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Nomipalony | A Feminist Family Lifestyle Blog
Letter to daughter on her 10th birthday - reflecting on what happened in her 9th year and her 10th birthday wishes.
One pot bacon panacalty recipe that is made with only 5 ingredients. This recipe is a family recipe from North East England.
Why Every Parent Should Book a Mobile Tyre Fitting Before a Family Holiday.
A nutritious spinach and lentils with halloumi recipe made all the more tasty by adding caramelised red onions.
17 of the best family movies about teens. Watch these coming of age films as a family to help understand each other better.
12 of the best family movies about tweens. Watch these coming of age films as a family to help understand each other better.
What did Labour promise for women in their 2024 manifesto? I pull out the main promises that impact women from the Labour manifesto to 2024.
What are the main parties are offering women in the 2024 election? What the Labour, Liberal Democrat, Green, Conservative and Reform manifestos offer women.
6 ways Little Live Pets can help your children prepare for real pets from someone who has really used them in real life with her own kids.
GF Fañabe review - a review of our week full board at GF Fañabe Costa Adeje Tenerife with a 9 and 12 year old in April.
Here are our pick of 4 UK coastal spots that are the perfect locations for a sunny seaside holiday from the North to the South.
The best reusable period products - how to choose a menstrual cup, the products I recommend and are period pants worth buying?
5 tips to help you deal with your baby waking too early in the morning from a parent who has been there with her own kids.
11 things I love about other mums and why having mum friends is the absolute best. No one is there for you like your mum friends.
Glamping in Durham - 5 great choices hand picked by a local. Includes affordable, luxury, hot tub and dog friendly options.
Evlo fitness review - I've been using the Evlo fitness app for the last 6 months and am telling you all about its pros and cons.
A letter to my daughter on her 9th birthday - all the things she did when she was 8 and our wishes for being 9.
Philips Lumea review - a review of the Philips Lumea 9000 series BRI 955/01 after a whole year of use, including pros and cons.
Crieff Hydro review - a mini break with a 2 and 5 year old, covering our Crieff Hydro lodge, the restaurants and free childcare.
Iceland family holiday - what we did in Iceland in November as a family of 4 with an 11 and 8 year old and what it all cost!
The best G rated movies that both children AND adults will enjoy, from old classics to the latest blockbusters all rated over 6 on IMDb.
Stranger Things: The First Shadow review - tips if you are going, spoiler free section and a spoiler laden section for those who can't go.
26 of the best cheesy Christmas movies like the Holiday - including the so bad they are good, to funny options and golden oldies.
Seven great gift ideas for seven year olds - including several educational STEM toys that kids are going to learn from whilst having fun.
10 gift ideas for 4 year olds that you can buy on Amazon UK including dolls, arts and crafts and STEM toy options.
41 of the best G rated Christmas movies for families with young children. Includes their IMDb ratings and what streaming platform they're on.
We are huge Harry Potter fans in our house and I’m thrilled the kids seem to love it too. It gives me a great excuse to buy Harry Potter toys for myself, cough, I mean
10 unique Pokemon gifts for kids you can buy on Amazon including Pokemon Monopoly, a bumper puzzle pack, book collection, Pokemon trainer game and more.
10 health and wellness gifts for 2023 for your loved ones who are committed to their health, fitness and wellness.
A review of Christmas at Lilidorei Alnwick, Northumberland and why you should add it to your Christmas bucket list this year.
Over 30 of the best children's Christmas books to keep your little ones entertained over this festive period!
A post from personal trainer (certified since 1987) about what factors should be considered when designing a personal fitness program.
2 day itinerary Berlin and diary - what we did, where we stayed, how we travelled and how to do it for under €200.
My top 5 tips on how to prepare for breastfeeding before birth from my experience of breastfeeding for 7 years.
Encore Resort at Reunion review - we stayed at Reunion Resort Orlando in a 5 bedroom villa as a group of 10. This is our honest review.
The ultimate guide to the best Halloween films for kids, including their IMDB rating, age rating and whether they are on Netflix or not!
8 reasons I'm looking forward to autumn including my top picks of this season's best TV and films such as Hocus Pocus 2.
Discover everything you need to know about Alpe d'Huez cycling in this blog post, including practical tips and average times.
Vegan beauty advent calendars 2023 - including Lush, Holland and Barrett, Profusion, Joules, Revolution, Barry M and more.
Everything you need to know about the Symphony of the Seas Junior Suite experience, including the perks and reviews.