Science & Technology
Culture & Art
Science & Technology
Culture & Art
On January 28, the US Office of Personnel Management (OPM) sent nearly all of its 3 million employees an email offering deferred resignations and warning that they may be laid off or reassigned if they choose to stay. The goal is to cut 75% of the federal workforce to improve government efficiency.
If you’re a hiring manager looking to fill a role with high-performing top talent, you should consider hiring a former teacher. As more educators leave the profession, private sector employers realize they bring highly transferrable skills and knowledge and are excellent employees.
The holiday season and the end of the calendar year are times of celebration, which means that the office holiday party season is upon us. With that in mind, here are some tips about office party etiquette to get you through the evening and ensure your reputation remains intact the following day.
These days, most initial interviews are being conducted via video conference. This medium can make the whole interview process more nerve-racking because it can be difficult to read body language when you’re not in the same room as the interviewer.
The job interview should be a conversation between interested parties to determine whether or not working together might be mutually beneficial. You want to be sure that you tell a compelling, coherent story about your professional history and the value that you bring to the role.
I was astounded to come across this article about Delta Airlines’ new guidelines for candidates’ grooming, hair, jewelry, and clothing—and its specific requirements for candidates’ undergarments. It is shocking that a company would dictate clothing and personal style to candidates interviewing for a
Setting: A corporate America conference room, complete with whiteboard and glass walls. The Boss, who holds the title of Vice President of Managerial Logistics of Management, sits at the head of the table and runs through his riveting presentation.
Chipotle has recently fallen out of favor with its target market, who claim that the portion sizes have shrunk while the prices have skyrocketed. In response to the public outcry, Chipotle CEO Brian Nicoll took to cable news to set the record straight.
Bullies from high school often grow up to become bullies in the workplace. Workplace bullying takes many forms; it includes behavior that intimidates, offends, degrades, or humiliates an employee, possibly in front of coworkers and clients.
Although it sounds a bit gruesome and conjures images of a pathologist conducting an investigation, a post-mortem is standard protocol for the end of any big project. It is a process by which you analyze components of your interview and determine what was successful and what was not.