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Culture & Art
Science & Technology
Culture & Art
Every human life and its unique set of experiences is a matter of perspective, especially for the one living it, and we, or our experiences, can shift this outlook at any given moment, which can change everything. For example, when an unexpected “crisis” occurs, shifting us into survival mode; our thoughts, feelings, and range of perceived moreabout MY RECENT EXPERIENCES WITH “ALLERGIC ASTHMA”: Comorbidity, Iatrogenesis, and Spiritual Perspectives
Extreme traumas, such as those experienced from war, sexual assault, and natural or man-made disasters; often have lingering effects that reach far beyond those that are commonly understood. Many can functionally recover, having learned how to manage familiar situations, as long as they keep the stress level down and maintain sufficient control over their lives. moreabout When Trauma and Vulnerability Decide to Dance
Many things are just a shifted thought away.All My Love, All My Days, All Ways “Scintillating ballets of ardently choreographed magic, crackling, popping, and flickering into her edgy preoccupation; sooty specters wafting fragrantly toward the harvest moon’s prenatal party, celebrating the fluffy, flaky ice queens’ eminent deliveries; radiating warmth caressing, and then fervently entering moreabout 2023 Wrapped Around A 2024 Map: Intensive Couples Therapy In Hawaii
In the U.S. alone, there is 1 death by suicide every 11 minutes, and for those age 10-34 it is a leading cause of death. These trends are echoed globally, and we can each do our part and turn the tide. All My Love, All My Days, All Ways - First Sketch International Suicide Hotline Numbers Darkness moreabout “The Girl Next Door” — Suicide Prevention — Art for Life
Each human life is an applied course within the curriculum for the soul. It can be likened to a holographic training program designed to offer a variety of life lessons. It is not who we are. It is a set of experiences created for the edification of our spirit. Our human form is the sensor moreabout A Curriculum for the Soul
Music is considered by many to be one of the oldest healing remedies known to humankind. History Of Music Therapy In “”Music Therapy: From Antiquity to Today,” its mellifluous evolution can be traced back at least 35,000 years. L. Samuel Gracida says “Notions of music therapy go back for thousands of years. ‘The use of moreabout A Natural Country Remedy