Science & Technology
Culture & Art
Science & Technology
Culture & Art
Anne and Grace shiver in August which is not unusual for New England. The wind off the ocean picks up and the clouds roll in under a hazy, smoke-filled sky. Wildfires eat the land to the north and west again, now a yearly occurrence. The sisters gaze at their children playing chase around the playground's…
Wilson pumped gas under the overhead fluorescent light. Large snowflakes fell highlighted by the overbearing light as if on a stage. His cheap wool hat held them for a minute before melting. Last customer of the day before flipping off the lights, locking the door, and walking across the yard. The gas station stood unchanged…
Simple is often best Anne thought and yet everything had felt more complex since Christmas. The holidays had drained Anne leaving her exhausted when the new year began. This wasn't unusual. In fact, Anne couldn't recall a time when the holidays didn't completely overwhelm her. Tess had always placed so much importance on them. Anne…
I found this whoopie pie recipe among the many recipes my grandmother left behind. It is easy to whip up and sure to satisfy any sweet tooth. The cake is light and perfectly chocolatey and the filling is not overly sweet despite the addition of marshmallow fluff. I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as we do.…
The Colorado sun blinds Ann. The colossal Rocky Mountains frosted in bits ofsnow stand in the distance. Such a tease to see them and not be able to touchthem. The land leaving the airport is brown and flat. Ugly. Ann finds thisunnerving. The flat land and muted colors are disorienting. So, unlike what sheknows, what…
The robin makes eye contact with me. Our neighbor's porch light illuminates half of her body, the other half is consumed by the night. It is 1 am. Dirty water bottles sit in the sink, and half-eaten airport snacks decorate the counter along with boarding passes we no longer need. I stare at the robin…
I found this cake recipe in my grandmother's binder of saved recipes. This recipe was likely cut out of newspaper- maybe The Boston Globe or the Lowell Sun. It appealed to her and she kept it. I wish I knew more about her process of what hold onto and what to release. Not just her…
My classes have started again so I have less time for writing but will get back to it soon. I made these cookies three times over the last three weeks. They are big, chewy, and full of chocolate flavor. You will not be disappointed! Dark Chocolate White Chocolate Chunk Cookies Makes 2 dozen Recipe adapted…
This ice cream cake is based off the of my grandmother's coffee ice cream recipe. Though I always enjoyed her pistachio ice cream the most, her version of coffee ice cream is excellent. This version of coffee ice cream is for coffee lovers. The flavor is strong but not overwhelming. The addition of the Oreos…
Ann ended 2021 similar to the way she began 2021 in bed at 9:30. A few drinks eased the annoyance of the holiday but didn't compel her to watch the ball drop in Times Square. Twenty years ago she loved New Year's Eve, celebrating with friends, bar hopping, and drunkenly making out with her husband.…
“Hold your breath…good.” “Breathe.” “Doing ok Ann?” Not really. Four MRIs in a year, same result, still no answers. “I’m good.” “Ok, almost done. You’re doing great.” Ann forced her eyes closed. Staring at the white ceiling just a foot from her nose was more than she could handle at 6am on a Tuesday morning. …
I found this chocolate chiffon cake recipe while shuffling through some of my grandmother's recipes Though I do not remember her making it she had it cut out and taped to a weathered and stained piece of paper. Maybe she hoped to make it one day, maybe there would be an occasion for it, or…