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Ancient Origins
A study of a 13th century fresco on display in a medieval church in Italy has revealed the presence of an Islamic tent that was used to cover an altar.
The former director of the Mexican Navy Medical Department, Dr. José Zalce, says that several strange mummies found in Peru are not human, and he can prove it.
Near the ancient city of Caral-Supe in Peru, archaeologists found a 5,000-year-old pyramidal structure in the fourth millennium BC settlement of Chupacigarro.
In a medieval cemetery near a church in Croatia, archaeologists unearthed the 15th century skeleton of a man who was given an unconventional “vampire” burial.
Coming of age traditions are common to every society, and have been most likely since the beginning of time. Here are 10 of the most memorable.
Archaeologists exploring a cave known for its Paleolithic rock art in Valencia, Spain discovered a first-century Roman sanctuary, complete with inscriptions.
Archaeologists uncovered 270,000 Copper Age beads in a Spanish tomb, which were worn as clothing by ancient elites as a symbol of wealth and power.
Guiengola, once thought a fortress, is a vast 900-acre Zapotec city! Lidar technology has revealed 1,100+ buildings, ballcourts & roads hidden beneath Oaxaca’s
Amelia Earhart disappeared while attempting to fly around the world almost 90 years ago, and her long-lost aircraft may finally have been found.
A new study has revealed the sacred nature of ancient roads built by the Pueblo peoples of New Mexico, who used the roads for ceremonial purposes.
Hidden for centuries, an ancient papyrus reveals a Roman trial on forgery, tax fraud & rebellion in Judea. With over 133 lines, it's the most detailed case
King Nebuchadnezzar II is the greatest villain of the Bible, yet also known for his magnificent construction projects, including the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
Charlemagne, the "Father of Europe," united fragmented European kingdoms into the Carolingian Empire through relentless military campaigns (768–814).
Archaeologists confirm Bosham housed Harold II, England's last Anglo-Saxon king, as the hall shown on the Bayeux Tapestry has finally been identified.
Archaeologists in Ecuador find a 1,200-year-old burial of a pregnant woman with signs of violent death and rare artifacts. Was this a ritual sacrifice or
In a shocking development, antiquities thieves raided the Drents Museum in the Netherlands and walked away with a collection of valuable Romanian artifacts.
Excavations at Colonial Williamsburg unearthed the remains of a Continental Army barracks that was destroyed by fire on the orders of Lord Cornwallis in 1781.
In the town of Abarkuh in central Iran, archaeologists unearthed an underground city that would have been constructed by the Qajar people several centuries ago.
A 2,000-year-old statue from Greece's Hellenistic era was found next to a trash bin in Thessaloniki, and is now in safe hands, revealing its place in history.
When early humans began interbreeding with Neanderthals, it likely ensured Neanderthal extinction because of dangerous incompatibilities in blood type.
Celebrated for ethereal voices, the castrati dazzled Europe. Yet, behind the fame lay sacrifice and resilience—a haunting tale of art's cost and humanity's
Joining the debate about the origins of money, a Swedish archaeologist has introduced a theory that links the development of money with long-distance trade.
Archaeologists performing excavations at the Roman Emperor Nero’s imperial palace found an incredibly large ingot of Egyptian blue, a color prized by artists.
The art of influence, minted. From Alexander’s ram horns to Caesar’s dictatorship and Jerusalem’s freedom cry, coin propaganda has made history’s loudest
Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo were dueling artistic geniuses, both personally and professionally. But their rivalry brought out the best in both.
A medieval treasure of 364 coins, hidden in pottery, was found near the Sea of Galilee. This rare discovery reveals insights into trade, life, and faith in the
Nessie, Bigfoot, and the Paranormal! Could cryptids be from alternate dimensions? With no fossils found, scientists dismiss Nessie, but Crowley’s rituals spark
A Roman boundary stone found in Abel Beth Maacah reveals forgotten villages and life under Diocletian’s tax reforms. Each inscription brings ancient history to
Controversial author Graham Hancock believes the giant stone heads on Easter Island were built by an advanced civilization 12,000 years ago.
Ancient civilizations laid the foundation for modern archaeology through restoration and preservation of monuments, driven by religious and political motives.
In this interview, Professor Paul Cartledge, one of the world’s foremost experts on ancient Greek culture, discusses the incredible history of the Parthenon.
Genetic data shows the mysterious Sogdians played a key role in preserving the ancient Silk Road trade route, integrating the peoples of Central Asia and China.
In the 1970s, Grenadan Prime Minister Sir Eric Gairy made a noble effort to convince the United Nations to throw its full weight behind UFO disclosure.
Based on the current best evidence, it seems that Jesus’ real name was not Jesus at all, several well-known religious scholars are saying.
Researchers were shocked to discover pieces of an ultra-rare Iron Age helmet hidden in a large collection of metal jewelry unearthed at Snettisham, Norfolk.
During excavations at Pompeii, archaeologists discovered a sprawling private bathhouse inside an elite Roman home, revealing the home owners incredible wealth.
Board games were popular in ancient cultures, and they were played by aristocrats and commoners alike. Many of these games are still played today.
A new study of the spectacular Alexander the Great Mosaic, found at Pompeii 1831, has finally revealed the sources of the tiles used to create it.
Hitler’s obsession with the 'Spear of Destiny' and Himmler’s Aryan expeditions reveal how occultism and pseudo-history fueled the Nazis' twisted horrors.
Inside Teotihuacán’s Pyramid of the Moon, researchers found the remains of more than 200 animals that had been sacrificed during large-scale public ceremonies.