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Science & Technology
Culture & Art
Do homeopathic medicines contain steroids or are steroids being used while preparing medicines? Many homeopaths have been asked such questions for long. A simple answer to this is NO. It is just a misbelief that homeopathic medicines contain steroids. These claims defame the homeopathic system of medicine. In this article, we will discuss this issue in […]
Cough and cold is quite a common complaint everyone faces. Cold indicates an infection in the upper respiratory tract (it consist of nose, mouth, pharynx, larynx and the paranasal sinuses). Cough refers to an act of forcing air out of the lungs to get rid of mucus, fluids, germs (like bacteria, virus) and other matter […]
Chest pain can occur from several reasons and one among these could be gas. Chest pain due to gas is quite common. Gas in the chest feels like tightness in the chest and other symptoms that might occur include burping, passing gas, reduction in appetite, indigestion, pain in the abdomen in various parts and nausea. Chest […]
0 Pain in the forehead may be due to different reasons. To begin with, one of the main cause behind forehead pain is sinusitis, more specifically frontal sinusitis. Sinusitis refers to inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (air-filled spaces in the skull). Frontal sinusitis refers to inflammation of the frontal sinuses located behind the brow ridges […]
Gritty eyes refer to irritated, scratchy feeling in the eyes as if there is a particle of sand in the eye while nothing is present in the eye. Depending on the cause, some other signs and symptoms may attend gritty eyes. These include dryness in the eyes, itchy eyes, and eye redness, burning in the […]
0 Exercise-induced headache or exertion headache refers to headache that occurs during or after some physical exertion like running, exercise, weightlifting, swimming. Doing exercise in hot weather increases the risk of such headache. Some other activities that may trigger such headache are rowing, playing sports like tennis, football, aerobics and also sexual intercourse. While exercising or […]
Bladder Outlet Obstruction (BOO) or Obstructive Uropathy refers to a urinary condition resulting from blockage of the neck at the bottom of the urinary bladder. Here the neck is the area where the urinary bladder joins the urethra. In this condition, urine flow is blocked either partially or completely varying on a case-to-case basis. Bladder Outlet […]
0 The fear of failure is medically known as atychiphobia. It is something that everyone might have experienced in their lives. It may be mild to severe. But persons who have extreme fear of failure in doing every task so much so that it strongly impacts their routine life, then it is referred to as […]
0 Flat warts are flat or slightly raised, smooth, non-cancerous (benign) growths that appear on the skin. These are small in size compared to other types of warts. The size of these warts varies from 1 mm to 3 mm in diameter. One may confuse flat warts with acne or age spots. Flat warts are […]
Solar urticaria is a rare skin condition characterised by an itchy, red rash on the skin on exposure to sunlight. The rash develops a few minutes after exposure to the sun. Solar urticaria is also known by the name of sun allergy. Solar urticaria does not occur due to the heat of the sun but […]
0 Diabetes can lead to many health issues and one important among them is fatigue. Fatigue means a feeling of exhaustion, tiredness, and lack of energy all the time. People having diabetes can have intense fatigue that hinders day-to-day life activities. Fatigue is different from tiredness as it is persistent and does not get better […]
0 Liver spots, also called sun spots, refer to small, flat spots of relatively dark color on the skin. These mainly form on the skin area exposed to sun like face, arms and hands. These may have dark brown, gray, black or tan color. These are harmless but one may seek their treatment for cosmetic […]
Perianal burning refers to burning sensation felt around the anus. It is very discomforting. Perianal burning can happen due to various reasons. Improper cleaning of the anal area after passing the stool can result in skin irritation and burning around anus. On the contrary intense cleaning and scrubbing can damage the anal region and result […]
0 Comedones or comedonal acne refer to small, dark, white or flesh-colored bumps on the skin resulting from blockage of the hair follicles by sebum (an oily substance secreted by the sebaceous glands) and the dead skin cells. Comedones are one of the different types of acne. The most common location of comedones is the […]
Diabetes predisposes a person to several skin complaints. One of the common complaints among these is foot ulcers. Diabetic foot ulcer refers to an open wound that may form on the feet in persons having diabetes. Diabetes damages the nerves in the feet (peripheral neuropathy) that results in decreased sensation of pain in the feet. […]
Edema also known as dropsy and fluid retention refers to fluid build-up in the tissues of the body. It usually affects legs, feet and ankles though other body parts can also be affected by it like hands, face, eyelids, etc. Edema can be pitting (when a swollen part of the body has a dimple after […]
0 Dermatitis refers to inflammation of the skin. When dermatitis is accompanied by swelling from fluid build-up in the skin it is termed as spongiotic eczema. Any skin area can be affected by this dermatitis. This can occur on a localised area of the skin or can be present on a much bigger skin surface. […]
Puffiness under the eyes, also called bags under the eyes, is a very common problem. It refers to swelling under the eyes. Depending on the cause of puffiness, it can be accompanied by other symptoms like eye discharge, itchy eyes, watering from eyes, redness of eyes and dry eyes. In some cases, this may occur […]
Oil (sebum) is naturally produced in our body by the sebaceous glands on the skin and scalp. It has a moisturising and protective function. When there is an increased production of sebum on the scalp, it leads to oily scalp (seborrhoea). This may be attended with some other complaints as well. These include itching, bad […]
0 Weakness after childbirth is medically termed as postpartum fatigue. Quite common, it has a negative impact on the well-being and emotional health of a woman. Postpartum fatigue symptoms include feeling extremely tired, exhausted, lack of energy, mood swings, poor concentration, anxiety and low mood. Other symptoms include body aches, joint pains, backache, decreased motivation […]
