Science & Technology
Culture & Art
Science & Technology
Culture & Art
Check out our new publication on tropical forest land use change, focusing on oil palm and selective logging in Malaysian Borneo! It just came out in Science and is covered in The Conversation. I m…
We just put out a new paper focusing on a classic and challenging set of questions in community ecology. The first question is about predicting: how a community’s composition changes over tim…
A guest post by lead author and lab postdoc Brad Posch – The summer of 2023 in Phoenix, AZ, was (at the time) the hottest ever recorded. But it’s not just in the southwest United States where…
Lab postdoc Ilaine shares her new paper in New Phytologist! If you ever spend time looking at leaves of different species, you probably noticed that the way leaf veins are organized varies enormous…
Like a straw can collapse under the suction of a thirsty drinker, the xylem conduits in leaves can collapse as water potential declines during droughts (Figure 1). In collapsed conduits the water f…
Lab undergraduate student Dan Chen (now graduated!) just published a new methods paper on doing statistical inference on hypervolumes. It provides some important extensions to the hypervolume R pac…
Our new book just came out, building on a decade of K-12 education work at Sky School. You can buy the print version (all royalties donated), or also read the book freely online or download a PDF. …
Courtenay Ray is graduating this spring after starting in the lab in 2017. Her work has focused on plant community ecology and species interactions (especially those involving seeds) on Mt. Baldy i…
Why does tree phenology (spring leaf out and autumn leaf drop) vary across space and time? Most explanations focus on the role of climate on immediate physiology. However not all genotypes within a…
Can we leverage functional traits to predict or control the dynamics of species-rich communities? We just had a new paper come out exploring these ideas. You can read it at Oikos or download a PDF.…
How and why do plants use water? We just wrote an opinion piece on this topic, calling for a broader appreciation for the multiple values of water to plants, beyond its utility for instantaneous ca…
(guest post by lab PhD student + lead author Courtenay Ray) Plants modify microenvironments by altering nearby abiotic conditions, such as ground temperatures, soil moisture, and nutrient availabil…
This week at the AGU meeting in Chicago, lab PhD candidate Mickey Boakye will be presenting the work he did with lab honors undergraduate student Jason To on fern evolution, Please give his poster …
Jarome Ali just led a new paper on bird extinctions, using hypervolume methods to assess how functional diversity varies for almost all species of birds under different extinction risks. This wa…