Science & Technology
Culture & Art
Science & Technology
Culture & Art
I've dropped the ball quite a bit with my weekly posts, but I'm sure you guys can totally understand because it's summer and who really wants to spend their whole weekend in a kitchen, especially when I spend 12 hours a day in a kitchen already. I've been out doing things on my weekend and hanging o
Another recipe featuring herbs from my little balcony garden! All my plants are positively thriving now (my verbena plant has doubled in height!) and I think I'm going to start giving away bundles of herbs to people at work because I cannot possibly use all the herbs that I am growing. But I love it
Once in a blue moon, I pull out the cake rings and the piping bags for a special occasion. This cake was a bit last minute and I didn’t even think of photographing it when I made it (hence the slice) but hey, she’s a cute one and it’s nice to pop in here once every year - or two