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Science & Technology
Culture & Art
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My mum has worked as a dementia care worker for over 18 years now and whilst I’ve always been aware of what a demanding job she has, it’s only been in the last few weeks during the COVID-19 lockdown that I’ve truly started to realise how difficult, how scary, but equally how rewarding her job really is. I know, I know, this post is a huge jump in topic from my usual baking and recipe type post but I started to think about the stories my Mum was telling me and I realised that actually, I’d really like to tell […]
Well that’s a mouthful of a title isn’t it! There’s no real name for these cookies but I woke up this morning craving the type of cookies you usually only get in American bakeries. When I went to New York last year I had a cookie that was probably the best cookie I’ve ever eaten. Chunky, generously filled, super chocolatey and incredibly melt-in-the-mouth, I’ve never found any like them since. I had a little nosy online to see what recipes I could find, spotted a few that looked good, then tinkered around a little bit and came up with these […]