Science & Technology
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Science & Technology
Culture & Art
Falling into a new look routine booking eye exams for the family and finding new frames. There you are in FYidoctors, prescription in-hand, standing in front of a wide selection of frames. Where does anyone in the family begin? The answer is in the mirror: their face shape can narrow down your search! If you’re still u
Eye exercises for improved vision? FYidoctors can guide you. Just as muscle-strengthening movements and physical activity is beneficial for our bodies, exercising is also essential for our eyes. But what exactly do eye exercises entail, and can they actually do anything to correct our vision? For starters, it’s importa
Eyeglasses are sophisticated medical devices that help you see with clarity and precision, but they may not work effectively if not properly cared for. Without regular cleaning and careful storage, your glasses may become scratched or bent, making them insufficient for your vision correction needs. Here are the do’s an
More than 2.5 million Canadians are currently living with cataracts. A progressive condition often associated with aging populations, a cataract can cause significant visual changes and in some extreme cases, total vision loss. It’s the second leading cause of blindness in the world. Cataracts develop and worsen over
Now that spring has arrived, it’s the perfect time to consider updating your eyes’ sun protection. Outdoor activities and fun in the sun top our agendas as warmer weather welcomes us back outside. Consider opting for a pair of polarized lenses to prevent damage to your vision and alleviate those annoying instances of b
With such a large variety of eye drop types on the market, it’s hard to know what the best option is to make sure your eyes stay properly lubricated and healthy, and that conditions are appropriately treated. Keep in mind that different types of drops treat different problems, and the wrong one may make your symptoms w
Winter weather is in full swing, and—understandably—people are more inclined to stay indoors. While it may be tempting to cozy up by the fire and forget about the snow-covered streets, getting fresh air is more important than you think. In fact, spending time outside has little-known benefits for your eye health. Regar
When someone has a severe visual impairment or blindness, they have a couple options to help them safely navigate the world. One option is using a white cane to help them feel their way around. Another option is having a guide dog: a four-legged partner who will guide them safely anywhere they need to go. Guide dogs ar
What is fibromyalgia? An estimated 1.1 million Canadians are affected by fibromyalgia. May 12th is Fibromyalgia Awareness Day, which is intended to bring both the public’s and doctors’ attention to this chronic pain syndrome. Fibromyalgia is complicated, and scientists are still researching potential causes. Current me
When we think of vitamin C, many of us are quick to assume that oranges are the best source. While they do contain vitamin C, many other fruits and vegetables actually contain as much or even more. Kale, for example, has 120mg of vitamin C per 100g compared to oranges which have 53mg per 100g. Ensuring you’re consuming
Have you taken your children for their eye exams lately? Kids’ vision is still developing—in fact, eye growth doesn’t stabilize until the age of 20. Even if your child has 20/20 vision, there are other aspects of the visual system that need to be maintained to support their development and success. Correlation between
The clocks have turned back, and winter is officially around the corner—which means the days are shorter, the nights are longer, and temperatures are about to drop deeper. Now, the question is, how do these seasonal shifts impact our eyes? Just as winter weather can take a toll on our bodies and mental state—hello, win
It turns out, every pair of glasses needs protective layers just as much as we do to stay shielded from the elements. There are countless reasons why you should ensure your glasses have a protective coating, including that it offers anti-reflection benefits to protect your eyes, protection from scuffs, and prevent your