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Science & Technology
Culture & Art
With the right doctor, a cosmetic dental consultation is informative and enjoyable. When you choose Harris Dental, you’ll have the opportunity to carefully describe your goals and expectations. WE LOOK FORWARD TO MEETING YOU If this is your first visit to Harris Dental, you’ll discover whether you feel comfortable with Dr. Harris and other members of our […]
Why should everyone brush at least twice a day? Let’s explore why this is crucial. Brushing and flossing are the best ways to prevent decay. Brushing with fluoride toothpaste and carefully flossing removes the food from our teeth and prohibits the build-up of plaque. If we let food stay on our teeth, the starches in the…
You rarely hear the word “toothpaste” without it being preceded by “fluoride.” “Fluoride toothpaste” is ubiquitous for good reason. Fluoride is a key mineral that helps your teeth stay strong. It is found in some foods and water and makes toothpastes more effective at fighting cavities. Fluoride helps teeth by making them stronger and more…
So you want to whiten your teeth? It’s a competitively-priced way to improve your smile, look younger, and feel more confident when you interact with people in business or social settings. Here are 5 things Harris Dental recommends when it comes to teeth whitening: Meet with your dentist for a consultation first. There are several…
Myth #1: Cosmetic Dentistry is Never Necessary for a Healthy Smile Many so-called Phoenix cosmetic dental procedures are not solely cosmetic. Queen Creek dental procedures such as tooth replacement prevent many potential problems such as tooth movement, bone loss and difficulty chewing and speaking. Myth #2: A Scottsdale Dental Bridge is the Only Way to…
One of the most important tools for maintaining oral hygiene is a toothbrush. However, with so many types of toothbrushes available in the Phoenix Arizona market, it can be overwhelming to choose the best one for you. Choosing the best toothbrush can depend on a lot of factors. Our team at Harris Dental can help…
Losing a tooth can significantly impact not only our ability to chew but also our confidence and self-esteem. Fortunately, dental technology has made remarkable strides in restorative dentistry, offering a revolutionary solution: dental implants. At Harris Dental, we understand the importance of a complete and radiant smile, and our team of experts is committed to…
Hello! I’m Dr. Dr. Harris, DDS, of Harris Dental in Phoenix. I have been practicing general and cosmetic dentistry since 1979. Dentistry is a challenging and fascinating profession; dentists must have diagnostic skills, dexterity, extensive scientific knowledge, and good visual memory. Dentistry also requires artistic ability. In addition to the technical aspects of dentistry, I…
Maintaining good oral hygiene in the Phoenix area is essential to overall health and wellness. Your teeth and gums are the foundation of great personal health. Most of us in the Phoenix area brush our teeth twice a day. This is god practice and makes for a good start to your oral health. However, many…
A well-designed veneer does not make your tooth look larger – unless you want it to. A veneer can correct many cosmetic dental problems and is a minimally invasive restoration. During the placement of some porcelain veneers, an extremely thin layer of enamel is removed from the tooth. If you have teeth with damage, discoloration,…
Hello Phoenix friends of Harris Dental! Teeth take a lot of tender, loving care. And even when we do our best to practice daily dental hygiene, bacteria can still sneak in and cause tooth decay – the common cold of oral health. At Harris Dental, we have been filling cavities for years and would be…
The pandemic has increased public awareness of the danger of viruses and the importance of a well-functioning immune system. Our Immune System Protects Against Serious Illness The variation in the seriousness of COVID-19 illness is due, in part, to the strength of natural biological defenses. Of course, you may be wondering why we’re reviewing this…
Huh? Yep, it’s true. It’s a great time to have ugly teeth because cutting-edge cosmetic dentistry provides several procedures to turn ugly to unbelievably beautiful. Teeth whitening can benefit almost every adult. Years of staining can be magically erased in a day at your dentist’s office or over a few months with a cost-effective at-home…
At Harris Dental, we are committed to success. Dr. Harris’s experience, ability, and commitment to dental excellence result in outstanding outcomes daily for our dentistry patients. Each team member at Harris Dental shares Dr. Harris’s passion for success. For many Phoenix dental patients, success is a routine check-up that reveals healthy teeth and no cavities. For…
Are you an avid flosser? Many of us occasionally skip this necessary habit. Studies show that around 68% of people report flossing at least once a week while 20% say they really never floss. Skipping the daily flossing routine can have devastating consequences on your overall dental health and result in costly dental work in…
Hello, and welcome to our dental blog. My name is Dr. Harris and I want to tell you about Harris Dental. Meet Our Compassionate Team of Dental Professionals The first thing to know is that we work hard to keep our patients comfortable. Our team is compassionate and empathetic. For some individuals, the condition of…
