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An excerpt from Liana Finck's graphic memoir <i>Passing for Human</i>.
Brosh chatted with BuzzFeed News to answer all of our burning questions about the new book, her fans, her hiatus from the internet, and the place she feels she has in internet history.
Excerpts from Dami Lee's new book, <i>Be Everything At Once</i>.
As told by BuzzFeed Comics.
It's OK if that cat hates you.
<b>Starring Winnie the Pooh as Regina George.</b>
<b><a href="" target="_blank">Artist Lola Rodriguez</a> answers questions like "What if wizards had computers?" in hilarious fashion.</b>
<b>Is Jaden Smith just a sad guy talking to his cat?</b> Probably not, but anything's possible.
<strong>These guys are putting the "er..." in Superheroes.</strong> Comics by John McNamee of <a href="" target="_blank">Pie Comics</a>
Let BuzzFeed Comics perk up your weekend!
<b>PRODUCT RECALL!</b> By <a href="" target="_blank">Dinosaur Comics</a>.
<b>"I'm gonna make as much money as I can, and spend it on money."</b>
At least we think so.
<b>"U up?"</b>
<b>An animated short by <a href="" target="_blank">Katy Davis (Gobblynne)</a></b>.
Mind and body are not always known for cooperation.
Do you really need to split the check six ways? Really?
Bandeau? More like Band-Eww!
Here's your special tour of the past year.
♫ I want to be forever young... ♫
Parents have been left aghast by the graphic novel's adult themes and how easily children can access it.
Plants have feelings too.
Call your grandma!
Any pop culture aficionado is familiar with the skirt-wearing, evil-fighting, prism moon power heroine Sailor Moon. What would she and the Sailor Senshi look like if they were added to the Disney Princess lineup? I decided to find out!
Not sorry.
Bag fries are the best fries.
Let's look back and watch the Crime Hound solve life's greatest mysteries.
What a time to be alive.
You are crushing this whole 'living' thing.
Yes fellow intern, you're not alone.
Everything tastes better at 3 a.m.
Just in case you want to take your mind off things.
You think you have it bad? He thinks he has it worse.
BuzzFeed Comics knows when that hotline bling.
On samaaj, selfies, and so much more.
Is it just me or does your brain also hate you?
Time to be cozy!
<b>And when you read them you won't be able to either!</b>