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S. John Salivonchick, DMD, PC | Dental Blog
Dental insurance can be an incredible way to save money on care if you know how to use it up! Here are four tips to help.
It can sometimes be challenging to speak clearly with new dentures. Here’s how you can teach yourself to enunciate properly during the first month.
There are several factors that affect the cost of dentures. Read on to learn a few, as well as ways to reduce your treatment price.
Dental damage like a chipped tooth can be stressful, especially if you’re not sure where to turn. Will it heal on its own, or should you see a dentist?
It’s important to act quickly to save a knocked-out tooth. Here’s a step-by-step guide for maximizing your chances of having it successfully reimplanted.
Does seeing teenagers and young adults with clear aligners make you wonder if you’re too old for Invisalign? If so, keep reading!
If you’re interested in getting your dream smile for this summer, here are a few popular cosmetic dental treatments that can help you!
You might be surprised to learn that the quality of your oral health could substantially affect how your brain functions. Here’s what the research says
If you’re frustrated by discolored teeth, keep reading to learn about 3 types of stains and how your dentist can fix them!
If you have an injured tooth and need a dental crown, but don’t know how long it will last, continue reading to find out!
During regular check-ups, dentists conduct screenings for oral cancer. Keep reading to discover the methods they use for this examination.
Did you know that it’s possible to brush your teeth so hard that you injure your teeth? Keep reading to learn more about how to prevent it!
If you’re considering skipping your upcoming dental appointment, continue reading for 3 good reasons to keep it on the calendar!
Explore the numerous benefits of wearing a smile as we uncover 4 advantages, which contribute to your overall health and well-being.
Your biannual dental checkups offer broader coverage than you may expect. Here are 6 medical conditions that your dentist may discover.
Depression and anxiety affect the brain in different ways, lowering the desire for everyday activities. It can also wreak havoc on your oral health.
Though vaping has been lauded as a safer alternative to cigarettes, research shows that it’s just as bad for your oral health.
If you're dealing with discomfort in your gums, continue reading to explore 4 potential reasons why they may be irritated.
Don’t let your dental health suffer the consequences of your holiday travel plans. Here are 5 tips to keep your mouth healthy.
Brushing your teeth is essential for preventative care so it’s important to follow these 4 tips to store your toothbrush properly.
There are a few traditional drinks attached to the holidays, but some of them can be harsh on your smile. Here are a few festive culprits to watch out for.
There are few things more frightening than raw data, especially when it deals with oral health problems. Here are five scary dental statitstics!
There are some subjective traits of beautiful smiles that not everyone will agree on. These five have been scientifically proven again and again.
Gum disease is unpleasant, but nonetheless still interesting to read about. Since September is Gum Care Month, here are some tidbits about why you should take care of your mouth.
Your teeth being white doesn’t always mean that they are healthy. Here’s what you need to know about just how white your teeth should be.
While having a dentist on your side is vitally important, you should also understand a little bit about oral health problems on your own.
If you want your child to do their best in school, regular preventive care is important to making that happen. Here’s why.
If you have been waiting for the right time to get braces, here are the top reasons to invest in Invisalign this summer.
Cosmetic dentistry can take years off your appearance. Here are 4 options to turn back the clock using the latest advancements in dentistry.
Summer is a great time to travel or take a vacation, but don’t take a break from oral hygiene! Here are some easy tips to keep your smile healthy all summer.
Do others avoid interacting with you? You may be sending mixed messages. Read on to learn how you can become more friendly and approachable!
Kicking your summer off with a trip to your dentist is perhaps one of the best ways you can start your vacation. Here’s more about why.
If someone in your life is about to graduate, you should gift them a brighter and whiter smile with the help of cosmetic dentistry. Here’s how.
Your dentist can perform an oral cancer screening during your semi-annual cleaning and checkup to benefit from early detection.
Don’t blow your 2022 tax refund on a large purchase. Here are 3 ways to invest the extra cash in healthier teeth and gums.
Every tooth is important for your oral health, but there are 4 situations when you might need to have one removed to save your smile.
There are many myths about root canal therapy, but here are the facts you need to choose the best treatment for your smile.
Current studies show a link between gum disease and high blood pressure. To stay safe, learn more about the matter with a local dentist.
If you didn’t already know, February is American Heart Month! So, now’s a great time to boost your heart health with these key oral tips.
If you’re interested in a smile makeover, here are 4 important questions to ask your cosmetic dentist during your consultation.