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Science & Technology
Culture & Art
A few years ago, I compiled data on the number of applicants for tenure-track ecology faculty positions in North America, and had some fun building an exploratory statistical model that predicted which jobs would get more applications. I did this just out of curiosity. The answer was basically that jobs at R1 unis, jobs in…
Also this week: the phylogenetics of geometry, and more. Only a few links this week, but the average quality is higher than usual. Jessica Hullman points us to an old paper by Tukey and Cornfield on "the two spans of statistical inference." This is a very good metaphor for the role of statistics in solving…
I'm not sure, but I think it's both? Here's a bit of data, tell me what you think. I went back to the spreadsheets from past job years for which the spreadsheet is still in good shape. That turned out to be every year from 2018-19 to 2023-24. I downloaded the counts of number…
Also this week: climate change and Seneca Falls, book reviews galore, enshittification as a strategy, and more. Stephen Heard on how ChatGPT has become Nickleback. Great post, because it brings data to the party, not just a spot-on analogy. Athene Donald passes on the story of Eunice Foote, an unsung pioneer of both women's suffrage…
Betteridge's Law of Headlines violation! Also, note that this post repeats some things I said in passing in a recent post on a related topic. But the question comes up often enough on that I decided it was worth a standalone post. If you're seeking a tenure-track faculty position in ecology in North America,…
In many areas of ecology, key terms are either only vaguely defined, and/or are used to mean different things by different authors. Sometimes, there are also different terms that mean the same thing, accompanied by disagreement over which of those terms should be used. Terminology in many areas of ecology is a metaphorical Tower of…
I'm a baseball fan, so I read a lot of baseball blogs. There's a kind of blog post about men's sports called "let's remembers some guys." They're posts about now-retired players who played within the lifetimes of older readers. Those players were good players, but they aren't so super-famous that every fan will remember them…
Also this week: tell me again how many continents there are, "pick up the trash that lands in your path," in defense of the (scientific) descendants of Erasmus, and more. More than the usual number of controversial links this week, but I have faith our commenters can handle it. As always, remember not to assume…
I have a book coming out. I have some ideas for the cover, and the marketing folks at UChicago Press will have ideas as well. But I also thought it would be useful to look to other scientific books for inspiration. So: what are your favorite scientific book covers? This one could be a challenging…
So, what are your favorite campus novels? Novels centered on academics and academia? Here are my suggestions, looking forward to yours. Lucky Jim by Kingsley Amis is the classic of the genre. I've read it, I enjoyed it, although of course it's of its time. My personal favorite campus novels--which include some of my favorite…
Also this week: variance-mean scaling (tennis edition), mean scaling (pumpkin edition), and more From Jeremy: A good post on the history and purpose of statistical null hypothesis testing. Key line: Statisticians and philosophers spend far too much time close-reading Fisher and Neyman and far too little reading Bradford Hill. Statistician and polymath Cosma Shalizi has…
My forthcoming book was officially approved for publication by UChicago Press earlier this fall. I just finished revising the text on Oct. 22. So it's definitely starting to feel real! I'm very excited about it, and I hope you are too. The one-sentence elevator pitch for the book is that it's about harnessing diversity of…
Betteridge's Law of Headlines applies.* For details that I'm guessing most of you don't need, but that perhaps a few of you might find useful, read on. At the end there's a short postscript on whether it's ever savvy to "read between the lines" of a faculty job ad. As an ecology faculty job applicant,…
Also this week: analyzing biases in recommendation letters, against political endorsements by scientific journals, and more. From Jeremy: "For the first time, an open application process was used to attract applicants from a wide range of backgrounds. The Chancellor’s Election Committee has considered all applications solely on the specific exclusion criteria set out in the…
I recently was informed that a paper in a glossy big name journal that I had paid attention to was retracted due to a coding error. I'm not going to name the paper because that is not the point. Quite the opposite - I commend authors who do the right thing, because mistakes happen to…
Everybody knows that the scientific literature is growing. Every year, every scientific field sees more papers published than the previous year. But exactly how fast is the ecological literature growing? Can we put some numbers on it? Here's a quick first pass that I did last week to procrastinate on work.* I searched Web of…
Also this week: Lego vs. Alan Turing, how can you tell if your scientific field is making progress, tadpoles for the win, debating the Living Planet Index, and more. From Jeremy: Help Stephen Heard and Bethann Garramon Merkle decide what to call their forthcoming book on "helping students write." They're polling readers on candidate titles;…
The Faculty of Science at the University of Calgary is hiring an Assistant Professor in data-driven modelling for ecology and water conservation. Ad here. Application deadline is Dec. 31, 2024. Preference will be given to candidates with a primary focus and interest centered around the modelling of aquatic ecosystems and/or water usage, with an eye…
I recently read Dan Davies' new book The Unaccountability Machine (a brief accessible summary of which is here.) Among other things, it's a potted history of, and attempt to revive interest in, management cybernetics. Briefly, cybernetics, as developed by Stafford Beer and others in the decades after WW II, was a set of ideas about…
Also this week: spongy floors, TikTok scicomm, the moral panic over LLMs, and more. From Jeremy: Why aren't there more Matt Levines? (Matt Levine being the author of finance newsletter Money Stuff.) Basically meaning, why aren't there more people who blog often and well, to a broad audience, about a non-political industry or niche? The…
