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Ben Nadel's Blog
Ben Nadel explores the idea of storing encrypted passwords in ColdFusion in cases where decrypting a password is an application requirement.
Ben Nadel creates a JWT-inspired light-weight encoder for his secure cookies in ColdFusion.
Ben Nadel explores various techniques for counting the occurrences of a string or regular expression pattern in ColdFusion.
Ben Nadel explores the idea of using Alpine.js to format date/time values on the client-side in the user's local timezone.
Ben Nadel shares his Incident Commander app, for triaging incidents, which he's rebuilt in Adobe ColdFusion.
Ben Nadel demonstrates that the fileGetMimeType() function can be used to inspect the file type / mime-type of a file in ColdFusion.
Ben Nadel ports his .fromNow() relative date formatting method from Angular in ColdFusion.
Ben Nadel demonstrates that you can inspect the form upload file field in ColdFusion to get access to the temporary location of the uploaded file.
Ben Nadel demonstrates that the VARCHAR(length) limit in MySQL refers to the number of characters, not the number of bytes.
Ben Nadel demonstrates how to use JSoup's Safelist to access information about which tags and attributes are going to be removed during the sanitization process in ColdFusion.
Ben Nadel demonstrates how to use JSoup's Safelist and Cleaner classes to sanitize untrusted HTML in ColdFusion.
Ben Nadel demonstrates a bug in the safe-navigation operator in Adobe ColdFusion that swallows errors.
Ben Nadel and the crew reflect on recording 200 episodes of the show and decide to take a break through the end of 2024.
Ben Nadel shares his feature flags playground app, complete with video commentary and source code on GitHub.
Ben Nadel looks at Window Functions in MySQL for the first time, applying ROW_NUMBER() and DENSE_RANK() to a common table expression.
Ben Nadel reviews the High Performance SQLite video course by Aaron Francis. A high quality course for SQLite; or anyone interested in SQL.
Ben Nadel and the crew talk about the practice of co-opting country top level domains (TLDs).
Ben Nadel adds memory leak detection to his ColdFusion feature flags playground app. This leak detection runs in the onRequestEnd() event method after every request.
Ben Nadel explores the use of collocated CFML, JavaScript, and Less CSS files in his ColdFusion multi-page application (MPA) architecture.
Ben Nadel heartily agrees with Dave Farley's notion that high quality code is code that's safe and easy to change.
Ben Nadel makes a case for why Adobe ColdFusion should allow the var keyword to be used outside of function bodies.
Ben Nadel creates a CSV (comma separated values) to CTE (common table expression) transform in Angular 18.
Ben Nadel and the crew talk about a variety of topics from job promotions, AI training, team alignment, and reconnecting with one's self.
Ben Nadel demonstrates how to use the canonicalize() function to render emoji characters in a ColdFusion page response.
Ben Nadel demonstrates how to use the canonicalize() function to render emoji in email subject lines in ColdFusion.
Ben Nadel builds a Lorem Ipsum text generator with ColdFusion.
Ben Nadel and the crew talk about cases in our work in which the maximum effort isn't worth the potential outcome.
Ben Nadel demonstrates that the for-loop can have a dynamically assigned increment that changes on every loop iteration.
Ben Nadel explores the array sorting error, Comparison method violates its general contract, that he was getting in ColdFusion.
Ben Nadel discusses the power of a TODO comment to grant permission in the face of a sub-optimal solution.
Ben Nadel and the crew talk about the strong bonds created during intense experiences. And, whether or not we can create those same bonds without suffering.
Ben Nadel explores the interplay between Signals, array mutation, and change detection in Angular 18.
Ben Nadel explores the lazy evaluation of computed Signals in Angular 18.
Ben Nadel shares how he's building Angular utility apps inside his ColdFusion blogging platform using Docker Compose.
Ben Nadel and the crew talk about the best and worst code that they've seen (which is sometimes the code that they also wrote).
Ben Nadel creates a transient view helper service that is unique instantiated for each host component in Angular 18.
Ben Nadel and the crew talk about bureaucratic processes at work, why they exist, and what we can (maybe) do about them.
Ben Nadel and the crew talk about career advice that they'd give to their younger selves.
Ben Nadel deconstructs the argument that the size of a JavaScript application affects the overall performance of said application.
Ben Nadel explains that code isn't magical - that's is just a series of commands. And that thinking about it this way makes it easier to maintain.