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AOMA Graduate School of Integrative Medicine
6 Books to read before starting acupuncture school, as recommended by the AOMA Library Staff
It's Pride Month at AOMA
A look at how TCM can play an important part in your training and recovery.
How TCM can help reduce stress.
Celebrate Women's History Month with AOMA and in the world of Acupuncture.
Introductory article describing the partnership between AOMA and Dr. Huang Huang and the Jingfang Institute.
An interview with AOMA President, Dr. Mary Faria, spotlighting her position as one of the only Hispanic-American Female Presidents in the world of TCM.
Article by Dr. Cone on the benefits of healthy fats.
Blog post about the benefits of using both Western and Traditional Chinese Medical practices to treat the symptoms of epilespy.
Article on the top reasons AOMA makes a quality acupuncture and traditional chinese medicine school.
Article written by AOMA faculty and practitioner Dr. Fan on how Chinese herbal medicine can be utilized to support Women's health and hormones.
A tribute from Pam Ferguson on AOMA's outreach efforts.
Interviews with a few of AOMA's Veteran Students in honor of Veterans Day.
Interview with AOMA faculty and former Dean of Students Robert Laguna, chronicling his journey with AOMA.
An article on treating patients with sinus allergies using Chinese Medicine by focusing on treating root causes of the allergies.