Science & Technology
Culture & Art
Science & Technology
Culture & Art
by The Retcon Punch Editors The panels above come from Gail Simone and Ardian Syaf’s Batgirl 1. This was the very first issue that we wrote about together. Our discussions were embarrassingly rudimentary then, but contained our primordial fascination with how comics inspired us. That eventually became Retcon Punch’s mission -- treat all comics like…
by Drew Baumgartner and Spencer Irwin This article contains SPOILERS. If you haven't read the issue yet, proceed at your own risk! I just wanted to [work in the documentary format] to see what it was like. You know, to take those weights off our ankles. I feel like 30 Rock and Community never get an award for doing a…
by Drew Baumgartner and Michael DeLaney This article contains SPOILERS. If you haven’t read the issue yet, proceed at your own risk! RiriwhydidyoubecomeIronheart? Xavier King Drew: My favorite scene of Eve Ewing, Kevin Libranda, and Luciano Vecchio's Ironheart 1 takes up most of the third act. Riri, exhausted from a day of inventing, superheroing, and unexpected tour-guiding, is…
by Patrick Ehlers and Spencer Irwin This article contains SPOILERS. If you haven't read the issue yet, proceed at your own risk! Patrick: Each of the issues in Charles Soule and Phil Noto's "The Death of Daredevil" is named for a fear one could reasonably ascribe to Matt Murdock. "Hold on," you might say, "isn't Daredevil supposed…
by Patrick Ehlers This article contains SPOILERS. If you haven’t read the issue yet, proceed at your own risk! Ridley Scott's 1977 sci-fi horror masterpiece Alien works because it is slow, atmospheric, and truly terrifying. Much of that terror comes from watching the various forms of an unknown alien species wreaking havoc on the crew of the Nostromo,…
by Spencer Irwin This article contains SPOILERS. If you haven’t read the issue yet, proceed at your own risk! Brian Michael Bendis and Ivan Reis open Superman 5 with a vision. Zod fantasizes of a New Krypton, of a world where all of Krypton's survivors have united, where Zod and Superman have made peace despite their "ideological…
by Michael DeLaney This article contains SPOILERS. If you haven’t read the issue yet, proceed at your own risk! I have very little love for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story -- many things come off as arbitrary, but nothing more so than Darth Vader's "lava castle" on Mustafar. But as he has done since the beginning…
by Patrick Ehlers This article contains SPOILERS. If you haven’t read the issue yet, proceed at your own risk! I regularly make the claim that I "don't believe in spoilers." And that's like 90% true - if a work can be "spoiled" by learning one detail of what happens in it, it's probably not going to…
by Spencer Irwin This article contains SPOILERS. If you haven't read the issue yet, proceed at your own risk! When Mark Waid and Fiona Staples relaunched Archie a few years ago they had the daunting goal of modernizing the franchise without losing its classic charm, but one thing they didn't have to contend with was the influence…
by Michael DeLaney This article contains SPOILERS. If you haven’t read the issue yet, proceed at your own risk! I saw Ralph Breaks the Internet and I must say I was a little disappointed - maybe because as a Disney movie, it sugar coats the terrible underbelly of the World Wide Web. And while Marvel is…