Allergies can occur due to various reasons, in some cases chemicals in the hair dye can result in an allergic reaction. The symptoms of hair dye allergy can be mild to severe. Hair dye allergies are a result of an overreaction of the immune system to the chemicals present in the hair dye. PPD (paraphenylenediamine), […]
0 Sinus infection refers to infection of the paranasal sinuses (air–filled spaces present in the skull bone) from infection by bacteria or viruses. A sinus infection (sinusitis) can result in various kind of symptoms with toothache being one among them. Sinus infections can cause pain in the upper teeth due to the involvement of the […]
0 There are many health issues that a woman experiences after childbirth, especially after C–section (cesarean section). Back pain is one of the most common health problems that a woman may face. There are several reasons behind this kind of backache. One among these is the impact of the epidural injection given in the spine […]
Neck injuries may vary from mild to severe. Any of the structures in the neck may be affected due to a neck injury like muscles, tendons (bands of tissue that connect muscles to bones), ligaments (bands of tissue that connect one bone to another), bones, joints, or nerves. The symptoms of neck injury may include […]
Lower back pain is a very common health concern nowadays. Lower back pain can occur at any time of the day or night. One may wake up with lower back pain in the morning. The pain can be localized in the lower back or it may radiate down to the hips, legs and feet varying […]
0 During menstruation, several health issues can come up in women that may be quite distressing. Weakness or tiredness during menses is quite common besides other common concerns like cramps, bloating and mood changes. A weak and tired feeling during menses is referred to as period fatigue. This happens from a drop in the estrogen […]
0 Toe pain, though not a serious concern, can make walking difficult and hinder daily activities. There may be different reasons for the troublesome toe pain. It could simply arise from wearing tight shoes or prolonged walking. It may also result due to an injury to the toes. However, in many other cases of toe […]
Eczema is a condition that causes skin inflammation along with red, rough, dry and itchy skin. Other signs and symptoms may appear like flaking of skin, oily skin, thickening of skin, blister formation, itching, soreness, burning sensation, darkening of skin and pain. There are different types of scalp eczema. These mainly include seborrheic dermatitis, atopic […]
Thumb pain can result from various reasons. Depending on the underlying cause, it can be attended with stiffness, swelling, tenderness, clicking sound while moving the thumb, numbness, tingling sensation and weakness in the thumb. Among the different reasons for thumb pain, the first one is arthritis i.e. inflammation of the joints. Arthritis that can affect […]
Hypersensitivity to cold is also known as cold intolerance. Everyone feels cold in winter due to a decrease in the temperature in the environment. Those who face cold intolerance feel cold all the time no matter what the season. Cold intolerance may be attended with shivering, besides other features like numbness; pale, red or bluish […]
0 Among the various ear problems, fullness and closed sensation in the ears is an important one. This sensation appears on its own or can be attended with some other signs and symptoms. These may include hearing noises in the ear in the absence of an external source (i.e. tinnitus), difficulty in hearing, ear discharges, […]
0 Burping, also called belching, refers to the release of gas from the upper gastric tract via the mouth. Water brash refers to mixing of the stomach acid with excessive saliva causing sour, bad or unpleasant taste in the mouth. This is often attended with heartburn (burning sensation in the middle of the chest behind […]
0 A common problem in winter, wool allergy appears in the form of rashes, skin irritation and redness while wearing woolen clothes. Pimples, blisters (fluid-filled eruptions on the skin), itching, skin dryness with cracks and bleeding may also appear. Excessive scratching due to itching can result in open sores on the skin that increase the […]
0 Phantosmia or olfactory hallucination means smelling imaginary odors that are not present in reality. Most of the time, phantosmia occurs from mild problems that are not very worrisome, and relief sets in some time. However, in rare cases, a serious medical condition like brain tumour or stroke can be the cause that needs urgent […]
0 Among the various body organs that can be affected by diabetes, skin is one of the prominent ones. In some cases, symptoms start appearing on the skin in the pre-diabetic stage. Diabetic people are prone to a wide range of skin problems. Some common ones are explained here. The first among these is dry […]
Eczema is a skin condition showing chronic (long-term) skin inflammation with dry, rough and itchy skin patches. It can affect any body part and when it affects the face it is known as facial eczema. Other than dryness and itching on the face, the other signs may include blisters (fluid-filled bumps) on the skin, crust […]
0 A bitter taste in the mouth may be caused by various reasons. It may be due to improper oral hygiene, from eating some specific kind of food stuff, dryness in the mouth and cigarette smoking. However, in some cases, it may indicate an underlying health condition. The first among these is dental problems including […]
Skin allergy refers to skin irritation, skin rash, bumps on the skin from an abnormal over-reaction of the immune system to an entirely harmless substance. Normally the immune system helps to fight foreign harmful agents like bacteria and viruses and expel them from the body. But in people suffering from any kind of skin allergy, […]
Voice hoarseness medically refers to a voice that is rough, weak, husky, strained and unclear. This may happen from different reasons and is not a serious condition. One of the most common cause behind it is the overuse of vocal cords. The problem may be faced by professionals like teachers, actors, singers, salespersons who have […]
A common complaint, everyone suffers a headache at one or the other time. In some cases, it may be attended by some other symptoms like nausea, vomiting, etc well. However, in a few cases, visual disturbances can attend or precede the headache. The visual disturbance might include seeing spots, stars, dots, zig-zag lines across the […]