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Culture & Art
Golf, often referred to as the “gentleman’s game,” is more than just a sport—it’s a blend of skill, strategy, mental fortitude, and timeless tradition. While every sport has its unique charm, golf stands out for its universal appeal, inclusivity, and the life lessons it offers both on and off the course. Here’s why golf deserves…
Herein lies some wonderful golf swing instruction from my favorite teaching pro, Maggie Simons. You can find her on Instagram @msimons21, and follow her on YouTube @golfwithmags Here’s her bio courtesy of The Oregon Golf Club: Maggie Simons grew up in Raleigh, North Carolina, where she began playing golf at the age of 10. She attended the…
I just returned from a quick trip to the desert and played courses worth mentioning. Let’s start out with the best… Desert Willow Golf Resort Desert Willow Golf Resort in Palm Desert, California, offers two distinct 18-hole courses: Firecliff and Mountain View. The Mountain View course is renowned for its wide fairways, limited desert waste…
MTAILOR I recently learned about this amazing company. You can use their smart phone app to photographically measure your whole body allowing you to order perfectly tailored custom clothing direct from the manufacturer. Every body is different and there is nothing like having a perfect fit for yours. And yes, their line up includes polo shirts…
You may have read my article “How to Plan the Perfect Buddy Golf Trip” In it, I talked about how to handle the sharing of expenses (see below). Since the article was published I came across this hilarious YouTube video about splitting up a restaurant bill. It is a must watch. Can you relate? Here…
Looking to spice things up a bit on the golf course. How about trying a wild and crazy match using multi-mulligans? We’ll call this the Mully Masters Madhouse. Here’s how to play. Chose a match game format with a bet of your choice. Each combatant will be awarded 6 mulligans to be used at anytime,…
Golf, often referred to as the “gentleman’s game,” is more than just a sport—it’s a blend of skill, strategy, mental fortitude, and timeless tradition. While every sport has its unique charm, golf stands out for its universal appeal, inclusivity, and the life lessons it offers both on and off the course. Here’s why golf deserves…
A "SWAT" in golf stands for "Single Without A Time" and is a betting game where a group of players, usually divided into teams of equal handicap, play a match-play format against every other team on the course.The game is a time-honored tradition at Oakmont Country Club. Oakmont hosts weekly SWAT and has an official SWAT chairman who keeps track of all the team scores. See the story HERE…SWAT is a "Round Robin" style competition where each team plays against every other team. "Single" refers to the fact that each team scores just one ball per hole, typically using a best-ball format within the team. “Without A Time” refers to the fact that the teams don’t have to be playing at the same time.Typically, players submit their name and handicap and let one "Chairperson" organize the teams. Keeping the teams even is a goal of the game and part of the charm of it all. In a club setting, players get to meet and play with people they ordinarily wouldn’t. It’s a great format for building camaraderie.
SWAT A “SWAT” in golf stands for “Single Without A Time” and is a betting game where a group of players, usually divided into teams of equal handicap, play a match-play format against every other team on the course. The game is a time-honored tradition at Oakmont Country Club. Oakmont hosts weekly SWAT and has an…
I’m always looking for a new game. Here’s one for you to try, found by my friend Shawn. Golf Digest By Christopher Powers | November 22, 2024 You ever play a match where you’re only getting a few shots on the hardest holes? The ones that you always make double bogeys on, rendering the shots…
Here are some links to some great resources for those of you looking for the best gift for your favorite golfer! From: The best gifts for golfers of 2024 – Golf Digest 58 Best Golf Gifts – Men’s Health The 53 Best Golf Gifts for Men to Have On and Off the Course – Popular Mechanics…
West Coast Story West Coast Story, copyright @ 2006, by Jeff Jacobs Publisher: Tom Newton, Gravity Resources LLC. GG4Golf readers are eligible for a special discounted $10.00 purchase price Email Jeff at for details ABOUT THE BOOK: The natural beauty of Oregon and the West Coast forms the backdrop for the story of five…
Golf experts worldwide have issued a serious warning today: playing with a found golf ball could be wreaking havoc on your scorecard. The new study, conducted by the National Institute of Golf Science, has sent shockwaves through the golfing community, revealing that there’s more than just bad luck behind the curse of the found golf ball.
