Science & Technology
Culture & Art
Science & Technology
Culture & Art
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I seem to have been writing, marketing, hustling, pitching, surviving disappointments, getting rave reviews, selling a few books (only when promoted) for what seems forever. Late in 2018 I took a break. It was my wife that inadvertently brought this about. I only realised afterwards that I needed time to take stock. She tends to…
I should probably have been doing a lot more with social media platforms to publicise my books than I have been. I've always regarded sites such as Instagram as being for younger people, constantly reposting images of virtually everything. Not my typical readership demographic. But given the number of book bloggers that appear to be…
I enjoy playing around with video, although I'm by no means an expert. I'm trying to learn the secrets of telling my stories visually, and in no more than a few minutes or two. The problem with all promotion, especially of books, is that you don't know if your ads, videos, posts and newsletters actually…