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This summer was filled with sunshine here in PDX, meaning kids were out playing, having fun and breaking bones! Have you ever wondered what an ED resident is responsible for when managing and consu…
On this episode Nicholas sits down with Charmaine Kaptur and Mark Stevens of Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue to talk about their Community Paramedic program and the nature of the role within the co…
As a third year medical student, it often feels like there are these vast distances to cross. The distance between meeting the patient and figuring out what’s wrong. The distance between what you’r…
It’s January, which means that it’s VSAS season, and third-year medical students preparing for a residency in emergency medicine are getting ready to apply for fourth-year away rotations and sub-in…
Emotional wellbeing is the theme for this Fourth of July on EMIGcast! We sit down with Dr. Lainie Yarris to talk about how we as medical students can learn to manage those emotional moments that co…
Welcome back to EMIGcast! Thinking about completing a fellowship in a subspecialty of emergency medicine? Well, here’s one you may not have considered – geriatric emergency medicine (GEM). In…
In this month’s episode I had a chance to sit down with local ED physician Dr. Evelyn Kim to talk about common thinking and processing errors seen in the ED and the tools she uses to combat t…
We’re back with part 2 of our PE overview! We continue our discussion with Dr. Kornegay about our hemodynamically stable patient that we diagnosed with subsegmental pulmonary emboli a few wee…
In episode 1 we talk to Dr. Anna Nelson and get to the bottom of what it takes to let your light shine on your EM rotation while having fun and looking good doing it. Resources mentioned in the pod…
In Episode 10 we are fortunate enough to take a guided tour of the path to emergency medicine with Dr. Nicole Deiorio. With over a decade of experience advising medical students going into EM, Dr. …
In emergency medicine, heroes can inspire and guide us as we chart our own path in the specialty. In comic book terminology, an origin story gives the back-story which reveals the circumstances und…
In this Consult Corner we sit down with Dr. Daniel Haupt who is the director of the psychiatric consult service at Oregon Health & Science University. Dr. Haupt gives insight into calling psych…
On this episode Nicholas gives us a rundown in “Best Evidence Topic” aka BET format on how epinephrine effects neurological outcomes after ROSC. ROSC is an acronym that stands for Retur…
Overview: In this podcast, we take a glimpse into the world of wilderness medicine and learn about how it ties in with Emergency Medicine and EMS. To do this, we look at the practice of medicine in…
This is the first of two episodes that covers pulmonary embolism. In this episode, we present our guest, Dr. Josh Kornegay, with a hemodynamically stable patient that is presenting with some pretty…
According to the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NHAMCS), less than half of emergency department visits (47 percent) in 2004 were classified as either emergent (12.9 percent) or u…
Hey Emergency Medicine Friends! Did you recently find yourself shaken and confused when you learned that 4th year medical students applying to emergency medicine would be required to complete and e…
Shakespeare said, “Sick or not sick, that is the question.” We’ll maybe not, but that’s what we commonly want to know in a patient with suspected sepsis. In this episode, we interview emergency p…
For Episode 9, we were lucky enough to sit down with Anand Swaminathan and get his top 3 Emergency Medicine myths for med students. They are listed below along with links to some of ther literature…
As medical students, we are surrounded by people helping us achieve our dreams. In this episode, we sit down with one of those people, Kim Regner. As the EM coordinator at OHSU she has a unique vie…
In episode 28, Patrick Fink sits down with Dr Andy Dorais, emergency medicine physician, father, and backcountry skiing phenom, to discuss life balance and a career in medicine. Highlights include …
Episode 2: Rotation (and life) Pointers from Emergency RNs In this episode we got a chance to sit down with three ED RNs from here at OHSU – Diana Bijon, Nichole Meuwissen and Catherine Teng…
Cardiac arrest is quintessential Emergency Medicine. And if you’re tuning in here, it’s probably something your interested in learning about. But the same attributes that make this such…
Overview: For Episode 16 we’re joined by Dr. J Thomas Kofoed, an Emergency Medicine Physician and recent Emergency Medical Services Fellowship graduate, to better understand what it’s like to be an…
Does the term “away rotation” or “VSAS” raise your blood pressure and induce palpitations? Don’t fret, you are not alone! Applying for away rotations can seem like a stressful task for students goi…
In Episode 15 we’re joined by Dr. Ramine Yazhari in search of answers to these questions and more: – How does the spirit of medicine relate to daily practice in the Emergency Department…
Overview This episode is a philosophical discussion about a personal interest of mine, surrounding physical diagnosis in the emergency department. I’ve found, and I’m sure many of you listening ha…
Overview: In this episode we talk about the rapidly growing field of international emergency medicine, and how you can get involved in this movement. Dr. Kate Douglass, a fellowship director of int…
In this episode of EMIGCAST, we’re going to switch gears. We’ve created a clinical scenario with some questions for listeners at different levels of their training and we’re goin…
Overview: In Episode 17 we tracked down Dr. Jon Jui, 30-year veteran in prehospital medicine and EMS director for Multnomah Co. Oregon (population: 766,135). We expand upon some of the principles c…
Hey EMIGcasters! This month we have something special in store for you. In addition to Nicholas’ case we are introducing “weemig” episodes monthly in addition to our regularly sch…
Welcome back to another episode of EMIGcast! This month, host Patrick Fink sits down with Dr Patrick Ockerse, the ultrasound fellowship director at the University of Utah. We start by talking a bit…
In part deux of cardiac arrest for med students we move away from algorithims and medicine and delve into learning strategies for the student resuscitationist. We talk to two EM physicians at diffe…
Today we sit down with emergency physician and our current ultrasound fellowship director at OHSU, Dr. Dan Hubbard, to discuss the use of ultrasound in the Emergency Department. We will talk about …
This month we step away from the frenzy of academic EM at OHSU to visit a rural practice in the 2,000 person town of Enterprise, Oregon. I talk with Dr. Scott Seibe, an internist come family and em…
This month, Patrick Fink (MS4) sits down with critical care fellow and human supercomputer Dr Ran Ran to discuss the physiology of intubation and whether the risk of killing your patient is justifi…
This is part two on county away rotations in emergency medicine. We bring back Nicholas Robbins with a story about an X-Ray to remember, and we answer questions from Jonathan Righetti about VSAS, c…
In this episode we sit down with Dylan Morris and Shannon Lee, two EM interns at OHSU who were fresh off the interview trail and only a few months into the entirely new experience of being MDs. We…
This month we focused exclusively on the process of applying into Emergency Medicine. We talked to two specialists in this arena, Andy Lichtenheld and Chris Rackoff, who recently matching into EM. …
Welcome Emergency Med-Heads (not sure that one worked, but I tried) In this episode we will discuss the topic of women in emergency medicine with Dr. Esther Choo, MD, MPH of OHSU. Today we …