Science & Technology
Culture & Art
Science & Technology
Culture & Art
I've been a fan of Star Wars since I was a nine year old being driven to Dunedin to see this new SF film that was supposed to be quite good. There in the Octagon Theatre my young mind was blown by what I saw. We'd never seen anything quite like it. I still can…
Collecting things seems to have deep roots in the human brain. There are few things more satisfying than finding something unexpected that you really need for your collection. The shock (woah!), the excitement (at last!), the surprise (how did this get here?), the urgency (I better grab this before someone else does), even though anyone…
We often put up with bad situations because they stop something worse happening. This can be as big as having nuclear weapons to stop major wars occurring. Paying taxes is a burden but it keeps a society healthy and connected. Not eating so much chocolate seems wrong but will give you better long-term health. And…
The idea of 'friends with benefits' is reasonably widespread and understood. Having good interactions with others will often lead to even more productive outcomes. But what about 'enemies with benefits'? Are there times where your enemy can give you some positive benefits? Invasive species cause ecological harm worldwide, threatening biodiversity, disrupting nutrient cycling and displacing…
Darwin loved to write. He wrote books. He scribed copious numbers of letters to people all around the world. And yet he took such a long time to complete his signature work. I'm not sure what Darwin would have made of generative AI. I doubt that he would have been impressed, especially at the moment…
Can a cute-looking animal turn into a fierce demon? Yes, when cat moves from a snoring heap on your couch to hunting birds and reptile species. Cats have been silent killers in New Zealand for decades. It is estimated that 100 million of birds are killed by cats every year in New Zealand. As the…
In New Zealand, many would agree that fresh water is one of our most loved natural resources. We drink it, we swim in it, we use it to farm and to make a living, we even use it to generate our power! Unfortunately, especially in Canterbury after some major earthquakes, many of our streams and…
In a new age of ‘fake news’, the exponentially growing ChatGPT, and being talked at by your climate change-denier uncle at the dinner table, how do we know who to trust? Well, the scientists obviously. But what happens when the scientists get it wrong? An article released in January of 2024 “Systematic and persistent bias…
Our adventure begins in the breathtaking north of Pakistan, where the majestic peaks of the Himalayas, and their foothills, stand as one of the last sanctuaries, a place where the sky meets the earth. Here, clouds drift over rough mountains and lush valleys, into dense forests. Glistening lakes and spectacular waterfalls shape this natural paradise.…
Our eyes are captivated by the breathtaking diversity of the living world, where billions of plants and animals enchant us with their variety and richness, thriving above ground or in water. But we often overlook the organisms beneath our feet, in the hidden world of soil, where an equally mesmerizing realm teems with life. E.…
Helpful gardeners or destructive beasts? Hedgehogs could be the last thing standing in the way of restoring native wildlife. Most New Zealanders are aware of the current predator problem, with possums, rats and stoats taking the cake for the biggest pains, but what about cute little hedgehogs? Are they really as innocent as they look…
For thousands of years, humans have been indulging in the pleasures of alcohol. It is one of the few pastimes that run throughout the history of civilisation. But what did wine taste like without the modern technologies we have today? In the modern day world, wine may be described as somewhat spicy, smelling of roasted…
Invasive plants can have a devastating impact on our natural environment. What are invasive plants? Put simply, they are non-native plants that spread rapidly within New Zealand and pose a significant threat to ecosystems, agricultural production, or human health. It sounds awful.It is even worse than it sounds. Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) CC BY by Chris Schnepf, University of Idaho,…
Recently, we ticked past the 500th article posted to EcoLincNZ. In many ways it is just a number, but it is sufficiently round to make me think about what we have achieved. Jon Sullivan and I put the original site together in 2008. Blogging was the new thing and we thought that it might be…
I don't know what you like to eat at barbecues, but I like some nice roasted veggies! What I don't fancy are burned broccoli or charred cauliflower. Who would want to eat that, right? Do you have an idea what causes huge amounts of burnt veggies each year? It's wildfires! Seasoned vegetables, by polaristest (Flickr)…
A recent study published in the New Zealand Journal of Zoology suggests that introduced invasive mammalian predators are changing the personalities of native birds. Researchers compared two populations of kakaruai/South Island robins in similar forest habitats, one from the predator free island of Motuara and one from the main island, where introduced predators are present.…
The Port Hills are a highly valued geographical feature of Chirstchurch. Located southeast of the city, they are home to a wide range of activities, including rock climbing and mountain biking, as well as being popular among walkers and joggers. Vegetation throughout the Port Hills is varied, containing a range of tussockland, pine forestry blocks,…
As a kid I explored the waters of the Marlborough Sounds. I caught my first fish there at seven years old and, one New Year's day, my biggest snapper weighing about 25 pounds. I have been awed by watching fish and bird feeding frenzies- the food chain in practice. I learnt to dive off boats…
It is widely known that some 66 million years ago an asteroid hit the Earth, contributing to mass destruction and extinctions, most popularly of the dinosaurs. But did you also know that a very common animal class, birds, are direct relatives to avian dinosaurs? They are literally the only dinosaur descendants. The American Museum of…
Most of us have been in the position where we've struggled to find something, be it your car keys, phone, or favourite pair of sunglasses. No matter how hard or long you search it just seems to elude you. One minute it's there and the next it's gone. You know it's there, but where!! It's…
