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Science & Technology
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This week: ACEP says “Prudent Laypersons” at risk with Anthem Inc ED policy, study finds lack of follow-up after ED visits; California nurse's house burns as she evacuates patients in Intensive Care. Join in as our editors discuss the week's headlines. ----------------------- ACEP has stepped up its opposition to Anthem Inc’s policy of rejecting ED claims
This week: GOP lawmaker Diane Black wants EMTALA changed to allow ERs to turn people away to cut costs; People avoided hospitals until ERs revolutionized them; New survey says 59 percent of docs have quietly suffered offensive remarks about their physical characteristics. Join in as our editors discuss the week's headlines. ----------------------- Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.),
This week: Physicians openly discuss mistakes; Why the term “dry drowning” needs to go under; NaloxBox's solution for ODs may be worth a shot. Join in as our editors discuss the week's headlines. ----------------------- A surgical resident at University of North Carolina says physicians need to talk more openly about their mistakes, advocating for debriefings
This week: NomadHealth aims to reduce staffing shortages; One company behind many out-of-network charges; Why human trafficking needs an ICD code. Join in as our editors discuss the week's headlines. ----------------------- The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) projects a shortage of 40,800-104,900 physicians relative to need by the year 2030 An offshoot of telemedicine, Nomad
Eugene Richards, who handled the photography and interviews for the ACEP 50th anniversary book, Bring 'em All, put together a video in honor of the medical workers. Richards said it was hard to see the headlines about frontline workers treating those dealing with COVID-19 without thinking of the people he profiled in the video, which
This week: Toyota tune ups ER discharge process, making it 40% quicker; ERs may stop ushering loved ones into “the other room”; There’s several reasons why ERs get a 5-15% increase around the holidays. Join in as our editors discuss the week's headlines. ----------------------- Toyota likes to help make nonprofits more efficient, so when the company
This week: NPR on a Houston ER during Harvey; Hospitals preparing for Irma; Health records among Harvey losses; Supervised drug injection in Canada. Join in as our editors discuss the week's headlines. ----------------------- Downtown Houston’s only hospital is just blocks from a convention center where thousands of Harvey evacuees are staying. As NPR reports, 600
This week: Facility coding and virtual monopoly blamed for extreme ED bills; Should docs trust tattooed medical instructions?; Popping zit with woodworking blade = bad idea. Join in as our editors discuss the week's headlines. ----------------------- In an analysis of over 70 million ED bills, the Health Care Cost Institute (HCCI) and Vox have determined that
This week: Trump may declare opioid epidemic an official emergency; Survey says more nurses appreciate knowledgeable patients than doctors; The common impulse to “move on” after deaths in the ED. Join in as our editors discuss the week’s headlines. Join in as our editors discuss the week's headlines. ----------------------- With 63% of 2015’s 52,000 American
This week: Digital records need redesign to avoid physician burnout; Asian American ER doc refused by white nationalists in Oregon; Two-way video calling tablets already saving lives in England. Join in as our editors discuss the week's headlines. ----------------------- While Electronic Media Records (EMRs) should make health care better, they are a major cause of