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It’s my absolute pleasure to welcome Kim Smejkal to the blog today to stay in with me and to tell me all about her latest young adult novel. My huge thanks to Vicki Berwick at Pushkin Press for putting us in touch with one another. Let’s see what Kim had to say: Staying in with…
I always find it exciting to be in at the start of a book’s life and so it gives me enormous pleasure to help reveal the details for The Woman in Ward 9 by Naomi Williams, especially as this is a book in one of my favourite genres - psychological thrillers. Let’s find out more:…
My grateful thanks to Annie West for sending me a copy of her graphic novel The Late Night Writers Club. I don’t think I’ve reviewed a graphic novel for adults on Linda’s Book Bag before and it’s my pleasure to share my review today. The Late Night Writers Club is available for purchase in all…
My huge thanks to A.P. Durston for sending me a copy of his children’s book The Land Of No Food in return for an honest review. Married to a Welshman, how could I resist that cover! I’m delighted to share my review today. The Land Of No Food was published by Austin Macauley on 13th…
I can’t remember when I last wrote a review of a book that is from my book group. Partly, that’s because I haven’t enjoyed a few and I don’t write negative reviews, and partly because life has got the better of me and like last month, not only did I not finish the book, but…
I am absolutely thrilled to help reveal the cover of Georgina Moore's brand new novel River of Stars. I adored Georgina's first book, The Garnett Girls which I reviewed here, so I'm delighted to have River of Stars waiting for me on my 2025 TBR. Let's find out more about River of Stars: River of…
With thanks to Ben Cameron at Cameron Publicity for putting us in touch with one another, it’s my pleasure to welcome Anika Pavel to stay in with me today to tell me all about her fascinating memoir. Let’s Find out more: Staying in with Anika Pavel Welcome to Linda’s Book Bag Anika and thank you for…
Once again I’m wishing I could read every book I’m offered or that drops into my post box as I love the sound of this latest one from John Ironmonger. I think once you've seen what John told me when we stayed in together, you’ll realise why! Let’s find out more: Staying in with John…
My grateful thanks to Alainna Georgiou at Hodder for sending me a very welcome surprise copy of Hope Street by Mike Gayle. I’m delighted to share my review of Hope Street today. I love Mike Gayle’s writing and you’ll find my review of Mike’s The Museum of Ordinary People here and of A Song of…
Oh dear. I have a huge apology to give to writer Steve Orme. Steve contacted me last October and I promised a feature on Linda's Book Bag to celebrate Steve's most recent novel, Storm Bodies. Steve kindly wrote a guest post for me and I promptly forgot all about it! I do have a good…
My enormous gratitude to Louise Swanson for ensuring I received a copy of her thriller Lights Out and to Kim Nyamhondera for sending it to me. It’s my pleasure to share my review of Lights Out today. I’m a huge fan of Louise Swanson’s writing under her other persona of Louise Beech, and you’ll find…
I am incredibly grateful to Philip D. Rye for sending me a copy of his poetry anthology All Shapes and Sizes with no expectation of a review, but because he hoped it might provide a distraction at a difficult time. To thank him for his kindness, the least I can do is provide an honest…
It's just over a year since I was privileged to share an extract from Davis McCloskey's Moscow X in a post you'll find here. It's my pleasure today to join the blog tour for David's brand new book The Seventh Floor and, thanks to Rachel Nobilo, to be able to give away a copy of…
I’m not quite sure how it happened, but today marks exactly ten years since I began blogging. What a decade it’s been and my goodness hasn’t the world changed for the worst since 2015? But throughout that decade books have been a constant presence and joy. Thank You I cannot begin to thank all the…
My enormous thanks to Elizabeth Masters and Ana McLaughlin at Quercus for sending me a surprise copy of Life Hacks for a Little Alien by Alice Franklin. I’m delighted to share my review today. Published by Riverrun on 13th February 2025, Life Hacks for a Little Alien is available for purchase through the links here. …
I'm delighted that my latest My Weekly magazine online review is of the cracking thriller Black Tag by Simon Mayo. Published by Penguin imprint Bantam on 30th January 2025, Black Tag is available for purchase through the links here. Black Tag Your house is on fire. What do you save? You have seconds to decide.…
I'm delighted to share details today of my latest My Weekly magazine online review which is of Beautiful Ugly by Alice Feeney. Published by Pan Macmillan on 30th January 2025, Beautiful Ugly is available for purchase through the publisher links here. Beautiful Ugly Author Grady Green is having the worst best day of his life.…
There’s an irony to this blog post. When Victoria Purcell at Simon and Schuster kindly sent me a copy of A Second Act by Dr Matt Morgan I was completely intrigued. You see, my father-in-law suffered a cardiac arrest and was resuscitated, but was declared brain dead. He was in America on holiday at the…
It’s my absolute pleasure today to welcome debut author Catherine Airey to Linda’s Book Bag to celebrate her brand new novel which is out today. My huge thanks to Marie-Louise Patton and Laura Dermody at Penguin Random House for putting us in touch with one another. Staying in with Catherine Airey Welcome to Linda's Book…
I heard Nadine Matheson speak so engagingly at a couple of literary festivals last year, but I've never got round to reading her. Consequently, I'm delighted that my first My Weekly magazine online review of 2025 is Nadine Matheson's The Kill List. My grateful thanks to Isabel Williams at Harper Collins for sending me a copy.…