Does your heart start pounding at the mere thought of having a cavity filled? Do you get sweaty palms when you drive by a dental practice? Many men and women who have improved their smile with cosmetic dentistry or underwent extensive restoration care chose to use sedation. Though the terms ‘sleep dentistry’ and ‘oral conscious…
Hello friends and neighbors in Phoenix! Welcome to our dentistry blog. This site is for my valued patients and anyone in the Phoenix area who is looking for a local experienced and considerate general and family dentist. We are taking new patients at Harris Dental. I invite you to call 480-428-0040 to schedule an evaluation.…
Hello, I’m Dr. Harris of Harris Dental. Thanks for visiting my blog. In today’s post, we will focus on something that happens occasionally when a patient requests cosmetic dentistry from their Phoenix dentist. Let me set the stage. The patient comes in for a consultation about a smile makeover. We’ll call him Mr. Jones. The…
Most Phoenix residents know that frequently eating foods high in sugar can cause cavities. Therefore, it’s important to limit candy, soda, cookies, etc. Also, remember that frequency is as dangerous as the amount of sugar. Research has found that a higher frequency in sugar consumption may lead to demineralization more than the amount of sugar…
Most men and women know that they can go to their dentist for toothaches, cleanings, and bleeding gums (not to mention cosmetic dentistry procedures such as a smile makeover), but there are some lesser-known oral concerns that your dentist can help you with. Dry mouth treatment Dry mouth, technically called xerostomia, is caused by a…
Though thin and partially translucent, tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the body and has the critical job of preserving teeth from constant use and the continual assault of chemicals in food and drink. Enamel also protects tooth nerves from hot and cold food and beverages. That’s why enamel loss often causes tooth sensitivity.…
Ouch! The mouth is a bad place for injuries, sores, or inflammation. It seems that even the smallest irritation in the mouth can cause serious discomfort for Phoenix dental patients. Inflammation Causes Stomatitis These non-specific irritations in the mouth have a name. They are called stomatitis. A good general definition for stomatitis is the inflammation…
What comes to mind when you hear the term “healthy living?” A dinner plate with a grilled chicken breast and steamed vegetables? The sound of your feet rhythmically hitting the ground on your favorite jogging path? A cholesterol test indicating that your arteries are looking good? If you pictured a white, healthy smile or a…
Hi! Welcome to the Harris Dental dental blog where we take the time to answer dental questions. Today we are focusing on fabulous veneers, which are used extensively in cosmetic dentistry. Dental veneers (also called laminates) are custom-made to permanently cover the front part of one or more teeth. Wafer-thin, super-strong veneers can remedy many…
Tooth whitening has become one of the most popular dental procedures in Arizona. It seems that everyone is whitening their teeth to help their smiles look younger and brighter. Many men and women are turning to over-the-counter solutions to brighten their teeth, however, there can be disadvantages to this approach. Here is some basic advice…
If you will be leaving on an extended trip, make sure it won’t interfere with any dental needs. It’s always a good idea to have a checkup with your dentist prior to leaving on long vacations, especially if your trip is taking you to developing areas without adequate dental care options. This quick exam will…
Hello, and welcome to our Harris Dental cosmetic dentistry blog. Today we are taking the time to answer a common question that many dental patients have. The question is, “What exactly are veneers and how are they used in cosmetic dentistry?” Porcelain Veneers Give Your Teeth a Makeover Veneers are thin shells made from durable,…
Are tooth implants too expensive? Are dental implants unsafe? Are dental implants experimental? Is the surgery painful? Does it take a long time to recover? The answer to all of these is No. Let’s talk about it. Dental implants are an investment in a better lifestyle Dental implants aren’t cheap. We understand that. But you…
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 25% of adults over 65 have no remaining teeth. Many men and women with missing teeth or no teeth at all choose dentures. This is understandable. It’s challenging to eat and speak with no teeth in the mouth. And a toothless mouth is not an attractive…
In today’s message, we will concentrate on three innovative procedures used in smile redesigns. 1. Tooth Implants Tooth implants are changing the face of dentistry. For most patients, a dental implant is an optimal solution for a missing tooth. A dental implant is a metal (usually titanium) rod implanted into the bone to replace the…
It’s no secret that many Phoenix residents dread going to the dentist. Whether they associate dental visits with shame, pain, or financial drain, they avoid it at all costs. See Your Dentist Regularly to Avoid Painful Oral Problems However, consider the fact that by seeing your dentist regularly, you can skip dental procedures like fillings…