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American System Now
Yes, FDR's Legacy Should be Revived argues that the abandonment of FDR's policies are a major cause of our real economic crises today.
Dr. King Demanded Economic Justice for All Americans discusses his call for an Economic Bill of Rights which would end poverty.
1775: Americans Take the Lead Against Slavery recounts Anthony Benezet's founding of the Pennsylvania Abolition Society, and more.
1775: Year of Revolution discusses the revolutionary shift during that year, as local committees literally took over their governments.
Patrick Henry's Famous Address Re-enacted reports on the context and contains the content of his Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death speech
Lafayette Honored at Joint Session of Congress recounts the Dec. 10, 1824 event where he was the first foreign dignitary to be so honored.
Please Help Me Celebrate My Birthday is an appeal to spread the circulation of the books on Alexander Hamilton by Nancy Bradeen Spannaus
Lafayette's 1824 Tour and the American System unveils the Frenchman's role in supporting leading fighters for Hamilton's policies.
Sign Up for a New Class on FDR offers an upcoming 2-lecture class by Nancy Spannaus, plus excerpts of FDR's attacks on money power in 1936.
Introducing The Columbian Orator describes the role of a book on public speaking in inspiring great American statesmen and a generation.
New Video on America's Fight against Slavery reports the posting of Nancy Spannaus's talk on her book Defeating Slavery to the AHA Society.
:A Republic, If You Can Keep It" features George Washington's September 19 letter to the American people on how to do just that.
Calling American History Lovers is an invitation to two upcoming events by Nancy Spannaus, discussing her book Defeating Slavery.
Hamiltonian Statecraft: No "Marriage" with Wall Street is a rejoinder to Walter Russell Mead's Foreign Affairs article on reviving Hamilton.
"Freedom" in the Declaration of Independence presents Danielle Allen's argument against a libertarian reading of our founding document.
New History Videos for Thought announces the availability of two appearances by public historian Nancy Spannaus on American history.
Lincoln Defends the "Immortal" Declaration, insisting that it meant what it said when declaring that all men are created equal.
Frederick Douglass Did Not Trash the Declaration reports on his speech of July 5, 1862, "What, to the American Slave, Is the 4th of July?"
Jeremy Bentham Trashes the Declaration dissects Bentham's critique, showing the clash of principles between the colonists and the Empire.
The Declaration: A Promissory concludes chapter 7 of Defeating Slavery, and reprints a commentary by Confederate Veep Alexander Stephens.
News from American System Now invites you to a book talk July 27 by Nancy Spannaus on Defeating Slavery, and to watch her latest videos.
Slavery in the Declaration is part 3 of a series on the American Revolution. It is excerpted from Nancy Spannaus' book Defeating Slavery.
The Debate Going into the Declaration is part 2 of Why We Celebrate the American Revolution, by Defeating Slavery author Nancy Spannaus.
Why Celebrate the American Revolution? begins a series on the principles which led to and embody the creation of the United States of America.
America 250: From Royal Subjects to Republican Citizens reprints a speech by Shawn David McGee at the Fort Plain Revolution conference
"To the Future Grandeur and Glory of America" reprints the speech by Nancy Spannaus to the recent Fort Plain American Revolution Conference.
What If Memorial Day Hadn't Been Necessary? raises whether slavery could have been ended without a Civil War, and the duty to build peace.
Come, Have a Revolutionary Experience at Fort Plain! previews this year American Revolution conference at the NY Fort, occurring June 14-16
Briefing on National Infrastructure Bank Held on Capitol Hill reports on an April 30th event on HR 4052, which drew Congressional staff.
How Lincoln Tackled Immigration reviews Harold Holzer's recent book on Abraham Lincoln's record in dealing with anti-immigrant tensions
"You Don't Know What You Don't Know ..." reports on an April 13 event discussing the fight over school desegregation in Virginia,
An Invitation from the Author of Defeating Slavery advertises book fairs and a book signing for Nancy Spannaus, with historical context
"A Man Whose Like We May Not See Again" is a requiem for Abraham Lincoln, with reliance on the 1860 eulogy by Frederick Douglass.
What, to Americans Today, Is the Fourth of July? reports on a conference of Virginia250, which is preparing to celebrate July 4, 2026.
Freedom of the Press: An American Hallmark discusses the history of press freedom and the threat it is under today.
Preparing for America's 250th Birthday urges readers to sign up for two upcoming events by Nancy Spannaus on the American Revolution
"A Stimulating Take on the Intersection of American Slavery and Economic Policy" reprints the review of Nancy Spannaus's Defeating Slavery
Dispelling Myths about the American Revolution reports on a talk by historian Glenn F. Williams which exposed untruths about the causes.
Abraham Lincoln's Debt to Alexander Hamilton reports on a speech given by Nancy Spannaus to the annual Lincoln Birthday dinner Feb. 11.
The Destruction of Slavery during the Civil War is a review of the book Freedom National by James Oakes, which chronicles the freedom process