Science & Technology
Culture & Art
Science & Technology
Culture & Art
PaintSwap have built a great community, a decentralised NFT marketplace, as well as a fully on-chain MMORPG game - all on Fantom Blockchain - an EVM-compatible chain that is fast, secure and decentralised. Read more.
This week I had the pleasure of sitting down with Stephen, the creator of Looppress, an open-source WordPress plugin for Token Gating. We had a great conversation on my podcast Proof Of Talk, on the features of Looppress, and why Loopring is likely to become the main L3 for Ethereum. Here are some of the […]
The same organisation that was responsible for shutting down the biggest dark web drug marketplace, Silkroad, fell victim to one of the oldest tricks in the books — a phishing attack, resulting in the DEA sending $55,000 to a scammer’s address. The way this scam was set up an executed is quite fascinating and just goes to […]
I would like to start by saying that I’m excited to finally be able to write this article, and share this project with the world. I’m excited to finally be able to share the origin story of Aesir, an algorithmic cryptocurrency trading platform that I built alongside a small team of developers for the past […]