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Science & Technology
Culture & Art
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In 1957, when 3 o’clock came around, Chuck Berry ‘laid his burden down’, that burden being school. 33 years later in 1990, Bart Simpson prayed for a “snow day” where all the children cheered at the announcement of school closure. 34 years later in 2024, my daughter came home from her school to point out…
This year, I've run an experiment with mastery learning rather than running a programme of unit/topic learning. It has been life changing for both myself and my students. This year, I was asked to teach middle school art for the first time. 25 years ago, I was a Fine Art graduate but have never taught…
For more than 500 years, western culture has fallen into many major problems due to its sense of exceptionalism and thus routine lack of reflection. Western human habits continue to prove contradictory and paradoxical. A lack of reflective habits makes changes to any human system routinely difficult. The environmentalist, George Monbiot talks of tipping points…
How one teaches often feels like a very personal thing. I believe this is primarily due to a lack of structured teacher training across the world. Teachers normally get a year or two of training at the very beginning of their career, mostly in basic classroom management, organisation, and survival. They are then thrown into…
I covered the disastrous impact that eugenic thinking had on high school design in my previous post. So, I was interested to see its continuing impact in the highest echelons of academia in regards to the quite famous "Marshmallow Test" and how a team more recently had proved the eugenic-style conclusions to be quite wrong.…
Important question, where did the high school classroom come from? It's important to remember that the high school classroom essentially didn't exist until the 20th century. It is in fact a 'new' idea / experiment. For example, In 1910, only 18% of US 15- to 18-year-olds were enrolled in a high school and just 9%…
1. Draw your own Graphic in Keynote by tracing a photo 2. Keynote objects to New Transparent PNG in Preview app Great way to create a logo or frequently used diagram 3. Create a GIF file using a video / animation on Keynote Slide Animate your teaching by creating moving GIF files you can use on your…
New Zealand is already a country with progressive values and practices in education. We already have a standards-based assessment system for university entrance, flexible enough to cater for different student needs. We have a curriculum level progression framework that students work through during their school journey with a push to move away from grading individual…
I think every classroom and school has a duty to this generation in particular, who spend so much time isolated on their phones and online to make it a weekly, if not daily, norm to say hello to somebody new and look to work on something together.
Talk to any teacher with 20 years experience and they will tell you that education goes around in circles with trends and fads, be it student-centred, project-based, a new technology focus, reciprocal reading etc. Why is this? Why does education keep changing its mind on what to do next? Why does it keep returning to…
A book that explains what's important to humans and therefore schools. I highly recommend this book for all classroom teachers and school leaders. It's a powerful but easy read of excellent thinking and great stories from the varied, interesting, and impressive career of New Zealand Educator and Professor of Design, Welby Ings. I could write…
When I did my original set of these, they proved by far my most popular contribution to the education conversation, so here's 13 more for 2022. Hope you enjoy and they help spark some conversations in your school. Here's a link to all 4 Star Wars Education Poster sets.
“You’re just a glorified babysitter” a (non-teaching) husband ‘joked’ to his (teacher) wife. “… I went to school, I know what teachers do and I can see what you do at home in the evenings. As long as you have something to occupy the kids with tomorrow, you’re all good.” Are teachers trained to…
Divide and rule An excellent and practical guide to why schools need to develop a comfort with complexity. Teaching for complex systems thinking by Rosemary Hipkins is a powerful look at key aspects of understanding and learning that traditionally have been missing from the experience of an average school student. One of the driving ideas…
4 Questions to start with: How much do school reports make a difference?If parents read school reports, how can they / do they respond?If schools are not analysing the impact reports have, is the entire reporting process a waste of time?If report writing is not popular, can we find a more useful way to spend…
We all understand class tests as just part of schooling. They are normal and have always been the way of the classroom. Why challenge the idea of carrying out the class test? Surely it must be the right thing to do or we would not have done them for so many decades. But like anything,…