Science & Technology
Culture & Art
Science & Technology
Culture & Art
Those shiny, silver “amalgam” fillings. Many, many of us have had them, especially if you are over the age of 40. Yet, my friends, these seemingly harmless “silver “fillings are filled with 50% mercury. (YES, that much mercury!) As a member of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) I have learned just […]
Yesterday's blog post was all about bottles, the infant suck-swallow motion, the mature swallow. Today's article is on chewing and how to grow healthy babies into healthy adults. It all comes down to proper facial development and growing the airway to get all that good nourishing oxygen. So, let's chew on this! Chewing is something
What if we, in the dental profession, are doing dental healthcare all wrong? We continue to scale, polish, and lecture about oral hygiene, and our patients do their best to comply. Yet, dental disease is still at epidemic levels with at least 40% of the population having gum disease. By age 34, 80% of folks
This blog has been a little quiet of late. I have been invited to give a two-hour presentation to the San Joaquin Valley Dental Hygienists' Association on the controversies surrounding fluoride. It has taken time to unearth the real, hidden truths surrounding the most used tool in dental hygiene. The information I will be sharing Learn the real facts surrounding that innocent-looking tube of toothpaste. Is it really as safe as we have been told? The true facts may shock you.
Today's post is about some teeth "basics". What their functions are, what they are made of, and their inner workings. For most, this may be just a review, but important information because the next few articles will be about tooth sensitivity: its causes, and how to help stop or at least reduce it. For that,
Thank you my fabulous reader for joining me on my quest to write a daily blog post for the month of June. This journey has been so fun as we got to explore all the things that need to be included in wha itt takes to have a healthy mouth and thus a healthy body.
An oldie from 2015 but a really important goodie! Bringing it back out to remind you how important the tongue is in facial growth and development. The Tongue is the Ruler of the Body. Where he goes determines your oral and facial development and that affects the rest of the body. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your tongue is a
Why, Oh Why do some teeth (people, actually, but poetic license here) build up tartar and others never do? I'd always secretly blamed it on folks just being lazy and going to bed without brushing. But, I may have been totally wrong, and I am so glad! It's not you- well, yes it is -
In dental hygiene, we focus so much on being "antibacterial". We worry about all the bad bugs and what they do in the mouth to create and foster tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath. We polish, scrape, brush, floss, and swish away the plaque and calculus (tartar). What if we are doing it all
Ozone is my magical secret weapon against oral disease. It deserves a full-on, long and detailed write up, but in keeping (or trying to keep) to my goal of " tidbits of new news you can use" for the month of June (but I admit most have still been full on meals), I will give
We need to talk about dry mouth or as we call it in the profession: xerostomia. Not a day goes by I don't have a patient or two that is affected by it. If you have it, you know how very uncomfortable it is, and are desperately seeking relief and solutions. For those with severe
We need to talk about dry mouth. Not a day goes by I don't have a patient or two that is affected by it. If you have it, you know how very uncomfortable it is, and are desparately seeking relief and solutions. For those with severe dryness, it means life is uncomfortable. Without that elixir
This blog has been a little quiet of late. I have been invited to give a two-hour presentation to the San Joaquin Valley Dental Hygienists' Association on the controversies surrounding fluoride. It has taken time to unearth the real, hidden truths surrounding the most used tool in dental hygiene. The information I will be sharing Learn the real facts surrounding that innocent-looking tube of toothpaste. Is it really as safe as we have been told? The true facts may shock you.
Today's post is about some teeth "basics". What their functions are, what they are made of, and their inner workings. For most, this may be just a review, but important information because the next few articles will be about tooth sensitivity: its causes, and how to help stop or at least reduce it. For that,