It occurs to me that there might be a common thread tying together various advice posts I've written about the ecology faculty job market in North America. In the past I've advised applicants not to worry that the job might have, or be intended for, an internal candidate. I've advised applicants not to worry if…
Protzko et al. 2023 Nat Hum Behav was a high-profile preregistered paper on replicability in psychology. The headline result was a demonstration that you can get replicable results in psychology by using rigorous practices: pre-registering your study design and analysis plan; having a giant sample size; etc. I say it "was" a high-profile paper because…
Also this week: the death of culture (?), the worst scientific misconduct case ever (?), and more. From Jeremy: One silver lining about the Pruitt case was that none of Pruitt's research had any applications. Imagine if somebody had, say, faked a career's worth of high-profile research on Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, and been put in…
Betteridge's Law of Headlines applies. For the details, read on. A "failed" faculty job search is one that doesn't result in hiring someone who shows up on campus and starts doing the job. In North America, somewhere between 8-25% of tenure-track ecology faculty job searches fail. Sometimes, a failed search will be re-advertised again the…
Ecology faculty job ads sometimes say that they're open to candidates in some broadly defined field, but that the hiring department is "particularly" interested in candidates from some narrower subfield. Another, similar sort of add will say that the department is interested in hiring in some broad area of ecology, "including but not limited to"…
Also this week: off-label stats, absence of evidence = evidence of absence, and more. From Jeremy: When does absence of evidence constitute evidence of absence? The answer is straightforward, I think, but I still found the illustrative examples interesting. Statistician Daniel Lakens doesn't expect to be convinced by data that scientific reform is working (and…
I'm still working my way through Dan Davies' new book, The Unaccountability Machine. In part, the book is a history of business management cybernetics. Today I learned that leading cybernetician Stafford Beer tried to build a computer out of a tank of Daphnia. Here's Beer, quoted by Davies, describing what he called his 'computing pond':…
I have some colleagues at UMaine who are thinking about starting a blog (in an allied field of ecology) and, knowing my experience with Dynamic Ecology, they asked for what tips I would pass on. To be honest I was surprised how few tips I had. I like boiling down learned experience into a few…
Also this week: Data Colada vs. Francesca Gino, CW Mills vs. blogs, Stephen Heard vs. your graduate students, remembering the guy who was in the thing, and more. Lots of good stuff this week! From Jeremy: Ooh, this is both fun and instructive: online time series guessing game. Each day, it shows you a time…
I just started Dan Davies' new book, The Unaccountability Machine. His last book, on financial fraud, was both interesting in its own right and had surprising lessons for academic scientists. So I'm hoping for the same from Davies' new book, and so far it's satisfying my hopes. Right in the first chapter, there's an interesting…
Meghan, Brian, and I remain too busy to crank out lots of meaty posts right now. So why not check out some highlights from recent comment threads? Our commenters are the best. :-) JC Cahill suggests that the ESA meeting has become boring because ecology as a field has become boring, and that the field…
Also this week: Philip Ball interview, game of telephone (biodiversity and Indigenous lands edition), Dynamic Ecology vs. LinkedIn, Jeremy attempts to dispel a false but amusing rumor, and more. From Jeremy: No, 80% of the world's biodiversity is not found on Indigenous territories. A little while back Meghan linked to another example of this sort…
As most of you know, I recently completed a draft of my book. But I'm still struggling to come up with a title. Commenters on the linked post had some good advice and suggestions. But I didn't come away with anything I was entirely satisfied with. I'm now leaning away from calling it "Dynamic Ecology,"…
A while back, when thinking about student mental health, I first learned that we are all ducks. The idea is that, when we look at others, we see the equivalent of the part of a duck that is above the water – something gliding along seemingly effortlessly, making smooth forward progress. For ourselves, though, we…
Also this week: meet the new boss con artist, same as the old boss con artist, breaking up (with the ESA) is hard to do, Wildlife Photographer of the Year, fox vs. problem, and more. I'm not sure why I always read con artist stories like this one with great interest. Because they're all the…
Semester starting soon, too busy to write real posts at the moment. So here's a compilation of some of the best lines from past DE posts, where "best" is operationally defined as "my personal favorites, that I was able to recall off the top of my head." Links go to the posts. Enjoy! "People cry.…
Also this week: syllabus bloat, higher standards vs. LLMs, and more. From Jeremy: A thorough and fascinating data-driven post on the long-term decline in writing about progress. Interesting that the decline in writing about progress seems to date from sometime around the 1960s in nonfiction, but from much earlier in fiction. And that the decline…
Note from Jeremy: recently we invited guest posts on doing ecology around the world, to add to a series we began a few years ago. It's a great series, you should totally go back and read the previous posts in the series, as well as the new ones. Today's post is by Daniel Reyes Corral…
Note from Jeremy: Recently we invited new guest posts on doing ecology around the world, to build on a series of guest posts we ran a few years ago. It's a great series, you should totally go back and read the previous posts in the series, as well as the new ones. Here's the first…
As we discussed last week, ESA meeting attendance is declining among mid-career and senior ecologists, a trend that predates the pandemic. The reasons vary, but definitely include: Lack of new scientific questions and ideas. Why go to a conference if you're just going to see more or less the same presentations on the same questions/topics…