Spiders. Your reaction to that word might determine whether or not you finish reading this post, but try to bear with me — at least for a little while. While I can accept that most people aren't nearly as fond of spiders as I am, I think all but the truly arachnophobic (it's okay; I understand…
Dirt was one of my first friends. My earliest days were spent collecting worms from the backyard and trying to convince my parents I hadn't done any dirt taste testing that day (I probably had, but for purely scientific reasons). I was fascinated by what seemed like an entirely different world in the soil of…
"Wilderness was the basic ingredient of American culture. From the raw materials of the physical wilderness, Americans built a civilization. With the idea of wilderness they sought to give their civilization identity and meaning." - Roderick Nash, Wilderness and the American Mind Since the advent of the wilderness preservation movement in nineteenth-century America, protecting wild…
Imagine walking through the lush forests of New Zealand, where native birds sing and the ecosystem thrives. For many, the thrill of hunting deer adds to the adventure, as these animals are both prized game and an integral part of the environment. However, lurking within this paradise are predators, like possums and rats, which threaten…
Blandly pleasant houses flank wide roads. Inoffensive strip gardens line dull driveways and plain, wooden slat fences. Every street is perfectly plain and welcoming. The normal neighbourhood stretches on, unchanging for blocks. If you have looked for a house, flat, or rental in the past fifteen years, you have visited this suburb. Welcome home. Does…
My mother makes a great liver and bacon. Like many cooks who have spent decades on a sheep farm she is also a dab hand with a great mutton roast, scones, and sponge cakes. She can also preserve fruit at a moments notice. The highest compliment I every received for my own infrequent cooking attempts…
It's a big, bad world out there and it is nice to find something that adds to our protection.This can range from vaccines against viruses, to seatbelts in cars, to laws against causing physical harm. As a naked ape we are not especially intimidating on our own and we often seek out tools to make…
In popular media New Zealand is often portrayed as a 'Lost World'. From Middle-earth to Narnia, from Skull Island to Mythic Greece, New Zealand has often stood in for a director's idea of a mysterious place that time forgot. This started in the 1960s with In search of the Castaways, a cheesy Disney live action…
Darwin took the best part of 20 years to publish his ideas on natural selection. There has been a lot of speculation as to why he took so long. We here at the Sandwalk have some ideas.... Although bicycles, as we know them, were still a decade or two off, in the early 1850s there…
Christmas is just around the corner and for many this means that it is time to head to the sea. Beach holidays have long been a tradition for kiwi summers. I was no different while growing up and through my adult life. We spent a lot of time at the little beach village of Kaka…
High in the treetops of a lush forest, a group of native birds gathered together, their vibrant feathers glinting in the dappled sunlight. Excited chirps and melodic trills filled the air as they engaged in a lively conversation. Their voices carried the hopes and dreams of a restored ecosystem. Koru, a charismatic Tūī with iridescent…
Imagine the Canterbury Plains blanketed in tall trees interwoven with small hardwoods. This beautiful, unique landscape is then singed into dry grassland with the arrival of Māori. Continue to imagine European settlers introduce weedy exotics that infest the landscapes, once again modifying the region. Now, picture the current landscape - a monotonous cover of dairy…
Invasive species are a major concern for ecosystems worldwide, causing significant disruptions to native flora and fauna. Some mammals can have particularly devastating effects on local ecosystems due to their predatory nature. In the Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, a recent study titled "Niche Partitioning in a Guild of Invasive Mammalian Predators" sheds light on the dynamics of invasive mammalian…
Life in the soil can be a tricky business for plants and microbes. Nutrients are a limited commodity for some, and competitors may swindle and cheat to gain the upper hand. Strategic partnerships are highly sought after enabling exchange of one commodity for another within elaborate networks. In a tough economy, well-connected networks promote resilience, sharing…
Let’s say you want to know what animal species are present in a forest. You could walk along line transects and record the species visually observed. You could set up trail cameras to take pictures of passing animals for as long as there is enough space in the memory card and battery life in the…
"Yes, why not!! Hi! I am Boysenberry. I will tell you the whole story, how I fight this destructive fungus. Before delving into the subject, I just want to tell you a little bit more about me." Boysenberries Photo by simplyAutumn 2009 from Flickr I am a rich source of micronutrients and have great health…
Growing up, I had a fascination with pirates. I'm not sure if it was the fact that they stole buried treasure, sailed the seven seas, and broke all the rules or if I liked that they used the term "swashbuckling" to describe themselves. All I know is that I wanted to be exactly like Captain…
As a birder, there is a unique and somewhat pure excitement to seeing a bird you’ve never seen before – at least that's my experience. Spotting a “lifer” (a.k.a. a species 'new to you' in birding lingo) comes with a feeling of accomplishment, especially if the bird turns out to be rare. For example, I…
Did you know that seeds can wear coats, just like people? Different kinds of coats can be added to seeds to protect them for improved cultivation. How do seed-coatings work and what are the benefits for seeds wearing coats? There are several distinct strengths of seed coating. You will know a lot more about seed-coating,…
Hambach. You are in Germany right now, halfway between Cologne and the Belgian border. I'd like to warmly welcome you to the Hambach forest - an ancient forest that is dominated by oak and hornbeam, representing a rare forest type in modern Germany. The Hambach forest is the last remnant of a forest that ranged…