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Night Owl Cards Blog
I recently returned to my plan to chase down the Dodgers I'm missing in old Heritage sets. In almost all cases these are short-prints, a...
March is kicking my ass per usual. But I have a hobby to off-set that, and when I get the time, I dig into the greatness and realize my li...
For the first time since debuting this series here 17 years ago, I considered not running it this year. Ranking MLB's teams in order of ...
(A chilly welcome to you all on "Old Stuff Day". Apparently this day was created to encourage people not to do "the same old stuff" and then...
Upon first opening 2025 Topps, I realized that this set was going to be a lot like the others from the last five, 10, 15, 20 years. Perhap...
We're all dealing with our various life issues. I, for example, look at the stacks of cards in the card room and the separate pulled cards...
I've been watching snippets of spring training the last couple of days. It's a busy time of the year for me, so I can manage only a couple...
I've mentioned many times lately how difficult it's been to post regularly to my blog. It may not look like it because I'm still posting...
I have written many times that I view cards from the 1980s as the most accessible. The hobby was booming, "artificial scarcity" was barely...
I think the appeal of 2025 Topps is divided among those who grew up in the 1990s and after and those who grew up before. I could easily ...
Today was the first chance I had to look for some 2025 Topps. The weather has been ridiculous the past seven days between a big fat snowst...
I've mentioned before that work has been even more of a time-suck than previously. It's infringing on blog posting and I don't think I can...
It's my all-time favorite player Ron Cey's birthday today. He's 77. Yikes. The last couple of years I've been able to show a card that "...
Three years ago, Topps put a card of Giants outfielder Mike Yastrzemski in its 2022 flagship set and spelled his name wrong. "Yastrzemks...
We card bloggers aren't the mushy type. If we're going to blog a Valentine's Day-themed post, it better be about Bobby or Ellis or Fred. O...
2025 Topps is scheduled for released this week. Apparently some people are somehow already opening it on video. I have stopped watching ca...
I feel like my position on the NFL is stuck between two prevailing opinions of football, with few sharing my perspective. On one end are...
I got a card envelope from Japan last week. I've received card envelopes from all over the world -- England, Australia, France, the Neth...
(Happy President's Day. No, I don't have this day off or the week off. I do have an extra day off thanks to the post office not delivering ...
I'm finally getting around to the latest big box from Johnny's Trading Spot , which arrived two weeks ago. Boxes that size are a lot to ...
Today is the fifth anniversary of the Dodgers' trade with the Red Sox in which the Dodgers gained Mookie Betts for a bag of beans. It's ...
Another monthly card show has come and gone. I was surprised it was that time again. I had scrambled the dates and thought it wasn't for...
I had viewed enough 2024 Archives pack openings to know I needed to open some myself. Not that I liked the cards -- Archives and I have ne...
I am about the only card blogger that I can think of who has multiple blog posts dedicated to old-school checklists. All those posts were ...
Since the start of the year I have been trying to focus on two of my "if it happens, it happens" resolutions. Those two things are to read...
A couple of different things I've read or observed lately, on top of currently collecting the 1979 Topps football set made me compare '79 ...
Let's just stay with the out-of-season Christmas posts here. Why not? Nobody's celebrating late January. As many of you know, Rod of Padro...
The 2024 Topps Holiday design appealed to me right away. I've enjoyed most over-the-top designs -- as long as they have a fun streak -- an...
I keep forgetting to acknowledge TCDB and their members for voting my blog as "Favorite Blog" again this year. This makes it five years in...
The monthly card show this month featured an autograph guest for the first time. It was former Buffalo Sabres forward Ric Seiling, who was...
Right now, the Bills are playing a team I don't like, that I think is going to win and end the Bills season. I could be wrong but that's n...
I suppose this is typical for set collectors or collectors in general when it comes to a new project: I don't like to continue with more o...
A couple things before I start the big show: 1. I like to be a good commenter on the blogs and leave a comment when something sparks my in...
I was thinking about writing this post within the next month or so, ideally around when I found the first cards of the season. But it's ...
Maybe it's the start of the year, but I feel the urge to leave the social media scene more and more. I don't consider blogging part of tha...
If you collect cards and have been on your favorite social media site today, you know that 2025 Topps flagship images made their debut. Th...
For the past five or six months, my job has bled into my midweek free time. I've been trying to keep it away from my blogging for as long ...
I wrapped up my first completed set of 2025 on Saturday. The final two cards for the 1970 Fleer World Series set, illustrated by Robert ...
(Happy National Bird Day! On this day, I think someone like me should have the day off. And I do! Time for Cardboard Appreciation. This is t...
Here we are, three days into the new year and I've forgotten again the series that I last posted three days into last year. Maybe this s...