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A wedding is probably the happiest ceremony happening to couples taking the next step in seeking a life together. The event oozes with lovey-dovey quirks
Learning photography takes time, and it's all the more enjoyable if you can pick it up at your own pace. It's in situations like these that YouTube comes
It's not easy to pull off an impressive or very creative group photo, but that's only because we are limited by our imagination and the number of crazy
There's a hashtag on Instagram called #ThingsOrganizedNeatly. Under the hashtag, you'll find a plethora of images that users took of things arranged
Cloud photography is no easy task, especially when it comes to capturing a really stunning-looking cloud scenery.
Have you ever thought of what to do with your tons of photos? When was the last time you went through all your digital photos anyway? Photos could be
Having kids is one of the many life-changing experiences in a person's life, and for many new parents, it triggers the video-taking, photo-snapping
Most people have their own preference when it comes to organizing things they own, but if you spend too much time and feel particularly happy doing it, is
Getting creative wedding portraits is the new craze these days. From underwater photos of the couple to manipulated photo effects, photographers invent
With the technological advancements in lightweight cameras and inexpensive quadcopters or drones, we can now get a glimpse of the world from a different
The speed and magnitude of a change in the skyline is representative of how rapid a city has changed through a a century or more. Others clock in
Insect photography is challenging under the best circumstances. Think about it: you're taking photos of something that is likely smaller than your little
Ever remember playing charades with clouds? Well, our fascination with clouds may have come from our childhoods but clouds aren't just a kid's thing. More
It can be said that light is the source of all art. It's because you see an artwork by not only using your eyes, but also rely on the light that makes the
Photography is an incredibly rewarding hobby, and with the wealth of digital cameras available nowadays, is one that's well within most people's reach.
The iPhone comes with a magnificent camera, no doubt about that. However, when it comes to professional iPhone photography, you need some external lenses
Drones are perhaps the most innovative technologies of our times and the most useful tools for photographers. With drones, you can shoot aerial videos or
DSLR is the perfect camera used by almost every professional photographer and videographer. If you have a DSLR photography enthusiast among your friends
No matter what time of the year it is, you're surely to have a vacation already planned out in your mind. The only question that changes year in, year out
If you can't stop taking selfies and own an Android device, then selfie apps can help you have fun and take newsworthy selfies just with your phone.
No matter what you build by hand, nothing compares in terms of beauty and awesomeness to what Mother Nature has to offer. And you don't even have to
Of all the memories we all hold on to, the ones we never learn to let go of are those of our family. They are the people who are there for you from Day 1,