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myBioma Blog
Can you already see the Autumn leaves? This means that Summer is over and so are the sunny outdoor days. Of course, when talking about sun, the first thing that…
Our gut microbiome is the key to skin health. Learn how your gut bacteria influence your skin health!
It's no longer a secret that in today's world, high sugar consumption continues to have numerous adverse effects on our health. This encompasses not only common…
Conventional gut microbiome testing doesn't have to be uncomfortable anymore, as the vast majority of microbiome tests include an easy, non-invasive…
We are looking forward to an exciting conversation in which both interlocutors are heading from different directions towards a common goal: the promotion of our…
Without our gut bacteria, our digestive system would be less efficient, and we would not be able to digest most food components. The gut microbiome helps us…
OK, I think the following sentences has already heard everyone once "Don't gulp down like that!" or "Now chew a little longer!" and was possibly a little…
Clostridioides difficile is a persistent bacterial infection that has increasingly become a challenge in healthcare. Conventional treatments such as antibiotics…
Learn, how probiotics work, which bacteria are used as probiotics and how they affect our health.
We summarise 5 pillars of a healthy gut and microbiome: Nutrition, stress reduction, sufficient exercise and sleep, and avoiding toxins.
Many scientific studies show that physical activity has a positive influence on our gut and vice versa.
Easter is just around the corner and a delicious yeast plait is a must. We have tried to make the classic recipe a little more gut-friendly. Besides…
Our gut microbiome controls our immune system, has a significant influence on our body weight and hormone balance.
It's all the hormones' fault!" – everyone has probably heard this phrase at least once in their life. Hormones often cause us to suffer from mood swings, pain…
A plant-based diet is linked to many health benefits and can promote the growth of good gut bacteria.
Kefir is a fermented milk drink rich in probiotic bacteria, which can have a positive effect on gut health and gut flora.
Annemarie Ott has already been working as a dietician for 20 years, with one of her main focuses being the support of overweight people.
From a TCM perspective, you should eat a warm breakfast for a healthy gut. We have the perfect recipe for you: Vegan Cheesecake Baked Oats.
With our Asian breakfast soup, you can start the day with a healthy gut and add variety to the menu of your gut bacteria.