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"Diamonds are the girls best friends" - Second.thought

Here I am again with a new article and oh surprise, about jewelry (!). For me, jewels are like clothes. We need them in all kind of styles, for every mood and every occasion! And from hanging around at L’Ink, I ended up developing the syndrome of cannotlivewithout. So I decided to focus on two brands available in the shop, each totally different from the other and of which I have not spoken of on Insta, nor on snap, not even on here actually. GAS This brand from Marseille founded by Mr. Gas barely less than 50 years ago and joined by his two children in the 90s, kept its artisanal philosophy. Handmade by sixty craftsmen, the colorful pieces from the french Maison of Haute Fantasie bring us sunshine and delicacy. The crimping, the qualitative raw materials and the exclusivity of the proposed jewelry make the GAS creations a safe bet, which unfortunately I can no longer go without… For the record, the pieces are made on a just-in-time basis, which means there is no stock and once a series is produced, it will not be reproduced. Conversely, if a collection should make a flop, the pieces return right away to the factory where they are reinvented. Nice, right ? What I like about it, is the variety of pieces and their bohemian/chic look. To enhance a sober look or otherwise accentuate a boho style. Bracelets, earrings and rings, among others, offer the opportunity to play with the materials and colors. I have put a small collection of those that have caught my eye. Special mention for the earrings with feathers with give me the impression of being an Indian goddess (just that). « You can own to earth and still, all you own is earth until, you can paint with all the colors of the wind…» Big Up Pocahontas. TI SENTO Unlike the colorful pieces of the brand GAS, those of TI SENTO offer a multitude of handmade jewelry without glue. A true work of fine jewelry combined with more affordable materials, allowing to offer jewelry at prices that could not be more accessible. I was immediately seduced by the simplicity of the Milanese pieces and the precision of the finishing. You see right away that the jewelry is of excellent quality and that they won’t lose their stones after the first weeks. Like many of us, I’m a fan of assembling thin rings. But the fact of wanting several small rings has its price. Well, nay ! At TI SENTO they know how to get us addicted. It takes an average of CHF 50 for the ring in silver and zircon. Something to play with, change and shift according to our moods. The long necklaces and bracelets, are also very elegant and timeless. Worn alone to conserve a pure and sophisticated look, or multiple for a more modern and rock look.   What did I tell you? Needless to choose! Both brands will have something to find their place under the christmas tree. All collections are available at L’Ink in Neuchâtel www.l-ink.ch

Sportive resolution - Second.thought

Who says new year, says hearty meal, family reunions and above all, resolutions. Who has not once pronounced THE sentence of the 1st January, when the guilt of having engulfed turkey on turkey leaves us no other choice but to affirm very seriously: « This year, it’s decided, I start to work out and stick to it! » Except that after two weeks of inconsiderable efforts (hum), the urge to fast largely exceeded the need to sweat. Well no! Not this time. In 2017, we stand firm. Even if it’s hard, even if it’s cold, even if we prefer watching shopping queens on TV, no escape. What if I told you that there is an additional reason to start (in addition to the figure, the body and spirit)? Fashion obviously! Sport has become trendy and that’s pretty cool. No matter the kind of sport, each discipline will find a suitable match. For my part, since May 2016, I alternate weekly an hour of body pump, spinning, yoga and a one hour lesson with my coach Alizée, who knew how to accomplish the unthinkable : she gave me the taste to sweat. So yes, it was difficult. After stopping to breastfeed, I gained weight without realizing it. And i won’t hide that the first results took an eternity to show up besides that I am still far from my objectives. But I’m starting to feel good and just for that it was worth it. Look-wise, I recently discovered a nice collection of pieces on the site of La Redoute. Quality clothes that let the skin breathe and in which I am free to move. All that at very affordable prices. The cuts and materials are carefully selected by the stylists of this French Maison founded in 1837 (crazy right?) make them one of my best partners to accompany me in this new life ritual, and to take pleasure in it. But let’s stop arguing, and judge for yourself.

How to select a bag? - Second.thought

My first designer bag dates from the birth of my daughter. I urgently needed a big bag in which I could slip diapers, nursing bottle, pacifier, blanket, spare clothes, bibs, small pots and so on…#livemymomlife. If I tell you that, its because I’ve often been asked the same question : how do you select a bag? For me, it’s really the accessory in which I will invest. A quality bag enhances any outfit. So it doesn’t need to be brand marked, but it absolutely needs to be leather for the simple and good reason that it’s a material that will age well unlike leather imitation or plastic. Before you select a bag, I think about what I need. Convenient? Comfortable? Elegant? On what occasions will I have the opportunity to wear it most often? Because when you had to save for months, you will not necessarily choose a model that will spend two-thirds of the time of the year in the closet. Let it live! For example, over the years I have realized that as a mom the practical aspect plays a vital role. A bag that you can only hold in your hand has become redhibitory. It has to be possible to hang it on the shoulder to have both hands free (already that we would need four hands…). As for the color, for an iconic model like the unmistakable Timeless, I would advise black since it’s the easiest color to wear and least delicate. Obviously, if you are part of the lucky ones to already have some, all colors are allowed. But for a first piece, black is a sure bet. This summer I wanted to dare and it was Zalando who gave me the opportunity. I wanted a cool and colorful bag that could bring color to my often monochrome outfits. Vanessa Bruno (yes, the creator of the famous rhinestone shopping bag) launched a model in carmin red to fall for! In studded suede, this shoulder strap version is ideal for the weekend. It’s not very big but allows you to carry your essentials. Besides, Zalando had the good idea to help the undecided ones in their choice thanks to their bag guide. After selecting the size, the page redirects us to five categories grouping backpacks, pouches, shopping bags and shoulder bags among others. A playful way to give you a boost in the selection of whoever will become your most faithful companion. Shoes: Navyboot // Slim: Zara // Blazer: Zara // Bag: Vanessa Bruno