I receive an awful lot of books and occasionally one calls to me immediately and I’m unable to stop thinking about it until I give in and read it ahead of all the others waiting for me. So it was with This Is A Love Story by Jessica Soffer. I usually thank whoever has sent…
I love Dinah Jefferies' books, and although I'm easing away from blogging slightly at the moment, I simply had to be part of the cover reveal for her latest book The Greek House. I've missed reading Dinah Jefferies of late, but you'll find my review of The Hidden Palace here, Daughters of War here and I…
I have several folk to thank for sending me a surprise copy of An Ethical Guide to Murder by Jenny Morris, including The Likely Suspects, Laurie McShea and Harriett Collins. My grateful thanks to them all. I'm delighted to share my review of An Ethical Guide to Murder today. An Ethical Guide to Murder is…
I'm absolutely delighted to welcome Johan Ingler to Linda's Book Bag today because I think his new book for children sounds simply wonderful. It's a real sadness to me that I haven't been able to read it, but life hasn't afforded me the time. Let's find out more: Staying in with Johan Ingler Welcome to…
I think Liz Hyder is a phenomenal writer of adult fiction and I adored The Gifts (reviewed here) and The Illusions (reviewed here), so when lovely Vicki Berwick at Pushkin Press asked me if I'd like a copy of Liz's latest children's book The Twelve, illustrated by Tom de Freston, I simply couldn't resist. My…
I’m fast becoming a fan of Donna Ashworth, having reviewed Wild Hope here and Growing Brave here. Imagine my delight, therefore, when I was sent a copy of her latest book Words to Live By: A Daily Journal. My huge thanks to Flora Willis at Bonnier for sending me the gift of Words to Live…
My goodness 2024 has been tough going. Despite the fact that I don't believe that adding 5 instead of 4 to the end of the year will make any difference, I am so glad to leave 2024 behind from today. I won't bore you with all the details, but I confess I've struggled rather. However,…
When I was asked if I'd like to choose my top seven books of 2024 for My Weekly magazine online, I was briefly hesitant as I always put out a post about my favourite books at the end of the year. However, there were some that I simply couldn't resist sharing with a wider audience…
I'm so delighted that my final online review of the year for My Weekly magazine is Home Again for Christmas by Emily Stone. I absolutely love Emily Stone's books and it's a real delight to catch up with this latest one. You'll find my review of Emily's Always, in December here and of One Last Gift…
My enormous thanks to Martin Lloyd for sending me a copy of the graphic novel Dogland Rescue in return for an honest review. It's my pleasure to share that review today. Dogland Rescue is available for purchase here. Dogland Rescue A Graphic Novel for readers of all ages. In Dogland, friendship and kindness are prized…
It's been manic here of late and regular blog readers will have noticed I haven't had much time for reading and blogging. However, that doesn't mean I'm not finding out about brilliant sounding books and it's my pleasure today to welcome Blair J Collins to Linda's Book Bag to tell me all about his debut…
I cannot believe how few of the wonderful books by Sarah Morgan I've actually read. Consequently, I'm thrilled that my latest online review for My Weekly magazine is Sarah's latest book, The Christmas Cottage. My enormous thanks to Felicia Hu at Harper Collins for sending me a copy of The Christmas Cottage in return for an…
I adore Sue Moorcroft's writing so I'm thrilled that her 25th novel A Skye Full of Stars is my latest online book review for My Weekly magazine. My huge thanks to Becky Hunter for originally sending me a copy of A Skye Full of Stars in return for an honest review. A Skye Full of…
I'm not meant to be blogging this month, but I couldn't resist taking part in the blog tour for the children's book Santa Steals Christmas! by Eve Nairn-Magnante and would like to thank Kelly of Love Books Tours for inviting me to participate. It's my pleasure to share my review today. Santa Steals Christmas! is…
What a pleasure today to share my latest online book review for My Weekly magazine. This time I'm taking a look at Foster's Mill by Val Wood. My grateful thanks to Emma Fairey at Penguin Random House for sending me a copy of Foster's Mill. Foster's Mill was published Penguin imprint Bantam on 21st November…
It gives me enormous pleasure today to welcome Ellen Alpsten to stay in with me to chat all about her latest book. I must thank Ellen for waiting so patiently for me to find time to have her over! Let's find out more: Staying in with Ellen Alpsten Welcome to Linda's Book Bag Ellen. Thanks…
I'm delighted to participate in the blog tour for Jacquei Bloese's book The Secret Photographs by sharing some of the inspiration for the settings, because not only is it calling to me from my TBR plie, but I loved Jacqui's The French House which I reviewed online for My Weekly - you'll find details of…
I'm relatively new to Karen's Swan's writing having only previously read and reviewed The Stolen Hours in a post you'll find here. I loved that book. Consequently, I was delighted to be given the chance to review All I Want for Christmas as my latest online book review for My Weekly magazine. My enormous thanks to Chloe…
I can't decide if I'm very late to the hardback party for The Final Hours of Muriel Hinchcliffe M.B.E by Claire Parkin, or very early to the paperback party, but either way, I'm delighted to share my review today. The Final Hours of Muriel Hinchcliffe M.B.E was released in hardback by Pan Macmillan on 24th…
Regular visitors to Linda's Book Bag will know that as well as loving books, I'm a keen (if rather hopeless) gardener. Indeed, the flower on my avatar is of personal significance as it's the lily Forever Susan which I bought for my sister Sue's 60th birthday, but she didn't receive it as her birthday is…