Work Health and Safety - Customer Suc
Wanting to change your workplace culture? Wanting to make a positive impact on employee engagement? Perhaps rethink how you refer to your 'staff' or 'employees' - are they 'colleagues' or 'team members' or as as the late founder of IKEA Ingvar Kamprad used to say 'co-workers'? Simply changing how you refer to people can help to breakdown hierarchies and let everyone know they have an important role. Build a culture not a hierarchy!
Look after your mental health with LinkedIn Learning's free resources that help you to navigate the changing world of work. This set of unlocked courses will help you build skills and strategies to understand and better manage stress and overwhelm.
Learn a new skill, FREE #DataGirls workshops in Melbourne 11 July 2017! Join hundreds of Data Girls and use this opportunity to learn about data analytics from experts for free, no experience required. This workshop is tailored to complete novices and is exclusive for women. Hoping it encourages more women to consider a career in data analytics, where diversity is so needed!
Remember to search widely when looking for a job, Seek and LinkedIn are great but there are other job search platforms where a job might get posted that wouldn't get posted on those most popular platforms, for example, are you using Facebook to search for jobs? Get in touch with me and I can share some alternative job boards that you might just be missing out on during this crucial time.