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Crivens! Comics & Stuff
R egular readers may remember me mentioning living down in Southsea in Portsmouth for 3-4 months back in 1981. I was there in response to t...
Copyright DC COMICS I don't know why I do it, but I do! I've already got the original version of this new Facsimile Edition of Superman...
Copyright relevant owner T hose of a certain age (as in decrepit old farts like me) may well remember the above ad (drawn by Ron Embleton ) ...
Copyright MARVEL COMICS A nother nice new Facsimile Edition that every true Marvel fan should have, so buy yours while they're available a...
Copyright MARVEL COMICS S ometimes common sense has to be ignored for the purpose of drama. Remember when James Bond chases a fleeing bad ...
W hat more could we ask for, Crivvies, than a Babe in a bikini on a beach? And do you see the way she's gazing at me? I can tell that she ...
Copyright REBELLION L atest arrival at Castel Crivens, Volume Two of Treasury Of British Comics' Adam Eterno - Grunn The Grim , from the...
Copyright MARVEL COMICS M anaged to obtain (at huge expense) a brilliant condition copy of The Fantastic Four #1 recently. Good as the Mar...
I see a once popular comics writer has announced he's 'transitioning' and becoming a woman. His business, although as he's insisted on sha...
Copyright relevant owner A rrived yesterday at Castel Crivens, two items celebrating publisher Alan Class's 30 year career from 1959 to 198...
Copyright MARVEL COMICS A ssuming that Fantastic #1 went on sale a full week before its February 18th cover-date (as was usually the case w...
Images copyright MARVEL COMICS I n just over a week it'll be 52 years since the very first issue of SMCW went on sale. If you were around...
B ack in 1972/'73 when F.O.O.M. was being prepared, according to commenter Gene Phillips , Marvel asked readers if they could come up with...
H ands up who watched TISWAS back in the day? Like me, did you watch it purely to ogle at Sally James , or was it Spit the Dog or the Phan...
Copyright MARVEL COMICS H ere's one I meant to show you last week - The Fantastic Four #2 Facsimile Edition . Indicia in the wrong place (s...
Copyright DC COMICS "L ook... up in the space above... it's a bird... it's a 'plane... it's a comicbook!" I've fancied owning this mag for...
Copyright DC COMICS Y eah, only a 'drawing', but she sure is a hottie!
Copyright DC COMICS D o you know what I love? (Aside from Susan Storm , Salma Hayek , and myself - though not necessarily in that order.) ...
Copyright DC COMICS H ere's a 'little' beauty that's just been delivered into my eager mitts - The Untold Legend Of The Batman . I have the...
Copyright DC COMICS I 'm sure most of you recall the Famous First Editions tabloid-sized mags from the '70s. Some of them were also actual...
Copyright DC COMICS B ehold - two new facsimiles of DC Collectors' Editions from the '70s, Crivs. If you don't have the originals, then th...
T he delightful, delectable, and devastatingly beautiful Denise Milani is our 'Babe' for today, Crivvies. I'd better pop out and buy some ...
W ould you look at that - Denise Milani hasn't yet taken down her Christmas tree, the lazy lass. Better get to it, Denise, before Easter is...
2025 Facsimile. Copyright MARVEL COMICS A bove, is the latest Facsimile Edition of The Fantastic Four #1 . Look at that barcode box in th...
W ell, Crivs, do I have a treat for you! No, that isn't a question, it's a statement, as I'm now about to unleash on you the Gold Key comi...
Copyright MARVEL COMICS A round 20-25 years back, an acquaintance gave me a beat-up copy of Amazing Adventures #17 . When I say 'beat up' I...
I always make sure the heating is on full whenever Denise Milani drops in for a visit, as it doesn't take very long until she gets down to...
B ack in 2014, I published a post that received only one comment (in 2015). Maybe the football was on telly that night, but I thought it ...
Copyright MARVEL COMICS I thought I'd shown this Marx Iron Man on my blog before, but I can't find it - though it may be among other toys ...
H ope Santa was nice to you all!
Copyright relevant owner W ell I said I would and now I have - show you my Flintstones comicbook adaptation of the 1966 movie that is. It...
Copyright DC COMICS B ack in 1966 when Corgi Toys issued their TV Batmobile , for around the first 6 months it was matte black (according t...
H ere's a re-presentation of an old pencil sketch from 1980, which I drew standing up whilst looking down at the subject - who, incidentally...
C hristmas is only a week away so it's surely not too early to share this card from T47 with the rest of you Crivvies. It wasn't intended ...
O kay, for those few Crivs who may be interested, I decided not to add photos of my living-room last Christmas (2023) to the earlier festive...
Y ou've gotta hand it to dishy Denise - even when she slid on a banana skin and inadvertently did the splits (thereby demonstrating the o...
The paper streamer on the ceiling is from the '50s or early '60s Y ou asked for them, you pleaded for them, you demanded them (well, four of...
Copyright DC COMICS B efore I get around to showing some of my Christmas trees and decorations for a few (four) interested Crivvies, I thoug...
R ecently, when checking out posts listed in my daily stats as having been visited by you frantic Crivs, I've noticed that, strangely, quite...