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Evolution News
Charles Darwin himself contemplated being mistaken, writing “I have asked myself whether I may not have devoted my life to a fantasy.”
This is not only the perennial teaching of the great religions, but the evidence of the best neuroscience.
Dr. Meyer calls math mind-independent. We discover it, we don’t invent it. And it’s conceptual, not a physical material thing. Why is that Important?
This matters tremendously because human exceptionalism is the necessary predicate to universal human rights.
Is it true that “recognizing when someone else lacks information” has been thought to be a distinctly human trait?
Skeptics worry that the new journal “will be used to sow doubt about scientific consensus.”
Evolutionary biologist Bret Weinstein summed up this way: “[In my opinion,] the mainstream Darwinists are telling a kind of lie about how much we know.”
The singularity isn’t the supposed future singularity imagined by transhumanists, but the well-supported singularity at the foundation of the Big Bang.
Perhaps the figure most responsible for the breakdown of traditional sexual ethics in Western culture was a Harvard-trained evolutionary zoologist.
Cat intelligence is of a rather different kind from dog intelligence (to say nothing of human intelligence).
Humans seem to be drawn in a certain direction toward truth and beauty. Is that an accident of nature?
A sophisticated energy-absorbing structure has been discovered in the mantis shrimp’s dactyl club that protects the animal from its own shock waves.
Cryptography itself is an example of ID in action within the sciences. How much more when it involves coded genetic information?
I note and discuss an astounding case of convergence between humans and koalas, “the only non-primates with fingerprints.”
We are pleased to offer this Abstract from a new paper, “Richard Dawkins, the Koala, and the Giraffe: How Evolutionists Overlook Signatures of Design.”
Suppose that science itself suffers if we preemptively rule out certain conclusions.
From the smallest honeybee to the greatest whale, planet Earth is swarming with creatures of all shapes and sizes — each designed for their habitat.
Stone tool use among animals versus the Stone Age provides a useful illustration of the tendency.
In three papers, scientists babble about irrelevant details but ignore the main question: the origin of new genetic information for new body plans and organs.
In a video, it seems clear that not one of the animals recognizes that the figure in the mirror is a reflection of itself.
And what responsibilities can the mountain possibly assume? Can it be sued for an avalanche? Ridiculous!
Was Lemaȋtre, who certainly believed in God, suggesting that God deliberately hides himself from us, or just acknowledging the paradox?
The vastness of life’s complexity is no longer unfathomable when seen through the light of purpose.
Wesley J. Smith interviewed Robert R. Redfield on the public health disasters brought on by Covid and the reasons for the loss of trust in public health.
If you asked me, “Do you believe in evolution?” I would reply “I believe in the evolution of life, and the evolution of automobiles.”
Do random mutational processes have the power to generate new base or amino acid sequences for natural selection to act upon within the time available?
The eukaryotic cell cycle is just one of the many biological systems and processes that could not have arisen by numerous, successive, slight modifications.
The very existence of life — the fact that we are here at all to the pose the question — calls for something more than physical nature.
Neil Thomas has written about “Evolutionary Theory as Magical Thinking” and there is no shortage of examples in the literature on fossils.
This is an obvious way to judge such theories. If someone claims to know how to make something, the natural response is, “Let’s see it, then.”
Many researchers do like to write about consciousness and here are two recent contributions to the accessible literature.
This study compared sequences of proteins in modern organisms to reconstruct ancestral proteins believed to reside in the last universal common ancestor (LUCA).
There could be a five-fold increase in the number of proteins coded in what was formerly called non-protein-coding DNA.
The activists had some reason for hope. Two judges in New York’s highest court swallowed the baloney in a 5–2 ruling.
A feature of biology that has struck me over the years is the phenomenon of recurring design logic, across systems that do not appear to be related by descent.
In terms of science, the central problem with the naïve multiverse is that it could explain any observation, so it really explains nothing.
Kauffman is one of the more interesting participants in the debates about the nature of life.
One of the most incredible features of cellular life is the capability of self-replication.
Dennett’s approach to human consciousness has not only borne no fruit but it is hard to see how it ever could.
A new scientific research field began when intelligently designed artifacts started appearing on a lifeless planet.