Science & Technology
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Science & Technology
Culture & Art
The Humane AI Pin, launched in 2024 with tech giant backing, promised a screen-free AI future but failed within a year due to overheating, laggy performance, and a $700 price tag. MKBHD’s critical review amplified its flaws, but the product’s inherent issues likely doomed it from the start.
California-based nonprofit Arc Institute and Stanford University, in collaboration with NVIDIA, unveiled Evo 2 on Wednesday as the largest publicly available AI model for genomic data. Evo 2 can predict and design the genetic code—DNA, RNA, and proteins—of all domains of life.
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella has challenged conventional definitions of artificial general intelligence (AGI), arguing that true AGI should be measured by economic growth rather than AI advancements alone. Nadella said that the focus should be on broader economic impact rather than self-proclaimed AI breakthroughs.