Science & Technology
Culture & Art
Science & Technology
Culture & Art
It’s been a rough couple of days with Sam. He is nonverbal, and that causes a LOT of frustrations- for all of us. I’ll be honest: one of my biggest prayers for him is to just hear his precious little voice. I just want to hear my boy say, “Mama.” Goodness, what I would give…...Continue Reading
Gosh, I’m just a liiiiitle behind here, seeing as he turned 4 months on the 7th. Ha! Better late than never, right?! So, a little bit about Oliver at 4 months. He is smiling all the time now, and has started to giggle for real too, which is the best!! His sister is the absolute...Continue Reading
TOP (true to size) | JEANS | SIMILAR SHOES | NECKLACE This week has been a doozy, and it’s only Wednesday. ;) We had a major meltdown over Cheerios the other day (no joke) but it brought some things to light for us, and helped us learn and grow. I feel like all things, big...Continue Reading
Romper linke here | balloon garland tutorial here! and highchair linked here! Well, Ollie boy is officially ONE! He is such a little joy. So easygoing, but also never ever stops moving! He loves to crawl (really really fast lol) and at 13 months (his age at the time of this post) he has taken...Continue Reading
TOP | JEANS (ALSO HERE) | SANDALS (size up 1/2) | SAM’S SHOES Hey guys. So it’s been a while since I’ve just sat down and written from my heart. It’s how this whole blog started- my love of writing down my feelings and sharing- and so I want to make sure I never lose...Continue Reading
Ooooookay. So. I realize I haven’t done a monthly recap here for Ollie boy since his 4 month one! Ack, totally third child problems. Also, holiday season/busiest time of the year problems. SO. I’m just gonna do a nice round-up, and combine months 5-8 right here. Let’s get a quick rundown on these glorious past...Continue Reading
Another multi-month update! Now that he’s officially one, I thought I should catch up on the months I’ve missed first. ;) One year update coming up next! But first… 9 MONTHS He is officially army crawling alllll over the place. Pulled himself up to stand for the first time this week! Smiles all the time...Continue Reading
Have you seen this shirt yet? I MEAN. Hi, Target, just take all of my money right now. The best part? It’s sold in the little boy’s department. I mean, yeah, that doesn’t matter, girls and boys can wear it, but the point is that this is being sold in the BOY’S department. It’s not...Continue Reading
I have officially survived the newborn phase of three babies now. WHOA. I deserve some sort of award for that, or something… Ha! ;) I can absolutely safely say that I know what I love and don’t love, and the items that we simply could NOT live without! Today I want to share my newborn...Continue Reading
||maxi dress|| Motherhood is hard. It’s beautiful. It’s heart-wrenching worry and guilt and fear. It’s seeing your heart and feeling your heart and knowing you have a heart, more than you ever did before. It’s watching that heart of yours walk around outside of your body- sometimes run, sometimes crash and burn, sometimes get hurt...Continue Reading