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6 | Follower in new window|DownloadYou are working at Clerkship General Hospital when EMS calls in a female with opioid overdose, but she won’t stop complaining of leg pain…Initial Vitals:Temp: 98BP: 120/80H in new window|Download“Unstable” ArrhythmiasArrhythmias that causeHypotensionPulmonary EdemaChest PainAltered Mental StatusSupraventricular Tachycardia (SVT)StableVagal maneuverAdenosineBe in new window|DownloadCorneal AbrasionStain the eye with fluorescein and use woods lampLook for fixed staining (“uptake”) on the corneaAcute Angle Closure GlaucomaSymptomsEye PainHeadache in new window|DownloadThe Two Objectives During Every Psychiatric-Type ComplaintMedical ClearancePsychiatric Risk AssessmentMedical ClearanceRequired by EMTALA to perform a “screening exam” regardless of comp in new window|DownloadAppendicitisHistoryVague nonspecific abdominal cramping and nausea (Nonspecific Phase) gradually progresses to localized pain (Localized Phase). The pain most c in new window|DownloadTip #16Recheck the patient’s heart rate and respiratory rate (and put in your presentation that you did so)Heart rate frequently falsely elevated when being triagedRespiratory rate frequ in new window|DownloadTesticular TorsionHistoryPain in the testiclesReferred pain in the flank or lower abdomenUsually sudden and severeUsually WITHOUT urinary symptomsExamAsymmetric tes in new window|DownloadMost Life Threatening Fungal InfectionMucormycosisBlack facial dischargeCranial nerve dysfunctionFacial swellingEschar formationWhen to Suspect a Fungal InfectionImmunocompro in new window|DownloadCAUTION: THESE NOTES CONTAIN SPOILERS!!!Case IntroductionThe nurse is asking you to evaluate a 70 year old male who has been placed in a hall bed after in new window|DownloadPulmonary EmbolismThree types of pulmonary embolism“Massive”Hypotension or severe bradycardiaTreat with tPA or thrombectomy“Submassive”Normotensive but with Right Heart StrainS1Q3T3 on in new window|DownloadTip #1Introduce yourself.Attending? “Hello, my name is Zack, I’m one of the medical students”Resident? “Hello, my name is Zack, I’m one of the medical students”Nurse? “Hello, my name i in new window|DownloadAcute Mesenteric IschemiaHistory of atrial fibrillation“Pain out of proportion to exam”Bowel ObstructionHistoryAbdominal painBloating/DistentionVomitingDecrease stoo in new window|DownloadMesenteric IschemiaCeliac truck supplies blood to the stomach and duodenumSMA supplies blood to the rest of the small bowel and proximal colonIMA supplies blood to the distal in new window|DownloadWomen have two additional diseases that must be added to the differential diagnosis of their abdominal pain. PID and ovarian torsion.Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (and Tube-O in new window|DownloadTip #26Update your attending when the nurse is having difficulty with your patient’s IV or drawing blood.Tip #27Get the urine sample from your patient (there is no greater delay in pati in new window|DownloadHernia3 classifications for herniaReducibleAble to be reduced (placed back into the abdomen) at bedsideIncarceratedCannot be reduced but not severely tender or erythe in new window|DownloadEM Clerkship’s 10 Step Patient PresentationDemographics (Age, Gender, Pertinent Medical/Surgical History, Chief Complaint)At Least 4 Descriptors (Location, Quality, Severi in new window|DownloadCAUTION: THESE NOTES CONTAIN SPOILERS!!!Case IntroductionA 45 year old female is exposed to peanut butter and shrimp pizza and begins to have an apparent allergic reaction…Initial Vit in new window|DownloadCAUTION: THESE NOTES CONTAIN SPOILERS!!!Case IntroductionThe nurse tells you that you have a new patient and is requesting a verbal order for nausea medicine. She advises yo in new window|DownloadCAUTION: THESE NOTES CONTAIN SPOILERS!!!Case IntroductionAn ill appearing patient has been rushed back from the lobby, clutching his chest, you are needed immediately at in new window|DownloadHow do you oxygenate a patient (while you are preparing for RSI) if suction, moving the tongue, and basic BVM ventilation are unsuccessful?Pharyngeal AirwaysThese tools bypass the post in new window|DownloadThe most important thing to do when preparing for RSI is toPREOXYGENATEthe patient.Step 1: Choose Your EquipmentMiller or Mac blade?Miller blade is straight (like the ‘L’ in miller)Fre in new window|DownloadVerbalize the out loud prior to performing rapid sequence intubation.The BougieIdeal for situations when you’re view is suboptimalAdvance it through the cords and into the tracheaBEFOR in new window|DownloadTip #11Give 4 descriptors/adjectives for each complaintLocationQualityDurationModifying FactorsSeverityContextTimingAssociated SymptomsTip #12Get theACTUALstory. Why did the patient come in new window|DownloadEM Clerkship’s 10 Step Patient PresentationDemographics (Age, Gender, Pertinent Medical/Surgical History, Chief Complaint)At Least 4 Descriptors (Location, Quality, Severi in new window|DownloadCAUTION: THESE NOTES CONTAIN SPOILERS!!!Case IntroductionYou are called to the resuscitation bay for a poorly responsive patient that has been brought in by EMS.Initial VitalsTemp 98.8 in new window|DownloadThink A-B-C-P (Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Pregnancy Test) in ALL Women of Child-Bearing Age!It changes the differential diagnosisIt changes the medications you can giveIt c in new window|DownloadABEM-style cases presented on EM Clerkship are not my actual ABEM exam cases, and they are not derived from my actual exam cases. I will never be discussing my specific exam in new window|DownloadCAUTION: THESE NOTES CONTAIN SPOILERS!!!Case IntroductionA notorious, disheveled frequent flyer presents to your emergency department for her back pain and is asking for more Dilaudid… in new window|DownloadCAUTION: THESE NOTES CONTAIN SPOILERS!!!Case IntroductionEMS brings in a postictal 34 year old female after she has a seizure. She is complaining of a headache…Initial VitalsTemp 98.9H in new window|DownloadStrokeMost appropriate initial testsBlood GlucoseHypoglycemia is a common stroke mimicCT Head without contrastRules outHEMORRHAGICstrokesSubarachnoid HemorrhageClas in new window|DownloadBiliary DiseasesBiliary Colic- A gallstoneDOES NOT GET STUCK, but it slowly rolls out of the gallbladder, through the cystic duct, then the common bile duct and pancre in new window|DownloadThere areHUNDREDSof other non-GI/GU causes of abdominal pain…Acute coronary syndrome (ACS)Test with EKG and troponinTreat with aspirin and heparinAcidosisDiabetic Ketoacidosis (DK in new window|DownloadTip #21Review and note if the patient has anyIMPORTANTold records.Any ED visit within the last month for a similar complaint (aka “Bouncebacks” and frequent fliers)Any echocardiogram or in new window|DownloadAll women of childbearing age who present with abdominal pain need a pregnancy testa core teaching of EMergency medicineEctopic pregnancy is the leading cause of maternal death in the in new window|DownloadBowel PerforationsHistoryPerforation takes time, frequently symptoms were either ignored or not noticed as can occurring in…Elderly, diabetic, or immunosuppressed patients (f in new window|DownloadTip #6Make your patient remember your name.Introduce yourself clearlyShow the patient your badgeUse a nickname if your name is difficult for people to remember/understandRepeat your name in new window|DownloadHow to Read a UrinalysisSigns of InflammationLeukocyte EsteraceWBCsMultiple conditions cause inflammation on a urinalysis. Anything that causes nearby inflammation (appendicitis, pelvic in