Science & Technology
Culture & Art
Science & Technology
Culture & Art
Hi, I hope you've all had a good week since I last did one of these. I've had a fairly quiet week though of course, as always, there was some theatre! This time I was at the workshop of new musical Bliss at Sadler's Wells on Tuesday (for those of you who aren't theatre people,…
Hi all! I hope you've had a good week since I last did one of these. I had a slightly mad week last week, thankfully this week is looking a lot quieter because I definitely need it. As always, I saw quite a bit of theatre: on Tuesday I was back at Operation Mincemeat to…
Hi all! I hope you've had a good week since I last did one of these. I've had another quite busy week with a fair amount of theatre, I got to see Holly Sumpton make her principal Monty debut last week in Mincemeat as she took over the role following Emily Barber leaving and that…
Hi all! I hope you've had a good week since I last did one of these. I had another very busy week of theatre again, both with Nora and some shows I saw by myself. Aside from of course more Mincemeat because there will always be Mincemeat, we saw the new leads in Cabaret on…
Hi all! I hope you've all had a good week since I last did one of these. It was Nora's last week in London (very sadly!) but of course we managed to get plenty of theatre in before she left. Aside from the requisite final Mincemeat trip (which was also the wonderful Emily Barber's final…
Hi all! I hope you've all had a good week since I last did one of these. I've had a very busy week of theatre with Nora again, aside from the obvious Mincemeat, I was also at Hamilton on Wednesday for the first time in almost six years and it was lovely to see it…
Hi all! I hope you've all had a good week since I last did one of these, I've had a very busy week of theatre with Nora, seeing lots of shows and we were just at Moulin Rouge tonight which is why this is coming a little later than usual. Anyway, it's Tuesday, so it's…
Hi everyone! This is so late coming, I was so busy after coming back from Australia right at the end of last year that I just haven't had the time to sit down and write it before now, but better late than never (like my mid-year check in!). 2024 was an amazing year, I went…
Hi all! This is a little later than usual but I've had a very busy start to the year so I'm only just sitting down and getting around to doing it now, but anyway as we are now well into 2025, it's time for the annual End of Year Book Survey. This is a survey…
Hi all! I hope you've all had a good week since I last did one of these. This is coming to you later than normal because I had an unexpectedly busy day, my friend Nora is currently staying and I ended up going with her to the Operation Mincemeat matinee today because it was a…
Hi all! I hope you've all had a good first week of the new year and that going back to work after the Christmas break hasn't been too much of a shock to the system: I've been at Mischief Movie Night tonight, hence the late post: Mischief are a UK comedy troupe for anyone who…
Hello all! Happy New Year (almost)! I hope you've all had a good week since I last did one of these. I am back in the UK now, I got back from Australia on Sunday. Slightly sad to be back home but I had a great time: we spent Christmas with my sister's partner's family…
Hi all! Merry Christmas! I hope you've all had a good week since I last did one of these, I'm into my second week in Australia now and slightly scared by how fast my trip is going, it feels like I only just arrived. I've had another packed week: I went to the State Library…
Hi all! Saturday was the Winter Solstice, or at least in the Northern Hemisphere it was, I'm currently in Australia so Saturday was my second Summer Solstice of the year which is a little bit of a mind trip when you're so used to seasons being one way to suddenly switch to the other! But…
Hi all! I hope you've all had a good week since I last did one of these. This is coming to you from sunny Australia, Melbourne to be precise where I am currently staying with my family as we are spending it here with my sister again this year. I only arrived on Saturday but…
Hi all! I hope you've had a good week since I last did one of these. I've had an incredibly busy past week with various shows and my friends Nora and Carmen coming over from Germany for a few days, so it's been a jam packed week but incredibly fun. I saw a fair bit…
Hi all! I hope you've had a good week since I last did one of these, I went to a Christmas concert at Cadogan Hall on Sunday which was really fun, it was a Wicked/Wizard of Oz inspired concert so they had all these West End actors (pretty much all of whom had been in…
Hi all! I hope you've all had good week since I last did one of these. As I mentioned in my post last week, I went to see &Juliet on tour at the Edinburgh Playhouse and aside from getting lost and not finding the theatre until like 3 minutes till curtain, I had a really…
Hi all! I hope you've all had a good week since I last did one of these. I've been up in Scotland the last few days for a bit of R&R and honestly it's been exactly what I've needed: I've had some great holidays this year but they've all been fairly busy-out of choice as…
Hi all! I hope you've all had a good week since I last did one of these, mine has been fairly quiet but I'm heading up to Scotland this weekend for a few days for a bit of R&R and I cannot wait for the five-day straight break from work, I really need it! Anyway,…
Hi all! I hope you've had a good week since I last did one of these, mine was fairly quiet which to be honest, I needed after a very busy weekend last weekend and a stressful week of work. I did go to an event on Friday night though which was really fun, the cast…
Hi all! This is exceedingly late, I started writing it just after the Autumn Equinox a few weeks back, didn't finish and have been so busy ever since that I only just got back to it now. Anyway, the change in seasons (however delayed) means it's time for another Quarterly Rewind, the feature where I…
Hi everyone! I hope you've all had a good week since I last did one of these, I had a fairly busy one especially towards the end of last week, I went to one of Jodi Picoult's UK tour events for her new book By Any Other Name on Wednesday which was lovely though I…
Hi all! I hope you've all had a good week since I last did one of these. I was a bridesmaid at my friend's wedding on Saturday, it was a very busy and tiring weekend but also so lovely, it was a beautiful day, everything went so well and we all had a really great…
Hi all! I know it has been ages since I last did one of these, I really did mean to have something up before now, but I meant to write up one about the Disney+ Percy Jackson series and then I still haven't got around to watching it and then I just got busy and…
Hi all! I hope you've all had a good week since I last did one of these. I've had another relatively quiet one, once again, it was mostly just enjoying the Olympics, I'm feeling slightly bereft that it's all done now. However, this week is A VERY EXCITING WEEK, because I SEE THE ERAS TOUR…
Hi all! I hope you've all had a good week since I last did one of these, I had a relatively quiet one, but I've been enjoying the Olympics and Team GB has been going very well which is always great to see. Anyway, it's Tuesday, so time for another Top Ten Tuesday, courtesy of…
Hi everyone! I hope you've all had a good week since I last did one of these, I had a very nice weekend enjoying the start of the Paris Olympics and went to a barbecue with my mum at one of her friend's houses on Saturday which was really nice, we've finally been actually getting…
Hi all! I hope you've all had a good week since I last did one of these. I had quite a fun weekend, I met up with my friends and former uni flatmates Nicola and Rebecca in London on Friday which was lovely and I ended up getting last minute discount tickets to one of…
Hi everyone! I hope you've all had a good week since I last did one of these, mine was fairly quiet but I did have a lovely day hanging out with some friends on Saturday trying on our bridesmaid dresses for my friend's wedding which was very fun. Anyway, it's Tuesday and time for another…