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Grown and Flown
I am a stay-at-home grandmother, one of a quiet number of middle-aged women chipping in to help care for our grandchildren.
I mistakenly relied on my dad to help pay for college. Here's why students need to understand everything about how financial aid works.
I am writing this post essentially so I won’t regret not penning my thoughts to my college-bound daughter. This is what she needs to know.
Nothing you do works with your teen who doesn't care. You wonder if it's something you've done, if you've pushed too hard, or not enough.
Our tech-savvy, social media-obsessed kids are suddenly embracing activities traditionally associated with their grandparents' generation.
A guide to using Chat GPT to research colleges and create a college list. Teacher/educator, Ph.D researcher is the author of this guide.
As acceptance letters arrive for seniors, and the recruitment of juniors gears up, here is why small, liberal arts colleges merit attention.
A parent’s inner Magnum PI becomes more heightened when a child leaves for college. If we listen closely, our teens are giving us clues.
We can sometimes increase the stress our college students feel. Professor offers five suggestions for how parents can help teens, instead.
My daughter texted a pic to me from college, a reminder of the little stuff, like knowing what she's wearing, that I miss most of all.
I know I shouldn't compare my teen years in the 80s to my kids' teens years but I can't help it. It's too much fun to look back and see how my friends, sisters and I spent our time versus how my kids spend their time.
On Valentine's Day, say goodbye to all that's toxic and weighing you down, pour every ounce of love you give to others into your own cup.
I wish I’d listened to my gut and encouraged our son to enroll in “just” an Honors class, and forget about the AP class.
The next time you text your college student and hours, days, and maybe even a week goes by without a decent reply, don’t worry. Here's why.
I have 3 adult children and I wonder how much I should still be trying to influence their lives. Do my “suggestions” sound like a nagging mom?
In the barest nascency of grandparenthood I am already prepared to say that this is an experience that 10/10 would recommend.
As a teen, having my parents support me was so helpful, even if wasn't able to show them how much it meant to me at that time.
I know there will never be another like her, and while I sometimes miss that feeling of knowing someone “gets me,” I no longer yearn for it.
Here’s a list of 14 things that should be off-limits for parents once their teen is in college. It's time to stop being overprotective.
She screamed. We screamed. And then the words followed, almost inaudibly but clear enough for us to understand: “I…got...rejected.”
While I thought it was funny, it also hit me that maybe it was time for “adulting” lessons for both my daughter and almost 14-year old son.
The day my son and his girlfriend told me they were expecting was not my proudest moment. At 23, they had the right to their own decisions.
Teens tend to believe that everyone is cruising through life easily and without error, meanwhile they’re stranded alone on “failure island” with nary a life boat to be found.
Yes, these habits of my teens are driving me mad and no, I literally don't understand any of them considering I never did such things.
College-aged offspring come and go, and mostly they just go. Here is how one mom copes when it is time to say goodbye.
Why more people want to stay in on New Year's Eve
I loved Christmas as a child, but having older kids makes me love the holiday season even more, even if it's different than it used to be.
Laura Cleary, LMSW, is a community social worker and mom of three. She offers 10 strategies for families to get along over the holidays.
When I think about what the holidays mean to me, I am always transported to Christmas in the '80s and remember the simple fun we had.
If anyone asks where I think my youngest will be going to school next year, I reply with a friendly, “Who can say?"
A lot is going to be different around here—it already has started to with these “senior moments” coming more and more frequently.
Former college president writes that it’s a profound mistake to choose a major primarily because it appears to guarantee future prosperity.
Before your vision of a holiday homecoming with your college kid is shattered by disappointment, here are 8 things to expect.
We can never totally recapture the days with little kids, but here are 7 new Christmas traditions you can enjoy with your big kids.
It's okay if you're sad right now. Be gentle with yourself, honor your thoughts and feelings, reach out to those who understand...
We have been working hard to make everything festive and bright but Dad and I have feelings too, you know, so please do these 8 things.
New college parents envision a “running toward each other with open arms” welcoming home with their teen. That's not exactly how it will be.
I promise not to insist or insinuate that our time together has to look a certain way or look the same way every year for each holiday.
Stock up on the best gifts for teens at Walmart in 2024! From trendy tech to stylish accessories, find something your teen will love.
When we divorced what scared me the most was wondering how I was going to manage it all on my own. I didn't realize how much I already did.