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Science & Technology
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¡ESTE ES El NOVENO MENSAJE DEL DESAFÍO “COME EL ARCOÍRIS” FRUTAS Y VERDURAS! RECORDATORIO: Es hora de registrar tu consumo de frutas y verduras de la SEMANA pasada! Sigue el enlace para tomar la encuesta de consumo: EL TEMA DE ESTA SEMANA SON: LAS ENSALADAS! Las ensaladas. Una comida rápida de preparar y también […]
¡ESTE ES El OCTAVO MENSAJE DEL DESAFÍO “COME EL ARCOÍRIS” FRUTAS Y VERDURAS! RECORDATORIO: Es hora de registrar tu consumo de frutas y verduras de la SEMANA 7 ! Este puede ser un resumen de como fue tu consumo de frutas y verduras en la semana pasada. Sigue el enlace para tomar la encuesta de […]
¡ESTE ES El SEPTIMO MENSAJE DEL DESAFÍO “COME EL ARCOÍRIS” FRUTAS Y VERDURAS! RECORDATORIO: Es hora de registrar tu consumo de frutas y verduras de la SEMANA 6 ! Este puede ser un resumen de como fue tu consumo de frutas y verduras en la semana pasada. Sigue el enlace para tomar la encuesta de […]
¡ESTE ES El SEXTO MENSAJE DEL DESAFÍO “COME EL ARCOÍRIS” FRUTAS Y VERDURAS! Por si no vieron los comentarios del mensaje de jugos y smoothies, nuestra amiga y participante, Rosa, nos dejo una receta para un smoothie delicioso! Aquí se los comparto para que lo prueben: 1 banana, espinaca, peanut butter (mantequilla de mani), leche […]
¡ESTE ES El QUINTO MENSAJE DEL DESAFÍO “COME EL ARCOÍRIS” FRUTAS Y VERDURAS! Me brinque la semana de año nuevo , disculpen! Mi plan era mandarlo entre semana pero el programa de mensaje de texto que uso no me dejaba mandar este mensaje hasta el día 6 de Enero. Si notan que los mensajes de […]
¡Es la 4ta semana del Desafío “Come el Arcoíris” Frutas y Verduras! RECORDATORIO: Es hora de registrar tu consumo de frutas y verduras de la SEMANA 3 ! Te acuerdas de cuantas y cuales frutas y verduras comiste? Si no, intenta tomar nota cada noche en una libreta! Y si no quieres tomar la encuesta […]
¡Bienvenidos a la Semana 3 del Desafío “Come el Arcoíris” Frutas y Verduras! RECORDATORIO: Es hora de registrar tu consumo de frutas y verduras de la SEMANA 2 ! Trata de hacer memoria o toma notas de cuantas frutas y verduras comes cada semana y reporta usando nuestra forma de google! Sigue el enlace para […]
¡Bienvenidos a la Semana 2 del Desafío “Come el Arcoíris” de Frutas y Verduras! RECORDATORIO: Si has decidido llevar un registro de las frutas y verduras como parte de nuestro desafío, recuerda que no necesitas registrar TODO lo que comes… solo cuando consumas un tipo frutas/verduras durante el día. Puedes usar una simple hoja de […]
Bienvenido a el Programa Come El Arcoíris! Este es el mensaje educativo donde yo te comparto información nutricional y videos de recetas, y tu rellenas la encuesta del programa al terminar de leer este mensaje! Come el arcoíris es un programa completamente virtual pero si tienes una pregunta me puedes mandar un correo electrónico a […]
You are invited you to view my November Nutrition Webinar – Nutritious Holiday Foods! Find the recipes I mentioned in the webinar listed below! The webinar is only about 30 minutes, so I kept it nice and short for you this time! Watch the Recording Here: Here are the recipes I mention in the webinar: […]
En este video vamos a discutir lo que es la inflamación y su función en el cuerpo y como llevar una dieta anti-inflamatoria. Material educativo sobre el tema incluye un imprimible. Haz click a este enlace para verlo. Cualquier pregunta se puede mandar a la presentadora por correo electrónico: WEBINARIO: La Verdad sobre los […]
Welcome to Week 12 of the Eat the Rainbow Fruit and Veggie Challenge! You made it! We are in the final week of our challenge. It has gone by so fast! Hopefully you have learned a lot of great information about fruits and vegetables: why they’re beneficial, new ways to eat them, and the truth […]
Yesterday I presented my latest webinar on Evaluating Supplements and Integrative Therapies. I cover a variety of topics including: Watch the Recording Here! Check Out These Recommended Resources: Examples of organizations that offer quality testing are: I hope you find it helpful! -Julie New Recipes and Free Webinar! Evaluating Supplements & Integrative Therapies
Welcome to Week 11 of the Eat the Rainbow Fruit and Veggie Challenge! Upcoming Events! REPORT LAST WEEK’S FRUIT & VEGGIE INTAKE HERE! Can you believe there are only two weeks left in the challenge?? How are you feeling? Check in with yourself to see what improvements you’ve made, and also note what you want […]
Welcome to Week 10 of the Eat the Rainbow Fruit and Veggie Challenge! REPORT LAST WEEK’S FRUIT & VEGGIE INTAKE HERE! Let’s talk about more food myths! Produce Myth #2 This week we are going to debunk another common produce myth – that organic and non-GMO fruits and vegetables are healthier than the alternatives. What […]
Welcome to Week 9 of the Eat the Rainbow Fruit and Veggie Challenge! OOPS! I’m a few days late! This is week #9 of Eat the Rainbow. We are closing in on the home stretch!! REPORT LAST WEEK’S FRUIT & VEGGIE INTAKE HERE! Today we are starting the myth busting portion of the Eat the […]
This smoothie combines the sweet taste of cherries with a surprising zing of lemon! Not only will you enjoy the refreshing blend of flavors on a hot summer day, but this smoothie is power packed with nutrients. Enjoy this smoothie any time of the day! -Julie & The Interns Easiest Tomato Salad Healthified Spinach Dip!
