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Science & Technology
Culture & Art
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Two Scenarios were seen on travel beautiful and well-fed child. She gives him the pacifier, still without looking. I stand quite close and can't help following the episode, then I find an empty seat and escape to try to forget about what I know about the importance of interacting with your small infant. The ride…
Establishing a Foundation to Build on The start of a newborn's life is crucial for the development of the relationship between the baby and his parents and the infant's self-perception. The child's need for sleep is enormous, and it helps the new parents to rest from the intensity of being together with their new-born. A…
The Daily Prompt I chose "Baby " as babies always have my interest. I had German guests for a few days earlier this week as a airbnb host. People can book rooms upstairs at my place in a day's notice. I have to be careful to close the dates where I have personal appointments. It reminds…
Inspired by a fellow blogger Jaye Marie who wrote the following on her post on Relationships : I have always been fascinated by relationships. Any kind of relationship really, for as I grew up, it seemed everyone had one except me. I spent most of my childhood in foster or children’s homes, where most of…
This photo was taken in March 2019; who would have thought that one year later, our world had changed in a way we who are alive now have never witnessed. The photo shows an everyday situation here in Denmark. Since the 1980s, new mothers have gathered in groups according to the time of their newborn’s…
It's so privileged for me to be able to support mothers a bit now and then by visiting when needed. I was allowed to take you with me via these pictures from yesterday. The little girl is three weeks old and halfway through a meal which helps her to relax on her changing table.…