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Bell of Lost Souls
Whether you're playing D&D, Call of Cthulhu, or something else entirely, there's always a little room for the great old ones at the table.
Continuing the beloved dice rolling series, X-Men Dice Throne brings these marvelous mutants into the fray with two separate character boxes.
So you want to be a big friendly buff type who can literally carry the party? Well here's five different options for you!
Next week, Necromunda takes you out into the Ash Wastes with a new book, new minis, and tons of new terrain.
Check out this weekend's top news: learn how to become a D&D tank, bring some Eldar Gods to your table, and Marvel characters that can break MCP.
Sometimes a new ship design becomes an instant classic, this was one of those times. Check out the U-wing breakdown.
This upcoming expansion, Star Wars Villainous: Revenge At Last, includes Darth Maul and Commander of the First Order Captain Phasma.
Atomic Mass Games has a new batch of updates in March for Marvel: Crisis Protocol. Time to check your rosters!
The Gitmob has a new batch of reinforcements up for pre-order today and we've got them in the studio up close!
The Gloomspite Gitz have a new battletome and the Gitmob has arrived in full force! Get your Games Workshop pre-orders for Age of Sigmar!
Dungeons & Dragons is a game about fighting monsters, and sometimes, the best offense is an impenetrable defense.
Come Loremasters and learn of the T'au Empire's Supreme Military Commander - Shadowsun.
This is a gathering of magic cards, but not in the way you'd think. Here are five card-based magic items from D&D.
It was the year 1988 and one man commanded the Ultramarines fleet - Christo Columbine with his third eye, webbed feet, Eldar contraband and all.
Here we go again, this week with news from Atomic Mass Games, North Star Military Figures, Wargames Atlantic, Mortian, and more!
DriveThruRPG sent out a newsletter warning RPG publishers of a sharp increase to print on demand costs in the very near future.
It might be spring break where you are, but for Pathfinder Lost Omens: Rival Academies, school is now in session.
There are some characters that are just too powerful to show up in Marvel: Crisis Protocol. Here's a few that would easily break them game.
It's already March 2025. So let's not waste anymore time and take a look at the Rumor Engines from March 2024 and see how those turned out.
This week's 5E compatible RPGs include a book of fantasy cookery, a cursed village, a tome of cursed curiosities, and more.
Goatboy here with my first Codex Emperor's Children armylist I want to play. Hello Peerless Bladesmen and a quartet of pink Daemon Princes!
This massive LEGO HALO UNSC Paris-Class Heavy Frigate includes thousands of pieces and is ready to fight the Covenant.
It's the perfect time to get started with the lads who lunch, Ogor Mawtribes. So let us help you get off on the right dish.
The Blood Angels have a new character miniature joining the ranks. It's time to meet Aster Crohne, the Shroudmaker in the Horus Heresy!
Urban Shadows 2E is a game of supernatural creatures lurking in the shadows of a city near you. Your vampire fantasies await.
Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth? Use this handy guide to D&D 5e languages to make sure the party does, too.
Games Workshop and Black Library asked the fans to vote and thousands turned out to do just that. Here's the fan voted Book of the Year!
Terraforming Mars will soon have its very own tabletop RPG thanks to an already immensely successful BackerKit campaign. Get in now!
If you're counting down the days until the release of 'Assassin's Creed Shadows', these games will help capture the right assassin-y feeling.
Get ready to jack back into the matrix, chummers. Munchkin Shadowrun has a new expansion that will Hack the Future.
Build some of the biggest titles of the '80s and '90s with these LEGO IDEAS movie sets, as well as a fully stocked Blockbuster – they just need your vote.
The Death Troopers are marching onward to the tabletops of Star Wars: Shatterpoint. It's the Galactic Empire's Elite!
With AdeptiCon coming at the end of March I hope Atomic Mass Games has The Fantastic Four in their line-up.
The beloved JRPG series 'Suikoden' gets a highly-anticipated remaster this week—and celebrates with a Critical Role one-shot next Tuesday!
Crime pays, both in the real world and D&D. And in D&D these magic items will help you be the ultimate criminal/thief.
Chaos is changing and the Chaos Space Marine Cult Codexes are cutting ties with Daemon Allies. Well, not all of them.
Essentially an "Ultimate Edition", 'Star Trek: Ascendancy - The Final Frontier' includes every expansion released, plus new factions and game modes!
In the early 2000's, 'Bionicle' breathed new life into Lego with comics, books, games, animations, and of course, buildable bricks.
Games Workshop has a new Rumor Engine that's looking mighty smokey. Welcome to another Tuesday Rumor Engine from Games Workshop.
A new edition means a new D&D Starter Set and WotC has one coming soon. Here's a look inside 'Heroes of the Borderlands'.