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Ancient Origins
Reflecting the uniqueness of their culture, the Vikings enjoyed a deep spiritual bond with animals, both domestic and wild, as revealed by their artifacts.
Scientists searching for Noah’s Ark found evidence of ancient flooding at a site where many believe the ark ultimately ran aground, near Mount Ararat, Turkey.
Mithraism shaped early Christianity, impacting ancient rituals and shared beliefs, influencing philosophy and religious traditions.
New research on the Lapedo Child shows evidence of a human-Neanderthal hybrid, dated to around 28,000 years ago, extending the timeline of Neanderthal survival.
Villa Cuomo’s vivid frescoes reveal scenes of ancient Roman grape harvesting and cultic worship, before the villa was buried by Vesuvius’ eruption in 79 AD.
New research reveals that the Flagstones monument predates Stonehenge by at least 200 years, and may have served as the model for England’s Neolithic circles.
What do we know about the Codex Gigas, the medieval religious manuscript referred to as the Devil's Bible? Is it meant to glorify the Devil, or condemn him?
Ireland’s round towers, built in medieval times, puzzle historians. Despite their proximity to churches, their origins, purpose, and builders remain a mystery.
Four years of excavations in the Greek-Ionian city-state of Teos in Turkey have produced marvelous insights about ancient, Hellenistic, and Roman cultures.
A notable historical gap has been filled, with the discovery of the first-ever Bronze Age (2,200 to 800 BC) settlement in the Maghreb (North Africa).
The picturesque Mediterranean island of Ischia, which is near the western coastline of Italy, was home to a cosmopolitan community of settlers and visitors in
The behaviors responsible for modern climate change were in evidence 2,000 years ago in the Roman Empire as well, thanks to development and industrialization.
Archaeologists excavating an ancient pyramid in El Salvador found a display of five unusual figurines, dated to 400 BC, at the very top of this structure.
A team of researchers has successfully mapped the complex irrigation canal network that sustained the farms of Eridu, the first Sumerian and Mesopotamian city.
A elite Roman villa has emerged from Lake Fusaro near Naples, Italy, as volcanic activity reshapes the landscape and reveals ancient history.
The next ice age is due in 11,000 years—but climate change could stop it. Discover how Earth's tilt and CO2 emissions shape our planet’s future.
The world’s oldest bone tools have been found in Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, dating back 1.5 million years, or a million years before the next oldest examples.
Ancient jewelry and amulets from Egypt’s 26th Dynasty have been found at the Karnak Temples, offering insights into the evolution of ancient Egyptian culture.
At three Neolithic sites in Germany archaeologists found deposits of grinding stones used in food processing that had been buried as sacrifical offerings.
A team of scientists discovered that early humans were living in the rainforests of Africa 150,000 years ago, or 80,000 years earlier than previously believed.
Nearly 2,000 years ago, a man in Herculaneum was caught in Mount Vesuvius’ eruption, his brain flash-heated into glass. Now, scientists have unlocked this
A newly discovered Danish timber circle from 2,000 BC may share links with Stonehenge, highlighting prehistoric Europe’s interconnected spiritual culture.
Archaeologists in Pompeii uncovered a stunning 1st-century BC fresco of Dionysian rites. Found in the House of Thiasus, it's an incredible artistic find.
The great Mesopotamian civilizations that arose thousands of years ago embraced a magical worldview, accepting the reality of witchcraft and demons.
Have many ancient civilizations been destroyed by catastrophes? Randall Carlson says yes, and he believes the truth is encoded in ancient myth and architecture.
The Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities has finished a two-year-long excavation of a 3,000-year-old gold mining facility near the Red Sea.
The Hun Empire on the steppes of Eurasia has now been linked to a slow and steady migration from the east, ultimately connecting the Huns to the Xiongnu Empire.
Scientists found 22,000-year-old drag-marks with footprints in New Mexico, revealing a lost transport method. Could this be the earliest version of the
The archaeologists who found the tomb of ancient Egyptian 18th Dynasty pharaoh Thutmose II say they’ve likely found his second tomb as well (yes, he had two!).
Archaeology reveals the past, delivering stunning developments and astonishing suprises in the form of delightfully weird ruins and artifacts.
The Vikings were fearsome conquerors, but a study from the University of Gothenburg shows that Viking Age Sweden was plagued by disease and bad health.
Uncover the real story of Satan—beyond myths and misconceptions—and what the Bible truly reveals about the Devil's identity and influence.
Egyptian queens weren’t just royalty—they were divine. Cleopatra followed in the footsteps of Isis, a goddess who defied death itself to shape the destiny of
Found in a Northern Irish bog, a 2,000-year-old skeleton shocked experts. Research shows she was decapitated, and a woman. Was she a victim of ritual sacrifice?
In Iron Age Iberia, the severed heads of decapitated corpses were anchored with nails to be put on display, for different reasons depending on the community.
Prehistoric settlers living in the Philippines and on the islands of Southeast Asia likely built the world’s first seafaring vessels, 40,000 years ago.
A new study details how 16th century Transylvanians responded to climate changes related to the onset of the Little Ice Age, a severe global cooling event.
Until 1,700 years ago, the majority of Europeans were dark-skinned rather than light-skinned. Light skin is a recent evolutionary adaptation, linked to climate.
Historical research into the near-death experience reveals an impressive set of similarities that unite experiencers across various cultures and time periods.
Archaeologists have unearthed the oldest known section of the Great Wall of China, dating back nearly 300 years earlier than discovered before.