This is a fun alternative to the same old side games. This game is focused on rewarding good putting. Start out by agreeing on a player contribution to the betting pot. Once play is underway, players compete to earn points with their putting as follows: Making a putt from off the green = 2 points…
Let’s get creative and explore some alternative ways you might better enjoy golf. I read something similar that inspired this post. Ditch the scorecard! Occasionally, just go out and play for the enjoyment of hitting the ball leaving the scorecard behind. Have a side-game. Now we’re talking! The number one way to have more fun…
Here’s a few good reasons ….. Character Development Golf teaches young players important life values such as honesty, sportsmanship, patience, integrity, and perseverance. These qualities extend beyond the game, helping juniors develop into well-rounded individuals. Physical and Mental Fitness Golf promotes physical activity, enhancing cardiovascular health, balance, and coordination. Mentally, it teaches focus, discipline, and…
We all love the FedEx cup. How about having a similar game with your golf buddies. All you need to do is identify each player’s “average score” and assign the lowest average even par to start the round. The remaining players get to start with a (-) minus score representing the difference between their average…
Multiple group games are always fun and lead to a lot of story telling on the 19th hole! Here are five fun ones contributed with the help of “The Commish”. Team Scramble 2×2 4 person teams constructed so that the handicaps add up to about the same. Within each foursome, start with two person teams,…
Last spring my son-in-law and I went to see the UO Golf Practice Facility (awesome) and play a round of golf at Emerald Valley Golf Course. The starter asked us if we would mind having a young girl join us with her father walking along. We said “of course”. She was quite shy and when…
A recent trip to Kailua, Hawaii turned out to be a one of a kind experience. One of my golf travel buddies invited us to stay at his home and play golf at his Mid-Pacific Golf Club. Three of us couldn’t say yes fast enough! The Mid-Pacific Golf Club is interestingly former President Barak Obama’s…
MTAILOR I recently learned about this amazing company. You can use their smart phone app to photographically measure your whole body allowing you to order perfectly tailored custom clothing direct from the manufacturer. Every body is different and there is nothing like having a perfect fit for yours. And yes, their line up includes polo shirts…
Here’s a sample of a mix of games for 4 Players over 4 Days on a Buddy Trip. A mix of both individual and team games with some skill games mixed in. Games include Sixes, Nassau, Stableford, and Match Play. Skill games include 3 Putt Monte, Murphy, KP, etc… Variety is the key. Click on…
In case you haven’t bumped into their site or social media yet, Golfhōm is the first-to-market worldwide vacation rental platform built for golfers. They recently beta-launched and have a pretty decent selection of homes and condos in Florida, Arizona and Hawaii already.
Here’s how….. Select Teams Use a random method to divide into teams of 3 and 2. CLICK HERE for ideas. On the front nine the team of 2 gets to use a phantom player whose handicap is the same as the lowest player handicap from the team of 3. Scores for the phantom player follow…
Here’s a list that you and your golf buddies can play on your next golf trip to add some fun and competition to your rounds: 1. Skins: Each hole is worth a certain amount of money or points. The player with the lowest score on each hole wins the “skin” for that hole. You can…
The Ultimate Golf Cheater Ever play with a golf cheater? Someone who always bumps their ball for a better lie, gives themselves 3 footers, marks their ball in the front and replaces it with the mark in the back, or mysteriously finds a lost ball, etc…. But there are some that can take it to…
When I turned 70, I could hardly believe it. It sounds so old! My dad died at 59 and it is hard to accept that I’ve lived so much longer than him. Full disclosure, I am not dealing with aging very well. Having my physical and mental capabilities in decline is no fun. I find…
Justin was recently interviewed on the Golf Blog where he talked about his favorite betting games during practice rounds. He say’s his friends often play Close Out, which is an 18-hole match worth a set amount in a Match Play format. You can play teams or individual. If the match ends before the 18th hole,…
I found these games referenced in the book Golf Games from “Golf Trip Junkie” Bisque This is a two person Match Play game with a twist. Use your stroke differential wherever you want instead of the designated handicap holes. It’s really helpful when you have a hole that you know to be your nemesis. Simply…
I found these games referenced in the book Golf Games – “Golf Trip Junkie” Bisque This is a two person Match Play game with a twist. Use your stroke differential wherever you want instead of the designated handicap holes. It’s really helpful when you have a hole that you know to be your nemesis. Simply…
Running late and need a quick and easy side game for your foursome. Here’s seven great ideas: First, decide if you are using Net or Gross scoring. I always prefer net, unless the difference in the groups handicaps is 3 or less. 1. NASSAU This ever popular game simply pays the winner of three deferent…
This game has its origins from the board game Monopoly. Think of each hole as a street and the goal is to own a home on each street and collect rent from your opponents. The player with the lowest score owns a home on that hole. More than one player can earn a home which…
This game is inspired by a recent Instagram post by @bucketlistgolftrips shared by Jeff T., a loyal GG4Golf subscriber. Three Putt Monty is another performance side game that focuses on putting skills. Before starting the game, choose a dollar buy-in agreeable to all. Let’s say $10 each for this example. Next use a random method…
This is another fun performance enhancing game. The goal of the game is to accumulate the most points by getting closer to the pin than your opponents on each hole. Rules: Points can only be won making shots from a minimum 100 yards from the green. This means you “qualify.” Each player attempts to earn…