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Philosopher of science Stephen Meyer thinks David Hume’s argument against miracles is weak.
So, were strashilids a distinct order of parasitic insects or just aquatic flies?
The differences between an origami figure and a living thing are more instructive than their similarities.
I suspect the average person comes to accept modern evolutionary theory through a near-constant drip of pro-evolution propaganda.
“Old MacDonald-style farms where soil is nurtured with love and animals have names rather than numbers may sound environmentally friendly.”
In a new end-of-year video, Dr. Meyer offers his thoughts on the progress made by proponents of intelligent design in 2024.
You’ve heard that challenge a million times. But as paleontologist Günter Bechly explains, the opposite is true.
A surprising result of pioneering neurosurgery was the discovery that some mental processes could be stimulated in the brain but others could not be.
Stephen Meyer was in Cambridge, England, and he gave an unusual “on the spot” presentation about Cambridge University itself.
That so-called genetic junk would turn out to be functional was a prediction of intelligent design going back to the 1990s.
Saint Thomas did not have examples of specified complexity as in molecular biology, but it is possible to find a text that suggests he would favor of ID.
James G. Lennox quotes from an 1862 essay, where Darwin wrote that “the final cause of all this mimicry” among butterflies is evading predation.
Philosopher of science Dr. Stephen Meyer two of the crucial arguments of his latest book.
If researchers really were making progress, wouldn’t that mean they would be converging on the same truth? Yet they are not.
A focus on specific regions like the prefrontal cortex can mislead. When we are thinking, we use brain-wide connections between many parts of the brain at once.
Physics tells us pretty clearly that mindless nature degrades information; it doesn’t create it. Are there workarounds?
What we do know is that it is definitely not our earliest ancestor. Another overhyped missing link bites the dust.
If the cathedral had lost something of its causal connection to the past, it had reacquired its original colors and with those colors, its intended design.
The “Denisovans” are kind of a fictional group from which we only have a few fragmented bone specimens.
Deism is the idea that God created the cosmos and its natural laws, but thereafter did not intervene with miraculous events.
Many thoughtful people in science today would see the goal of science as explaining away both goal-directedness and thought.
These kinds of conversations between Steve Meyer and David Berlinski are usually confined to late night chats when the time zones in Seattle and Paris permit.
Dr. Meyer explains the difference between mathematical information, or Shannon information, and specified information, a more meaningful type of information.
I was standing amidst the ruins of the Berghof, Hitler’s retreat near the German-Austrian border, where some of the worst atrocities in history were planned.
Some debunkers need to be debunked themselves, because instead of correcting falsehoods, they end up creating or perpetuating falsehoods.
John Horgan thinks that “proofs” of free will seem as dubious as denials but there is actually considerable neuroscience evidence.
Paul Davies argues that we’re not at the center of the attention of a God who is specifically concerned with us.
The god-of-the-gaps objection does have some merit to it, but it does not rule out ID. The progress of science has dethroned a multitude of false gods.
Common things can become extraordinary when examined by science. In this research, evolutionists need not apply.
What’s revealing in these types of studies is not what the researchers find but what the science media choose to make of them
It’s not stone tool use that is exclusive to humans; vultures can do that too. It’s the ability to form abstract ideas.
Let’s have a look at the newest edition of the Precambrian animal guessing game.
This very ancient people we know the most about can’t be the missing link that many paleontologists are looking for.
The former NIH head thinks the government didn’t exert enough control during the last pandemic.
The influence of static charge in pollination is one demonstrable case — not only for bees, but for moths and hummingbirds as well.
If evolutionary theory is so fundamental to medical research, why has no evolutionary biologist ever won a Noble Prize in physiology or medicine?
When we look at feats of human engineering, like vehicles, skyscrapers, and computers, we don’t doubt our intuition that they’re intelligently designed.
Intellectuals have been creating the secular script for masculinity for a long time.
The leap from non-life to life represents a huge jump in complexity and information, one that cannot be explained by reference to a stepwise, gradual process.