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Clarus Financial Technology
2024 volumes and market share for OTC Derivatives in Interest Rates reported by Clearing Houses. Clarus CCPView has daily volume and open interest data published by each CCP, which is filtered, nor…
EUR/USD Cross-Currency Basis Futures have just been launched by CME, introducing a cash-settled contract that derives its price from FX forwards and short-term interest rate futures (€STR and SOFR)…
The latest European Active Account Requirement suggests that 30,000 EUR swaps will have to be transacted in the EU each year, which is about 8% of the EUR swaps market. Approximately €1.25Trn of no…
Clearinghouses have published their latest CPMI-IOSCO Quantitative Disclosures: Initial margin for ETD at $511 billion – a new record – up 9% QoQ and up 17% YoY. Initial margin for IRS at $339 bill…
USD Rates Overview: USD Rates markets experienced record-breaking activity in 2024, with notional volumes exceeding $1 quadrillion for the second time. D2D SEFs Performance: ICAP led trade volumes …
The cleared FX market experienced strong growth in 2024, reaching $18 trillion in notional cleared, a 33% increase compared to 2023. Average daily volumes (ADV) stood at $195 billion, split between…
Happy New Year to all of our readers! Thank you for your continued support and readership. This first blog of the year marks my 500th blog – it’s nice to start the year with a proper ac…
INR Swaps are the 16th largest swap market in 2024. Over $3Trn equivalent has already been cleared in INR swaps in 2024, a new record. The onshore cleared market at CCIL accounts for about 30% of v…
Open Interest of €STR futures has continued to increase: Open Interest is now over €1.2Trn, up from ~€700bn at the time of our previous blog. ICE wrestled top spot from Eurex in terms of volumes tr…
October 2024 saw new block sizes implemented in the US which are 64% larger. This results in more notional being reported. We estimate that SDR data covers up to 80% of global USD swap markets. The…
Conversion to the MXN RFR (F-TIIE) has commenced at CME. This has kick-started MXN OIS trading, with over 80% of swaps now reported versus F-TIIE. MXN is the 8th largest swaps market in the world. …
This blog covers USD Options markets in Q3 – so please note that is before the election result! This is the latest in a series of blogs covering Swaptions: Swaption Volumes by Strike Q1 2024 …
October 4th saw new block sizes implemented in the US. The new block thresholds are now 64% larger in USD Swaps. This will result in better post-trade transparency in derivatives markets. Block Cal…
We will follow what is trading in Interest Rate Derivatives markets across the election, with the latest post at the top of the blog. As a reminder, we have seen record volumes trading in Swap mark…
EUR Rates markets are hitting volume records. This is elevating EUR to be the largest swaps market in the world during 2024. SEF volumes are also benefitting from this increase in activity. We expl…
60-70-30 are the three numbers you need to know for RFR Trading now. 60% is the percentage of global trading that takes place against RFRs. 70% is the amount of the USD market that trades versus SO…
Clarus CCPView has daily volume and open interest data published by each CCP, which is filtered, normalised and aggregated to allow meaningful comparisons of volumes. Today…
Is pre-hedging the same as front running? In swap markets, pre-hedging describes a dealer taking on risk in anticipation of a possible incoming transaction. There are certain situations where pre-h…
We look at continued growth in cleared NDF volumes. NDFs now see over $2Trn in Open Interest. Average Daily Volumes are now greater than $65bn. NDFs in 5 currency pairs dominate cleared OTC volumes…
Open Interest of €STR futures has continued to increase: Open Interest is over €800bn, up from ~€50bn at the beginning of the year. €STR Futures are becoming a more significant portion of trading a…
Clearing Houses have published their latest CPMI-IOSCO Quantitative Disclosures: Initial margin for ETD at $470 billion is down -2% QoQ and up 5% YoY Initial margin for IRS at $304 billion is …
Following on from the first article on Target Redemption Forwards (see Handling the complexities), my colleagues Serena Manti and Gianluca Molteni have written an interesting article on pricing usi…
I am surprised to be writing this (again!) – there are new all time highs in volumes traded! Average Daily Volumes across Swaps, Futures and Bonds in USD Rates are now at $1.68Trn in Q3 2024.…
June 2024 saw the largest number of EUR Swaptions reported to SDRs in the past three years: Number of EUR Swaptions reported to US SDRs. Source: SDRView Showing; The number of EUR Swaptions reporte…
Hedge funds are frequently in the financial news, which is not at all surprising given the size of the sector and the public profile and wealth of the founders. So it is good to see that a Hedge Fu…
Target Redemption Fowards (TARFs) are complex OTC financial instruments used in FX markets. An instrument type that many of us will have heard about in passing, but not had the need or time to delv…
August 5th 2024 saw the highest volumes ever reported to SDRs in a single day. I take a quick glance at the data for Rates markets. This is very likely a premature blog. But it’s August, it&#…
DV01 traded across all GBP Rates derivatives was 76% higher in Q2 2024 versus a year earlier, hitting 3 year highs. More GBP SONIA OIS notional traded at LCH SwapClear in Q2 this year than ever bef…
At Industry Events focusing on Futures and Options, you often hear about trade allocation workflow and efforts to improve this important post-trade process. Not knowing much about this topic, I rec…
Open Interest of €STR futures has continued to increase: Open Interest is now ~€470bn equivalent, up from ~€50bn at the beginning of the year. ADVs were €170bn in May and June 2024, up from ~€80bn …
RFR trading in Q2 looked a lot like Q1, with some changes in USD and EUR. 60-80-30 are the three numbers you need to know for RFR Trading now. 60% is the percentage of global trading that takes pla…
This blog follows on from the interesting activity we have seen across Options markets so far this year. Take a look if you have missed anything: Swaption Volumes by Strike Q1 2024 SOFR Options – H…
OMG. The last time I wrote about CAD Swaps was in 2017! Seven years later, what has changed? (Skip to the Summary to find out :-P ). CDOR-CORRA Conversion The not-so-new news is that CDOR will ceas…
This week marks the 10th Anniversary of my first ever blog. That also means it is a long time since I last traded an interest rate swap. To mark the occasion, I have documented the trading strategy…
Clearing Houses have published their latest CPMI-IOSCO Quantitative Disclosures: Initial margin for ETD at $480 billion is up 3.5% QoQ and 3% YoY Initial margin for IR…
Options trading accounts for 22% of all notional equivalent volume in SOFR futures and nearly 60% of Open Interest. In the old LIBOR world, options trading accounted for slightly more of the tradin…
We recently covered an article on Using AI for Market Abuse Surveillance, a very interesting use of Machine Learning (ML) to improve the classification of alarms generated in market surveliance. On…
SOFR Swaps at D2D Venues trade as Spreadovers, Butterflys or Curve trades Spreadovers are the largest with ICAP leading Butterflys next, Dealrweb and Tradition Curves with ICAP leading CC…
And equally “Why do clients prefer SwapClear?” For JPY Swaps JSCC is the main Dealer to Dealer CCP. LCH SwapClear is the main Dealer to Client CCP. This is probably caused by the interp…