Nextime - Second.thought

You are starting to know me, and for this you probably know that I love Jewelry. I don’t like much costume jewelry unless they really have got something special. The ones I love are the ones that have real gems, not plastic. Or made with precious metals that allow me to forget them without having to fear that they lose their color. That’s why lately I have been wearing the pieces of the creator of Nextime, Valérie Gioria. This mother of two, stylist/seamstress by profession, launched her own silver jewelry collection in 2007. The bracelets and rings made of little silver pearls mounted on thread immediately became successful. Carried out in her own workshop, each bracelet is available in the color of your choice. For me the big + of her creations is the traditional aspect. Valérie makes each one of her pieces. On top of it the pearls she uses are in 925 silver which allows you to wear them without the risk that they lose their magnificence. All of that for a very affordable price. Couldn’t ask for more. Valérie received me in her workshop of Hauterive in Switzerland. I was immediately delighted by her bright and shiny eyes but also and mostly by the beautiful universe she had to offer behind the door to her showroom. I had lots of pleasure discovering the collection of Nextime. The subtile of her pieces illuminate the beautiful place. The perfectionism of the mistress of the property is present in everything she touches. I’d add great care for detail and refinement Her collection is presented on the website www.nextime.ch and I can already predict some of you falling for it! Unfortunately the deliveries outside of Switzerland aren’t possible. But for you that do not live in our country, I’ll do myself a pleasure to be your distributor. If you should like a piece, contact me by the entry form on my page (under contact). For all of you that want to give it a chance, don’t miss out on the contest on my Instagram where you can win the lead model of the brand: the thread bracelet Nextime

Emma&Chloé - Second.thought

Every month, it’s the same story. I impatiently scrutinize my mail, I wait for the postman, long story short – I’m on edge. Where is it, and especially what does it contain? The box from Emma & Chloé knows how to be desired. It’s already four months that I’ve been subscribed to this little black box that hides beautiful treasures. The premise is simple: EUR 19.90 + EUR 3.- postage, to be delivered each month with jewelry from the French designer ranging from 40 up to 140 Euro. Obviously, depending on the package chosen, the monthly price will be different. Before enrolling, few questions are asked, such as the type of metal you prefer (white gold, yellow gold or no preference) and if your ears are pierced. And then you wait until the box arrives. What I think of it : I am one of those who loves surprises. I’m not a big fan of postal workers who have the annoying tendency to slip only mountains of advertising or bills … So when I received a small package, it has a way to put me in a good mood, whatever there is inside. Personally, I wanted to be surprised and have pierced ears. Gold or silver, whatever. In 3 months, on 3 jewels, there are two that I wear regularly. The 3rd convinced me a little less, but that’s the game. Also, I really appreciate the fact that these are designer pieces that all deserve to be highlighted. Afterwards, it takes for all tastes, and the jewel of the month will not appeal to every subscriber, but it surely will in the following month. And just for the surprise, for just 20Euros per month, the concept is well worth the effort. www.emma-chloe.com

The Bomber - Second.thought

Since I fell in love with the Zara bomber seen on Caroline Receveur, my obsessive inner self kept telling me the same thing : You need a bomber and you need it now. But oh well, after hours spent on the web, I had to give in to the evidence : None met my requirements. Frustrated and helpless (and I weigh my words) I had to admit to myself that I had been defeated (!). A few weeks later, and the bomber almost forgotten (yes almost) it was as a loving young couple, relieved of any offspring that my husband and I went to walk the streets of Neuchâtel. What a liberty to go shopping without having to run behind my minime, who is determined to turn my shopping tour into an education course (it was probably a mother in despair that decided to create the fist online shop…) Zara, H&M, Collection, and… Supremo. A pretty little boutique in a street full of charm. A store not too big, but full of quality pieces, which to my great misfortune (and the one of my husband) were almost all fitting… It was just before leaving the store, I noticed a descending staircase… « End-of-series you say? » Not one, not two and there I was in the basement. And there, quietly waiting for me, THE bomber, the one of my dreams, the one I had been looking for so long (ok, maybe I’m exaggerating a bit). There was only one left, my size on top of it and at a price defying all competition! It was a sign that he was made for me. It was the bombed torso with an affirmed step and the chin up, that I exited the store triumphantly, my beautiful bag with such a precious content. If you too are corroded by the uncontrollable urge to own THE bomber, perhaps I can help you out by sharing my findings below, resulting from long nights of insomnia. And don’t hesitate to tell me if you found your happiness.