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Science & Technology
Culture & Art
At first glance, choosing a recipe from the 703 pages of Vefa’s Kitchen could seem a bit daunting, so here are a couple of my favourites - just click on the links to get all the details. Finding that Vefa had included a recipe for Marathópites (Cretan Fennel Pies) vindicated my decision to buy yet another…
Some years back, after we’d moved house, I made myself a promise to stop buying cookbooks. It was brought on by the almost nauseous panic that set in when I started unpacking box after box of recipe books. Almost too many to count, they were also accompanied by several box files of newspaper and magazine…
2024 was quite a special year for Kouzina - a whole decade of me wittering on about Greek food! In that time, countless dishes have been cooked, eaten and photographed. Most importantly, I was lucky to meet some fascinating cooks and food producers, and to talk endlessly about Greek gastronomy with some extremely passionate ‘foodophiles’. …
Let’s face it, there are many recipes for kourabiédes, after all they ARE the quintessential Greek Christmas sweet goodies. Flicking through the index of most Greek cookbooks, you will find … Continue reading Miketta’s Kourabiédes – a recipe from the ‘Cahier’