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Oslo Birder
Maridalsvannet is still 99.9% frozen but the areas of open water where the rivers enter at Hammeren and Dausjøelva are now large enough to a...
I’ve had a few local evening outings already this spring hoping to find singing Long-eared Owls. This isn’t an easy task as their song does ...
Temperatures are pushing +10C on the back of quite strong southerly winds so I have been expecting some quite large arrivals of migrants but...
Jr and I went on our planned trip to Owl Road on Friday night but the results of our endeavours was far from those planned. The weather was ...
We are now having the last days with sunshine and overnight frosts for what looks to be at least the next ten days and temperatures are fore...
Guiding is a fool’s game! On Tuesday, 6 hours and 11km of walking in a foggy Maridalen with Wayne over from Guernsey could only turn up a Th...
The weather has changed with blue skies and many minus degrees being replaced by cloud, fog, rain and temperatures up to 5C. This might resu...
Last night I took Jack to hopefully see the Great Grey Owl. Jr did an excellent job driving us again and this was a big night for Jack. It w...
Winter has regained its grip on the land and nighttime temperatures in Maridalen are falling to -13C and it remains negative in the day des...
The first owling trip of the year has been completed very successfully and will I think be the first of quite a few this year. Last night ...
On Sunday night myself, Jack and Jr had planned a new trip to Owl Road but the forecast kept getting colder and colder and in the end I deci...
A drive around Maridalen this morning revealed temperatures down to -19C. Perhaps because of this there was very little to see or hear and i...
I was guiding yesterday and despite fog we had a good day. I took Tony who was visiting Oslo from Manchester to Maridalen and we trudged th...
I had company today and we gingerly walked over the frozen Maridalsvannet This week has been a week of two halves and the second half has fe...
Birding around Oslo continues in a very predictable manner. I did have a small flock of Wood Pigeons seemingly migrating north but they may ...
I have been drawn back again and again to the Jack Snipe at Fornebu and by using the thermal imager they have been easy to find and there ar...
The reedbeds at Fornebu receive attention in the winters when they hold Bearded Tits but in the few winters, such as this one, when there ar...
Scaup is only seen very occasionally in Oslo in winter with only three January records of single birds in 2004, 2013 and 2021. That was befo...
I have mentioned the roosting Treecreepers we have been seeing on our evening outings with the thermal imager and here is the promised post....
Friday’s glorious sunny weather continued into Saturday but today saw a return to the fog and in addition to it being harder to see birds th...
This week has been foggy! Every day the weather forecast has said the sun will be shining in Maridalen and every day, until Friday, it has j...
The weather is in the process of changing with temperatures forecast to increase from the -15C of the weekend to +5C this week. I don’t know...
The 40 odd centimetres of snow in Maridalen have certainly made it beautiful but birding wise it is now pretty bleak. There are very few bir...
The highlight of the late summer and early autumn was traipsing out into the forest to observe and just as importantly document the comings...
The New Year was spent in a damp England where I didn’t even have bins let alone a camera although my ears did pick up a Firecrest as the be...
Half way through the year I had already seen more species than in any other year than 2019 so everything looked good for beating the total o...
A review of 2024 is for all intents and purposes a review of #Oslo2024. I did of course cross the county line into Akershus and bird Fornebu...
Christmas has been spent in Oslo where it has been quite grey and unpleasant weather although we did surprisingly end up with a white christ...
Hobbies bred yet again in Maridalen this year and as with last year I was keen to discover and follow the nest from as an early a stage as p...
Today I had the pleasure of guiding Mathieu from Belgium to see the best that Oslo could offer in 4 hours. Mathieu got three lifers: Hawk Ow...
Back in the winter of 2012/13 when both Hawkie and Piney appeared simultaneously around Oslo I started have fairly damp dreams of getting a ...
This post will inevitably include H & G but will cover what was, for me, a very exciting experience. Thursday was a sunny day with a thick f...
The snow brought a Pygmy Owl out of the forests on Monday and it was hunting on a field edge that hosted the Hawk Owl a couple of weeks ago....
We had a nice dump of snow on Friday night which has left Maridalen and the forests nice and white although in the city it has since melted ...
The supply of rowan berries which earlier had seemed infinite has now been seriously dented by the vast flocks of Fieldfares and most areas ...
I dusted off my guiding boots yesterday and we had a fine outing enjoying Oslo’s finest on a sunny if cold day. Grozzas and Hawkie were of...
A grey and damp weekend is behind us and we are now in December so there is no denying it is winter but the birds would suggest otherwise. Y...
Yesterday I visited the Holmenkollen – Tryvann area for the first time in a couple of weeks at it was literally buzzing with Grozzas. I had ...
The weather is now far more autumnal than wintery with temperatures up to 8C in the day and no overnight frosts. On Sunday snow gave way to ...
The cold spell we are having has resulted in shallow lakes such as Østensjøvannet and Bogstadvannet and marshes to freeze over as well as ma...