You will be the talk of the table with this delicious tomato salad! Not only is this salad bursting with flavor, but it is quick and easy to assemble. This is guaranteed to be a favorite in your recipe collection. Grab any variety of fresh garden tomatoes and season them with olive oil, a touch […]
This vegetable casserole turns the bounty of the summer garden into a scrumptious meal or side dish. Everyone will want second helpings of their vegetables when they taste this good. Layers of potatoes, peppers, onions, tomatoes and zucchini are baked under a lightly golden crust of parmesan cheese. I’m getting hungry just thinking about it! […]
I hosted an in person cooking class in August and want to share these recipes with you. They are so delicious!! Find links at the bottom of this post. But FIRST – I want to invite you to join me for my September Nutrition Webinar – It will be live on September 19th at 11am. […]
Welcome to Week 8 of the Eat the Rainbow Fruit and Veggie Challenge! REPORT LAST WEEK’S FRUIT & VEGGIE INTAKE HERE! TODAY’S TOPIC: LET’S TALK ABOUT SNACKS!! How many times have you purchased something at the grocery store, only to come home and find you already had it in your pantry? How about those times when […]
Welcome to Week 7 of the Eat the Rainbow Fruit and Veggie Challenge! REPORT LAST WEEK’S FRUIT & VEGGIE INTAKE HERE! Today’s Topic: Let’s Talk About Snacks!! This week we are going to talk about another way to increase fruits and veggies in your diet – with snacks! Snacks are a great way to keep […]
En este video vamos a discutir lo que son los carbohidratos y su función en el cuerpo, mas cuales son los que mas nutrición nos pueden ofrecer. Cualquier pregunta se puede mandar a la presentadora por correo electrónico: Seminarios Web
Welcome to Week 6 of the Eat the Rainbow Fruit and Veggie Challenge! REPORT LAST WEEK’S FRUIT & VEGGIE INTAKE HERE! Program Updates: We are just about 1/2 through the program! It’s going by so fast! I love seeing pictures and getting emails from people telling me how they are doing. Something that came up […]
Welcome to Week 5 of the Eat the Rainbow Fruit and Veggie Challenge! REPORT LAST WEEK’S FRUIT & VEGGIE INTAKE HERE! Program update! This Week’s Topic is Produce Prep! Over the past 4 weeks, we have talked about WHY fruits and vegetables are good for your overall health and why you should include more of […]
Welcome to Week 4 of the Eat the Rainbow Fruit and Veggie Challenge! Report last week’s Fruit & Veggie intake here! TODAYS TOPIC Today’s topic is carbs! A friendly reminder that while this particular challenge is all about fruit and veggie intake, a nutritious meal will include more than fruits and veggies! As a reminder, […]
Welcome to Week 3 of the Eat the Rainbow Fruit and Veggie Challenge! HERE IS THE LINK TO REPORT YOUR FRUIT AND VEGGIES FOR LAST WEEK! Program Updates! WEEK 3 TOPIC: Inflammation – What is it? Put simply, inflammation is part of the body’s immune response to injury and invasion. When your body is damaged […]
Welcome to Week 2 of the Eat the Rainbow Fruit and Veggie Challenge! Program Update! You made it a full week into our challenge! As part of our challenge, I am asking you to keep track of your fruit and vegetable intake. At the end of each week, you can submit your intake via this […]
Welcome to Week 1 of the Eat the Rainbow Fruit and Veggie Challenge! This is a 12-week challenge focused on what you CAN eat instead of what you can’t! By now, you have likely been told to “eat more fruits and vegetables” countless times by friends, doctors, dietitians, etc. But have they ever explained why […]
Don’t miss out on my events starting in July! For information and to register, visit the event registration page here! Eat the Rainbow I am once again offering my 12 week fruit and veggie program – via email in English and also in Spanish, thanks to Dietitian Maribel! Starts July 8th A 12-week email-based program […]
Insulina, Azúcar y Cáncer: Los Hechos Parece haber mucha desinformación en internet y de boca en boca sobre el cáncer y cómo interactúan el azúcar y la insulina con los tumores. Incluso he oído información incorrecta transmitida de los proveedores de salud a los pacientes con cáncer. ¡Cuando se trata de azúcar, insulina y cáncer, […]